Rare Phenomenon: What Happens When 2 Sperm Fertilize the Same Egg?

In summary, when two sperm fertilize the same egg at the exact same time, it is extremely rare due to the egg's membrane preventing polyspermy. If it does occur, it would result in a chromosome abnormality and the cell would not survive. This can lead to a partial hydatidiform mole or immediate cell death. In plants, triploid offspring can sometimes survive, but they are unable to reproduce sexually due to complications in meiosis.
  • #1

Quick Q. What happens when 2 sperm fertilize the same egg? Obviously it's extremely rare due the sodium ion channel's ability to quickly change the electric potential across the egg's membrane, preventing polyspermy.

But what would happen if two sperm nailed the egg at EXACTLY the same time?

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  • #2
this interests me. Though i honestly don't know much about it. well anything beyond meiosis and the chromosome diseases.

But your question seems a lot like klinefelter/jacobs where u have a double male Y chromosome.

and well you can study up on those syndromes.

but don't take my word for this. i have no idea if this is how they get it or not.
  • #3
Nothing would happen. Due to the chromosome abnormality (triploid instead of diploid), the cell wouldn't survive.
  • #4
You might end up with immediate cell death or if the cell persists, you might get a partial hydatidiform mole arising from diandry (two haploid sperms fertilising a haploid ovum giving a triploid zygote).
  • #5
Curious3141 said:
You might end up with immediate cell death or if the cell persists, you might get a partial hydatidiform mole arising from diandry (two haploid sperms fertilising a haploid ovum giving a triploid zygote).
Oh, I forgot about moles. Scary because of their correlation to uterine cancer, not to mention that you think you're pregnant and find out it's a nasty clump of tumor-like cells, and a year-long wait before you're allowed to try again.
  • #6
In plants, this actually happens sometimes. The offspring ends up triploid, so it sometimes dies, but triploid plants can survive sometimes. They just can't reproduce sexually because everything gets messed up in meiosis.

FAQ: Rare Phenomenon: What Happens When 2 Sperm Fertilize the Same Egg?

1. What is a rare phenomenon?

A rare phenomenon is an event or occurrence that happens very infrequently, making it uncommon or unusual.

2. Can 2 sperm fertilize the same egg?

Yes, in rare cases, 2 sperm can fertilize the same egg. This is known as dispermism and can result in a rare type of twins called "semi-identical" or "sesquizygotic" twins.

3. How does dispermism occur?

Dispermism occurs when 2 sperm enter the egg at the same time, either due to a mishap during fertilization or due to abnormalities in the egg's membrane.

4. What are the chances of dispermism happening?

The chances of dispermism occurring are very low, estimated to be 1 in every 13,000 pregnancies. However, the actual number may be higher as many cases may go undetected.

5. Are semi-identical twins genetically identical?

No, semi-identical twins are not genetically identical. They share the same genetic material from their mother, but have different genetic material from their father, making them similar but not identical genetically.
