Solving Gauss's Law Problems: Infinite Sheet & Slab of Charge

In summary, the problem involves an infinite nonconducting sheet of charge with a negative area density and an infinite conducting slab with a positive net charge per unit area, both oriented perpendicular to the x-axis. Using Gauss' Law, the net x-component of the electric field is calculated at various positions (x = -1, 1, 2.5, and 6 cm). For the surface charge densities on the left and right faces of the conducting slab, the electric field is used to determine the values, with the concept of charge conservation applied. The student expresses uncertainty about their approach but ultimately arrives at the correct solutions.
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Homework Statement
An infinite nonconducting sheet of charge, oriented perpendicular to the x-axis,passes through x = 0. It has area density σ1 = -3 µC/m2. A thick, infinite conducting slab, also oriented perpendicular to the x-axis, occupies the region between x = a and x = b, where a = 2 cm and b = 3 cm. The conducting slab has a net charge per unit area of σ2 = 5 µC/m2.

(a) Calculate the net x-component of the electric field at the following positions: x = -1, 1, 2.5 and 6 cm.
(b) Calculate the surface charge densities on the left-hand (σa) and right-hand (σb) faces of the conducting slab.You may also find it useful to note the relationship between σa and σb.

Homework Equations

Gauss' Law E = σ/2*epsilon

The Attempt at a Solution

-- For x = -1 cm, I summed the two individual electric fields. For the sheet I said the electric field would be positive since the sheet's charge is negative so the field lines are going in the positive x direction (towards the sheet). For the slab I said the electric field was negative since the slab had positive charge, so the field lines are going away from the slab (i.e. in the negative x direction)
-- For x = 1 cm, same logic. I summed both individual fields again. This time both were negative since field lines for both the sheet and the slab were headed in the negative x direction.
-- For x = 2.5 cm, the electric field is zero since it is within the conductor and conductors have zero electric fields within them.
-- For x = 6 cm, I only used the electric field of the slab, since I thought it would block the field of the sheet. However I said it had a sigma of 2 µC/m2, since 3 µC/m2 had to be on the left side to balance out the -3 µC/m2 of the sheet.

Since σ = E*epsilon, I multiplied the value of the electric field at 1 cm by epsilon to get the value of σa. I said the charge was positive since it had to counteract the negative area density of the sheet. For σb, I used charge conservation (i.e. 5 - σa).

My question to everything above is: is my logic correct? I really had no idea on how to do the problem so I started taking wild guesses and plugging in numbers. Thankfully all the answers above are right, but come time for a test I want to KNOW how to do the problem, rather than rely on blind luck. Thank in advance for correcting any of my incorrect thinking!
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  • #2

typeinnocent said:
-- For x = 6 cm, I only used the electric field of the slab, since I thought it would block the field of the sheet. However I said it had a sigma of 2 µC/m2, since 3 µC/m2 had to be on the left side to balance out the -3 µC/m2 of the sheet.

... My question to everything above is: is my logic correct? I really had no idea on how to do the problem so I started taking wild guesses and plugging in numbers. Thankfully all the answers above are right, but come time for a test I want to KNOW how to do the problem, rather than rely on blind luck. Thank in advance for correcting any of my incorrect thinking!

Conceptually maybe you should probably think more in terms of Gauss Law and "canceling" of charges insofar as you might construct a surface that transects the two planes of charge and are summing what's within. In which case, it's not so much a matter of "blocking" anything so much as merely considering the total charge within your closed surface.

Otherwise, your choice of wording aside, you seem to grasp the material maybe better than you think.
  • #3

Your approach to solving this problem is mostly correct. However, there are a few things that could be improved upon.

First, when calculating the electric field due to the sheet of charge, you should use the formula E = σ/2ε instead of E = σε. The latter is missing a factor of 2 in the denominator, which will result in incorrect values for the electric field.

Second, when calculating the electric field at x = -1 cm and x = 1 cm, you should take into account the fact that the electric field due to the sheet of charge will be constant at all points along the x-axis. This means that the electric field due to the sheet will be the same at both x = -1 cm and x = 1 cm, and you can simply multiply this value by 2 to get the total electric field at these points.

Third, for x = 6 cm, you are correct in saying that the electric field due to the sheet will be blocked by the conducting slab. However, the value of the electric field due to the slab will not be 2 µC/m2, as you have calculated. Instead, you should use the formula E = σ/ε to calculate the electric field due to the slab, since it is a conductor. This will give you a value of 5 µC/m2, which you can use to calculate the total electric field at x = 6 cm.

Finally, for part B, you are correct in using the formula σ = Eε to calculate the surface charge density on the left-hand and right-hand faces of the conducting slab. However, you should use the total electric field at x = 1 cm (which you calculated correctly in part A) to calculate the surface charge density on the left-hand face, and the electric field due to the slab (which you calculated correctly in part A) to calculate the surface charge density on the right-hand face. This will give you values of σa = -2.5 µC/m2 and σb = 7.5 µC/m2.

In conclusion, your approach to solving this problem is mostly correct, but there are a few minor errors that should be corrected. Overall, your understanding of Gauss's Law and electric fields is good. Keep practicing and you will become more confident in solving these types of problems.

FAQ: Solving Gauss's Law Problems: Infinite Sheet & Slab of Charge

1. What is Gauss's Law and why is it important in physics?

Gauss's Law is a fundamental law in physics that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the enclosed electric charge. It is important because it allows us to calculate the electric field at a point due to a distribution of charges, which is crucial in understanding the behavior of electric charges and designing electrical devices.

2. How do I identify if a problem involves an infinite sheet or slab of charge?

An infinite sheet of charge is a theoretical scenario where the charge distribution extends infinitely in two dimensions, while a slab of charge is a more realistic scenario where the charge distribution extends infinitely in one dimension. To identify these types of problems, look for symmetries in the charge distribution, such as infinite length or infinite surface area.

3. How do I set up the Gaussian surface in these types of problems?

In these types of problems, the Gaussian surface is typically a closed surface that has the same symmetry as the charge distribution. For an infinite sheet of charge, the Gaussian surface can be a cylinder or a rectangular box, while for a slab of charge, it can be a sphere or a cube.

4. Can I apply Gauss's Law to any charge distribution?

No, Gauss's Law is only applicable to charge distributions with a high degree of symmetry. In cases where the charge distribution does not have a specific symmetry, other methods such as Coulomb's Law or integration may be used to calculate the electric field.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving Gauss's Law problems?

One common mistake is using the wrong Gaussian surface, which can result in incorrect calculations. Another mistake is not taking into account the direction of the electric field, as Gauss's Law only gives the magnitude of the electric field. It is also important to pay attention to the units used, as they can greatly affect the final result.
