Standard Form for second order systems.

In summary, the conversation is about adjusting uncertain parameters in a second order system to obtain desired values such as rise time, maximum overshoot, and settling time. The standard form for a second order system is discussed and the effect of the numerator on certain parameters is explained. The general expression for the system is also mentioned.
  • #1
Suppose there's a system with given uncertain parameters. And I would like to obtain certain Rise time, max. over shoot, settling time by adjusting those parameters.

Let's say this is the second order system;

T(s) = (ks + c) / (s2 + as + b)

First of all; for a second order system there is a standard form which is;

Wn2 / s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2

As we have to have the Wn2 in the numerator, it's not that way always. Just like in the example. So, what am I suppose to do at that point ?

If the transfer function T(s) looks like exactly the standard form, I could get the desired values by changing parameters. I think.
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  • #2
zoom1 said:
First of all; for a second order system there is a standard form which is;

Wn2 / s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2
Parentheses, please!

ωn2 / ( s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2 )

The constant in the numerator doesn't affect ζ, nor ωn, nor parameters such as % overshoot, rate of gain fall-off, etc., since these are calculated as ratios. The numerator is just a scaling factor for the plots.

The general expression is: A.ωn2 / ( s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2 )

where A can be seen to be the low frequency gain of this system.

FAQ: Standard Form for second order systems.

What is the standard form for second order systems?

The standard form for second order systems is a mathematical representation of a system with two poles and two coefficients. It is written as As^2 + Bs + C, where A and B are the coefficients and C is the constant term.

What is the significance of having a standard form for second order systems?

The standard form allows for easy comparison and analysis of different second order systems. It also makes it easier to identify the poles and coefficients, which are important in understanding the behavior of the system.

How is the standard form derived?

The standard form is derived by factoring the characteristic equation of a second order system. The characteristic equation is obtained by equating the denominator of the transfer function to zero and solving for the roots, which represent the poles of the system.

What are the key features of the standard form for second order systems?

The standard form allows for the determination of the natural frequency, damping ratio, and stability of the system. It also provides insight into the response of the system to different inputs, such as step and impulse functions.

How is the standard form used in practical applications?

The standard form is used in various fields of science and engineering to model and analyze second order systems. It is particularly useful in control systems, where it helps in designing and tuning controllers to achieve desired system behavior.
