A question about path independence and curl of a vector field

In summary: on the other hand the motion of a satellite orbiting the earth is not exact, but the gravitational force between the earth and the satellite is still a closed differential.
  • #1
If the curl of a vector field is zero, then we can that the vector field is path independent. But there are cases where this is not true, I was wondering how?
Whats the explanation for this? Thanks in advance for any help.

- harsh
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  • #2
There may be continuity requirements for the field to make the statement absolutely true (from memory it follows from Stokes' Theorem). However, in any physically well-behaved system, that will usually be true.
  • #3
If you've got a singularity in your velocity field, the quantity "curl" (i.e, local angular velocity) might be zero everywhere in the domain, yet the circulation around the singularity might still be non-zero.
As an examle, consider the velocity field associated with a 2-D point vortex:
The curl is then:

However, the circulation on a (circular) path of radius R containing the origin is:

The interpretation is as follows:
Place a small paddlewheel with a vertical pole in it some distance from the vortex (the origin). The paddle-wheel will of course circle about the origin, BUT IT WILL NOT ROTATE ABOUT ITS OWN AXIS, due to zero curl..
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  • #4
I believe this is usually stated by saying that the path along which you integrate must all be within simply connected region in which the vector function is continuous with continuous first derivatives.
A region is simply connected if any loop you can form in it can be 'capped' by a plane which does not leave the region.
  • #5
the simplest example (and the simplest way to describe it) is dtheta, the angle form about the orign.

here is an answer to the same question from another thread. (if they post multiple questions, i hope i may be forgiven for posting multiple answers.)

there is a special class of integrals, i.e. differential forms, that DO give the same integral over any path joining the same two points. these are called "exact" differentials, and are precisely those of form df for some function in that region, i.e. a gradient.

another related concept is of a "closed" differential, one such that its curl is zero. these are in fact the same as the exact differentials in any "simply connected" region.

thus to measure how far a region is from being simply connected, one can ask how many closed differentials in it fail to be exact.

for example, if we remove n points from the plane, there will still be exactly an n dimensional vector space of closed forms in that region, after we consider all exact forms to be zero.

\this measuring device is a big tool in topology called derham cohomology.

work done by gravity for example is exact so does not depend on the path taken by the object.

FAQ: A question about path independence and curl of a vector field

1. What is path independence?

Path independence refers to the property of a vector field where the line integral along any two paths between two points is equal. This means that the value of the line integral does not depend on the specific path taken, but only on the starting and ending points.

2. How is path independence related to work and conservative forces?

In physics, work is defined as the line integral of a force over a path. A conservative force is one where the work done is independent of the path taken. Therefore, a path independent vector field is associated with a conservative force.

3. What is the significance of a vector field being path independent?

A path independent vector field has a number of practical applications in physics and engineering. It allows for simplification of calculations and makes it easier to analyze the behavior of a system. It also helps in identifying conservative forces and determining the work done on an object.

4. What is the mathematical representation of path independence?

The mathematical representation of path independence is given by the curl of the vector field being equal to zero. This means that the vector field is irrotational, i.e. the curl of the vector field at any point is the same regardless of the path taken to reach that point.

5. Can a vector field be both path independent and conservative?

Yes, a vector field that is path independent is also conservative. However, the converse is not necessarily true. A vector field can be conservative but not path independent, as long as the line integral between two points is equal along all paths but not necessarily zero.
