Mechanics question not even that advanced

In summary, the block would be pushing up with a normal force of mg, but as it goes faster and pulls up, the force exerted is greater and the track is pushing up harder.
  • #1
So if you have a block sitting on top of a frictionless slide(it's a ramp, so it goes down like a slide, levels out at the bottom at point A, then curves back up and ends at point B.)the height at the top of the slide is 3.91m, and the mass of the block is 1.62kg, the angle at point B is 45 degrees from the horizontal(err, in case that wasn't clear, at point B the block goes flying off at 45 degrees)and the height of point B is not given

so anyhoo, it wants to know the force exerted on the block by the track at point A(where it levels out) wouldn't that just be mg? That seems too simple though. Same thing at point B but with some trig fiddling to get like cos(45)*mg. I guess it COULD be that simple, there's two more parts to the problem that are giving me LESS problems just because I'm not second guessing myself, but I dunno.

Edit: I guess that doesn't really make sense though. In that case the force is constant, but obviously as you go faster and pull up like that, you're applying a greater force down(and hence the track is pushing up harder)
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  • #2
Well I found the solution online, but I want to call BS! I figured it would involve centripetal acceleration in some way, but it gives me an R and angle, but by the time it reaches point B it's lost that circular motion clearly in the picture, and it's not stated in the problem. Or something, I just suck I guess
  • #3
It really is that simple. At point A, the force exerted is mg, and at point B it would be m*sin(45). And you're right; this isn't exactly advanced Physics. :-p

Edit: I'm confused now. Could you get a diagram of what this situation is supposed to look like?
  • #4
Yah, like I said the problem kinda fudges on its explanation. Later in the problem I need to do calculations at point B using that same R that's given, but in the picture they're clearly not the same distance from the center of the "circle" but whatever
  • #5
exagerated features 'cuz I suck at drawing, especially on comps
A's at the bottom, B's the end point, it makes perfect sense if you assume R is the same length as the line going to B, and then it's fine, but you can't really assume that, can you? Obviously the problem does, I'm just saying. The answer, fyi, is Normal force=mg(1+2h/R)

FAQ: Mechanics question not even that advanced

1. What is mechanics?

Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the forces that cause motion.

2. What are the basic principles of mechanics?

The basic principles of mechanics include Newton's laws of motion, conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum.

3. How is mechanics applied in everyday life?

Mechanics is applied in everyday life in various ways, such as in the design of cars, airplanes, and buildings, as well as in sports and games.

4. What are some common examples of mechanics in action?

Some common examples of mechanics in action include the motion of a pendulum, the trajectory of a projectile, and the movement of a car on a curved road.

5. How does understanding mechanics benefit society?

Understanding mechanics allows us to develop technology and improve our daily lives, such as creating more efficient machines and structures, and predicting and preventing accidents.
