Finding Threshold Energy for Electrons to Produce Cerenkov Radiation

In summary, the particle needs to travel faster than the local speed of light in order for Cerenkov radiation to be emitted. The speed of light in glass is c, so the particle needs to be travelling faster than that. The angle is related to the number of electrons that are intercepting the x axis, and the energy is related to the angle and the speed of the particle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the threshold energy for electrons to produce Cerenkov radiation in glass (refractive index n=1.52).

The Attempt at a Solution

The only equations given in my notes are:

cos [itex]\theta[/itex][itex]_{C}[/itex]=1/[itex]\beta[/itex]n for [itex]\beta[/itex]>1/n


dN/d[itex]\lambda[/itex]=[itex]\frac{2\pi\alpha}{\lambda^{2}}[/itex]L sin[itex]^{2}[/itex] [itex]\theta[/itex][itex]_{C}[/itex]

How the second equation relates to the energy, I don't know. What does dN/d[itex]\lambda[/itex] have to do with the energy? And how is the 'threshold' supposed to be worked out?

Is E=mc[itex]^{2}[/itex] in this case? Is the energy supposed to be deduced from [itex]\lambda[/itex]?

Please help.

My textbooks and the internet don't tell me know to do this sort of question either.
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  • #2

What kind of energy exactly is that threshold referring to? Is it the kinetic energy of the electron?

Anyway, as for the problem, think about this: what do you know about Cerenkov radiation? Specifically, what does a particle need to do in order for this type of radiation to be generated?
  • #3

The particle needs to travel faster than the local speed of light - the speed of light in the medium - glass, in this case.

So work out the speed of light in glass, and somehow link the speed of light in glass and the speed of the particle in glass. I still don't know what this has to do with the angle or 'N' though.

Thanks if anyone makes it a bit clearer.
  • #4

blueyellow said:
The particle needs to travel faster than the local speed of light - the speed of light in the medium - glass, in this case.

So work out the speed of light in glass, and somehow link the speed of light in glass and the speed of the particle in glass.
Not "somehow" - you said exactly what the link is, that the particle has to be faster than the speed of light in glass. So what is the speed of light in glass? Can you write an inequality expressing the fact that the speed of the particle is greater than the local speed of light?

Can you then think of a way to relate that to the energy?
  • #5

The refractive index (n) directly relates to the speed of light in the glass. n = c (speed of light in a vacuum) / v (speed of light in a medium).
  • #6

I am rusty at this and my math is slow motion hack work. From what I read, N is the number of electrons intercepting the x axis. The angle is the angle of incidence or the angle of the cone of light emitted. I know it's an old thread, but if you have worked it, I would like to see it. That is my crude interpretation. From what I can see, it is transition radiation. I am just learning the nomenclature and trying to see simple examples at work.

FAQ: Finding Threshold Energy for Electrons to Produce Cerenkov Radiation

1. What is Cerenkov radiation?

Cerenkov radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is produced when a charged particle, such as an electron, travels through a medium at a speed faster than the speed of light in that medium. This causes the medium to become polarized and emit a faint blue light along the path of the particle.

2. How is threshold energy for Cerenkov radiation determined?

The threshold energy for Cerenkov radiation can be calculated using the formula E = (h * c * n) / λ, where E is the energy in electron volts (eV), h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light in a vacuum, n is the refractive index of the medium, and λ is the wavelength of the emitted radiation. This formula takes into account the properties of the medium and the speed of light in that medium.

3. What factors affect the threshold energy for Cerenkov radiation?

The main factors that affect the threshold energy for Cerenkov radiation are the refractive index of the medium, the speed of light in that medium, and the mass and charge of the particle. A higher refractive index and a lower speed of light in the medium will result in a lower threshold energy, while a heavier and more highly charged particle will have a higher threshold energy.

4. How is Cerenkov radiation used in scientific research?

Cerenkov radiation is used in a variety of scientific research fields, such as nuclear physics, particle accelerators, and medical imaging. It can be used to detect and measure the energy of particles, as well as to study the properties of materials and the interactions of particles with matter.

5. Can Cerenkov radiation be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Cerenkov radiation can be observed in everyday life in certain situations. For example, when a nuclear reactor is operating, the blue glow of Cerenkov radiation can be seen in the surrounding water or air. It can also be observed in the Earth's atmosphere as a faint blue glow during a high-energy cosmic ray event, such as a gamma ray burst.
