Suppose there is an extra compact dimension, and suppose

In summary, Kaluza-Klein theory proposes the existence of an extra compact spatial dimension in addition to the familiar three dimensions. Matter is described as a 3-dimensional surface moving in these 4 spatial dimensions in a cyclical manner. The shape of this surface determines the physics. As observers, we only perceive the three dimensions of x, y, and z. At a given instant, matter is distributed in 4-space, appearing as a 2-dimensional surface in 3-space. The theory was originally intended to unify electromagnetism and gravity, but has fallen out of favor due to its treatment of fermions and the prediction of a hypothetical particle, the dilaton, that has not been observed. However, it has influenced many
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Gold Member
Suppose there is an extra compact spatial dimension in addition to familiar space dimensions x, y, and z. Let us suppose that matter is some kind of 3 dimensional surface moving in these 4 spatial dimensions, 4-space, in some cyclical manner. Let us suppose that from the shape of the surface we can get physics. Assume as an observer we ourselves are some complicated 3 dimensional surface in 4-space. Now as observers we only notice the dimensions x, y, and z. At a given instant matter is "distributed" about in 4-space so that in 3-space at a given instant matter is but a 2 dimensional surface in 3-space. Matter is nowhere and in time everywhere.

Thanks for any thoughts or help making this more interesting.
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  • #3
Kaluza-Klein theory:–Klein_theoryIt was originally formulated as a way to geometrically unify electromagnetism with gravity. Solving the Einstein field equations in 4+1 dimensions (where one of the spatial dimensions is periodic) gives the 10 original EFEs for 3+1 dimensions along with Maxwell’s equations. There’s also an extra scalar equation that predicts the existence of a hypothetical particle called the dilaton which has never been observed. KK theory has fallen somewhat out of favor because it only treats fermions in an ad hoc manner, but it is an important jumping off point for many modern beyond-Standard-Model theories that incorporate dimensional compactification.
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FAQ: Suppose there is an extra compact dimension, and suppose

What is a compact dimension?

A compact dimension is a theoretical concept in physics that suggests there may be additional dimensions beyond the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we experience in our daily lives. These dimensions are thought to be "compact" or curled up so small that we cannot perceive them with our senses or current technology.

How would an extra compact dimension affect our understanding of the universe?

If there were an extra compact dimension, it would significantly impact our understanding of the universe. It could help explain phenomena that are currently unexplained, such as dark matter and dark energy. It could also change the way we understand gravity and the behavior of particles at the smallest scales.

Is there any evidence for the existence of an extra compact dimension?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of an extra compact dimension. However, some theories, such as string theory, suggest the possibility of multiple dimensions. Scientists are still exploring ways to test and gather evidence for these theories.

How could we detect an extra compact dimension?

One way to potentially detect an extra compact dimension is through high-energy experiments, such as those conducted at the Large Hadron Collider. If there is an extra dimension, it could affect the behavior of particles in these experiments, providing evidence for its existence.

What would be the implications of confirming the existence of an extra compact dimension?

If an extra compact dimension were confirmed, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and could lead to new technologies and advancements in physics. It would also open up new areas of research and potentially answer many unanswered questions in physics.
