How To Create Micropump Using Miniature Motor (Cannot contact liquid)

In summary, the individual is seeking help in designing a micropump using a mini dc motor. The pump needs to be able to extract small amounts of liquid (approximately 50 microliters) through a small tube (diameter 0.2 cm or 2 mm) without the liquid passing through the motor. They are open to any ideas for creating a pulling or extracting mechanism, with the suggestion of using a fixed displacement compressor or magneto-hydrodynamics. The pump is intended to be part of a medical device.
  • #1
Hi I am having a little trouble designing a micropump out of a mini dc motor-it needs to be able to extract small amounts of liquid (approximately 50 microliters) through a small tube (diameter 0.2 cm or 2 mm) without having the liquid pass through it. Is there any way I can use the motor to create some sort pull or vacuum at the end of the tube to pull the liquid through the tube? I am also open to any other ideas that would help me design a pulling or extracting mechanism using this miniature motor. Basically, I am hoping to create this pump as part of the design of a medical device.
Many thanks for your time.
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  • #2
Your only choice is to create a vacuum, which should be pretty straightforward with a fixed displacement compressor like a piston.
  • #3
If your situation permits, you may be able to utilize magneto-hydrodynamics for this purpose.

FAQ: How To Create Micropump Using Miniature Motor (Cannot contact liquid)

1. How does a miniature motor create a micropump?

A miniature motor uses rotation to generate fluid flow, which is the basis of a micropump. The motor is connected to a rotor, which turns and creates a centrifugal force that pushes the fluid through the pump.

2. What materials are needed to create a micropump using a miniature motor?

The main components needed for a micropump using a miniature motor are a motor, a rotor, a pump chamber, and tubing. Additional materials such as a power source, control circuitry, and a mounting platform may also be required.

3. Can any type of miniature motor be used to create a micropump?

Not all miniature motors are suitable for creating a micropump. The motor needs to have a high rotational speed and be able to produce enough torque to generate sufficient fluid flow. Stepper motors, brushless DC motors, and piezoelectric motors are commonly used for micropump applications.

4. How small can a micropump using a miniature motor be?

The size of a micropump using a miniature motor depends on the size of the motor and other components. With advances in microfabrication techniques, micropumps can now be made as small as a few millimeters in diameter.

5. What are the advantages of using a micropump with a miniature motor?

Micropumps using miniature motors have several advantages, including their small size, low power consumption, and ability to precisely control fluid flow. They are also relatively easy to integrate into microfluidic systems and can be used in portable and wearable devices.
