Escape Velocity and Short-Distance Space Travel: Understanding the Science

In summary, the space shuttle needs to achieve escape velocity in order to travel to other planets or moons. This is because the potential energy at an "infinite distance" is zero, and it becomes useful when you get into the math.
  • #1
can someone please help:

i know escape velocity is the velocity you need to give an object for it exit the pull of the Earth and travel an infinite distance away from earth.

now let's say you have a space shuttle that you need to take to Mars or the moon or something. why would you need to give it the escape velocity when you're only going a few million kilometres and not anywhere near an "infinite distance" away?

so how does that make sense?
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  • #2
ow let's say you have a space shuttle that you need to take to Mars or the moon or something. why would you need to give it the escape velocity when you're only going a few million kilometres and not anywhere near an "infinite distance" away?
It doesn't matter where/how far you are going. You just need that velocity to escape the gravitational attraction so it won't fall back down. From there is up to the space shuttle where to go.

Dont use "infinite distance away from earth", you'll confuse yourself. For simplicity sake, it should be finite distance.
  • #3
thanks, but i still don't quite understand.

what will happen if you launch with escape velocity (and without propulsion). in wikipedia it says you'll get infinitely far away, but you say it doesn't matter.
  • #4
blackcat said:
can someone please help:

i know escape velocity is the velocity you need to give an object for it exit the pull of the Earth and travel an infinite distance away from earth.

now let's say you have a space shuttle that you need to take to Mars or the moon or something. why would you need to give it the escape velocity when you're only going a few million kilometres and not anywhere near an "infinite distance" away?

so how does that make sense?

It turns out that you use up most of the escape velocity while you are still very close to the Earth. For instance, While you don't need to achieve full escape velocity (11.2 km/sec) to reach the distance of the Moon, you do need 9.76 km/sec. If you then also want to match the Moon's orbital velocity it jumps up to 10.76 km/sec. In just getting to the Moon you have to almost achieve escape velocity. Going much past the Moon means having to get even closer to escape velocity. After a point, you are having to come so close to escape velocity that the difference doesn't matter.
  • #5
The "infinite distance" comes from the reasoning that the potential energy at an infinity is zero. This becomes useful when you get into the math
  • #6
ok thanks for your help guys.

FAQ: Escape Velocity and Short-Distance Space Travel: Understanding the Science

1. What is escape velocity?

Escape velocity is the minimum speed that an object needs to reach in order to escape the gravitational pull of a massive body, such as a planet or a star. It is a measure of the energy needed to break free from the gravitational force.

2. How is escape velocity calculated?

The formula for calculating escape velocity is v = √(2GM/r), where v is the escape velocity, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the massive body, and r is the distance from the center of the massive body to the object.

3. Can escape velocity be achieved on Earth?

Yes, escape velocity can be achieved on Earth. The escape velocity on Earth is approximately 11.2 km/s. This means that any object traveling at a speed of 11.2 km/s or faster will be able to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and escape into space.

4. What factors affect escape velocity?

The factors that affect escape velocity include the mass and size of the massive body, the distance from the center of the massive body, and the mass of the object trying to escape. The more massive the massive body, the higher the escape velocity, and the closer the object is to the center of the massive body, the lower the escape velocity.

5. Why is escape velocity important?

Escape velocity is important for space travel and understanding the motion of objects in space. It helps scientists determine the minimum speed needed for a spacecraft to leave Earth and travel to other planets or objects in the solar system. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the formation and dynamics of galaxies and other celestial bodies.
