What is Thinking? Theories & Content Explored

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In summary: Thanks for your input!In summary, the brain is collecting data from reading, observing, interacting, listening etc and then is shuffling these data sets to form new ones. Then it checks it against reality and stores whatever works, and discards whatever doesn't work or is useless. Then it tries to combine the new data sets again with whatever worked before to form even newer data sets. Then repeat.
  • #1
Does anyone know a mechanistic, physical theory of the process of thinking? It seems to involve observation - emotion and so much more, that I have no handle on it.

The only theories I have heard are not physical but involve some spiritual or quantum tunneling out of spacetime and into a nether world of Hilbert possibility. These are usually (and probably rightfully) decried as pseudoscience.

Also, besides the process of thinking, which I'm "thinking" of as analogious to the envelope, what can be said about the thought itself, i.e. the content of the letter?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #3
Sorry! said:
I'm sure this should probably go into the philosophy forums.
Anyways here's an old thread about:


pretty good information in there.

Yes, good info from a philosophical standpoint, but I was asking more from a physical standpoint. Wondering if new techniques in imaging etc. have revealed the mechanics of thought?
  • #4
The brain is collecting a lot of data such from reading, observing, interacting, listening etc, and then is shuffling these data sets to form new ones. Then it checks it against reality and stores whatever works, and discards whatever doesn't work or is useless. Then it tries to combine the new data sets again with whatever worked before to form even newer data sets. Then repeat.
  • #5
waht said:
The brain is collecting a lot of data such from reading, observing, interacting, listening etc, and then is shuffling these data sets to form new ones. Then it checks it against reality and stores whatever works, and discards whatever doesn't work or is useless. Then it tries to combine the new data sets again with whatever worked before to form even newer data sets. Then repeat.

Yeah,that would be a good answer, IF the brain had executive power. What you ascribe to the brain is more like the will, but nobody knows what that is.
  • #6
A theory of elementary "stream segregation", a form of auditory object recognition:

Micheyl C., Tian B., Carlyon R.P., Rauschecker J.P. (2005) Perceptual organization of sound sequences in the auditory cortex of awake macaques. Neuron 6, 139-148
Paper at http://www.tc.umn.edu/~cmicheyl/publis.html
Cool demos at http://www.tc.umn.edu/~cmicheyl/demos.html A review of theories of "decision making":

Wang X-J (2008)
Decision making in recurrent neuronal circuits
Neuron 60: 215-234
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  • #7
look up 'logical programming' or 'prolog'. that should give you some idea of what the brain is doing.

as for the question of 'will', it would be better to think in terms of 'drives'. the first drive is curiosity. it would be nice if we had a 'work' drive. then we could get up in the moring and say 'yay, I get to go to work today' but we dont. work seems to be an afterthought. something that we just do so we can then afford to do the things we really enjoy.
  • #8
granpa said:
look up 'logical programming' or 'prolog'. that should give you some idea of what the brain is doing.

as for the question of 'will', it would be better to think in terms of 'drives'. the first drive is curiosity. it would be nice if we had a 'work' drive. then we could get up in the moring and say 'yay, I get to go to work today' but we dont. work seems to be an afterthought. something that we just do so we can then afford to do the things we really enjoy.

Thanks everyone for your responses. I am still reviewing them, but I'm confident that I will know more soon than when I first asked the questions.

BTW granpa, I think we work for recognition.. a stroke of the old ego, yeah and also to keep the rats from our food..and the rain and cold from soaking our cardboard beds.

FAQ: What is Thinking? Theories & Content Explored

1. What is the definition of thinking?

Thinking refers to the cognitive process of using mental processes to organize information, make sense of experiences, and solve problems. It involves the use of perception, memory, and reasoning to understand the world around us and make decisions.

2. Are there different types of thinking?

Yes, there are various types of thinking, including critical thinking, creative thinking, analytical thinking, and divergent thinking. Each type involves different cognitive processes and is used for different purposes.

3. What are some theories of thinking?

Some popular theories of thinking include the dual-process theory, which suggests that there are two systems of thinking - one automatic and intuitive, and the other controlled and deliberate. Other theories include the problem-solving approach and the concept of metacognition.

4. How does thinking develop in humans?

Thinking develops through a combination of genetic and environmental influences. Children start to think critically and creatively at a young age, but their thinking skills continue to develop and mature throughout adolescence and into adulthood.

5. Can thinking be improved?

Yes, thinking skills can be improved through practice and deliberate effort. Engaging in activities that challenge the mind, such as puzzles and problem-solving tasks, can help to strengthen cognitive processes and improve overall thinking abilities.

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