Calculation of Moments of Inertia

In summary, Bri explains that to calculate moments of inertia for solid objects, you need to integrate. She provides an equation and example for calculating the rotational inertia of a thin plate rotated about an axis perpendicular to the plate and through the center of mass.
  • #1
A uniform thin solid door has height 2.20 m, width .870 m, and mass 23.0 kg. Find its moment of inertia for rotation on its hinges. Is any piece of data unnecessary?

So far, I don't understand how to calculate moments of inertia for things like this at all. I can do a system of particles, but when it comes to any ridgid objects, such as this door or rods or cylinders, I don't get it.
So basically I have no idea where to even start with this.
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  • #2
Ok. Here is the moment of inertia equation for a, thin rectangular sheet, axis along one edge. (This is the door, hinge on one side)

I = (1/3)(mass)(length)^2

Length is the Width that you are given in the equation.

You should be able to get it from there.
  • #3
My book is open to the page with your answer this very second:) Mine has it different than the preceding post though, if you're curious, says the MOI of a rectangular thin plate of length l and width w is (1/12)(mass)(l^2+w^2) if that helps at all

Also, my book handily lists how to find the MOI of a variety of objects like that, so I could only guess yours might too
  • #4
Can you calculate

[tex]I = \int_V r^2 \rho dV[/tex]


If you can't, you'll have to either learn how to or look up the formula in a book.

  • #5
schattenjaeger said:
My book is open to the page with your answer this very second:) Mine has it different than the preceding post though, if you're curious, says the MOI of a rectangular thin plate of length l and width w is (1/12)(mass)(l^2+w^2) if that helps at all
That's the rotational inertia of a thin plate rotated about an axis perpendicular to the plate and through the center of mass. That's not what's needed here.

For this problem, Nonok gave the correct formula.
  • #6
Bri said:
So far, I don't understand how to calculate moments of inertia for things like this at all. I can do a system of particles, but when it comes to any ridgid objects, such as this door or rods or cylinders, I don't get it.
So basically I have no idea where to even start with this.
Bri, to calculate moments of inertia for solid objects, you need to integrate. Start here for some examples:
  • #8
What about if the density varies with the radius? inversely I mean. what would you integrate then... hypothetically speaking?
  • #9
Warmoth said:
What about if the density varies with the radius? inversely I mean. what would you integrate then... hypothetically speaking?
The setup of the integral would be exactly the same. But solving it would be harder. :smile:
  • #10
First of all, thanks to everyone for your input.

Justin Lazear said:
Can you calculate

[tex]I = \int_V r^2 \rho dV[/tex]


If you can't, you'll have to either learn how to or look up the formula in a book.


I can do integration, but that equation there doesn't really make any sense to me...
What is the V? Is it supposed to be a definite integral from V to... something?
Other than the V thing, wouldn't it be [tex]r^2 \rho V[/tex]? (r and [tex]\rho[/tex] are constants, right?)

On the site Doc Al linked to (, they kind of lose me on the integration for the cylinder and the sphere...
On the first page it says to integrate [tex]r^2 dm[/tex] over the mass, from 0 to M. Then they don't do that for the cylinder and sphere. I don't really understand what they do, though.
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  • #11
[itex]\rho[/itex] is not necessarily a constant. It could just as well depend on position.

V is the volume of whatever you're trying to find the moment of inertia for. The V under the integral is just a notation saying you have to choose your limits of integration such that you integrate over the entire volume. The dV is just notation saying that this is a volume integral, and that dV will be replaced by the volume differentials appropriate for your coordinates. For instance, dV for cartesian coordinates is just dx dy dz. For spherical coordinates, we have [itex]r^2 \sin{\theta} dr d\theta d\phi[/itex].

Refer to a calculus textbook for more.

As for your question about dm, [itex]dm = \rho dV[/itex]. The mass density times a bit of volume gives you the bit of mass.


FAQ: Calculation of Moments of Inertia

What is moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. It is determined by the object's mass, shape, and distribution of mass.

How is moment of inertia calculated?

Moment of inertia is calculated by integrating the mass of each particle in an object multiplied by its distance from the axis of rotation squared. This can be represented by the equation I = ∫r²dm.

What is the difference between moment of inertia and mass?

Moment of inertia is a property of an object's mass distribution and its resistance to changes in rotational motion. Mass, on the other hand, is simply a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

Why is moment of inertia important in physics?

Moment of inertia is important in physics because it helps us understand how objects will behave when they are rotating. It is a crucial factor in determining an object's angular acceleration and the amount of torque needed to cause rotational motion.

How does moment of inertia affect the stability of an object?

The moment of inertia of an object affects its stability by determining how easily it can be rotated. Objects with a higher moment of inertia will be more stable and less likely to tip over, while objects with a lower moment of inertia will be less stable and more susceptible to tipping over.
