Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com

  • Thread starter chroot
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In summary, physicsforums.com is a website that serves as a platform for experts and enthusiasts to discuss various topics related to physics. Users can ask and answer questions, participate in discussions, and access resources such as study materials and research articles. The website also has a community forum where members can connect and collaborate with others who share their interests. Overall, physicsforums.com is a valuable resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of physics.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Hello sci.physics.strings!

I'm Warren (aka "chroot"), co-administrator of www.physicsforums.com, a site devoted to enabling global scientific communication for both professionals and laypeople.

As part of our service to the professional physics community, we are providing a web-based interface to the two moderated physics newsgroups, sci.physics.research and sci.physics.strings.


Our web-based interface is special because it is capable of parsing LaTeX mathematics directly from a usenet post and displaying them as real images. As you all know, string theory is couched in very notationally-complex mathematics, and our forum software allows you to communicate that mathematical content effectively.

Our site uses a heuristic approach to locate math in a post and render it properly. For example, our latex parser will automatically identify small piece of math like [itex]G^{\mu\nu}[/itex] and even longer ones like [itex]\gamma \equiv \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}}[/itex] and display them properly, inlined with the text. It will also properly identify display-mode math, like this:

[tex]e^x = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} (1+x/n)^n[/tex]

Because it is a heuristic search, it will invariably make some mistakes. In particular, it can be confused by improper LaTeX code, but does its best to figure out what the user intended. It will never fail on properly-formatted LaTeX.

On physicsforums.com, we simply delimit sections of LaTeX with [ tex ] and [ /tex ] tags (without spaces) for display-mode TeX and [ itex ] and [ /itex ] tags (without spaces) for inline TeX. When you compose a post on physicsforums.com, please use those tags to properly delimit your LaTeX. You will find that usenet posts originating on pf will have those tags removed to make it easier for the general public to understand the message.


Sci.physics.strings is a strictly-moderated discussion group. While physicsforums.com is well-moderated, it is not as strongly moderated as is sci.physics.strings. Physicsforums.com in no way avoids the sci.physics.strings moderators. Here is how posting occurs on physicsforums.com:

1) The user composes a post, and it is stored on our forum software normally.
2) Every ten minutes, our forum software syncs with the usenet server, and uploads any new posts.
3) When a post is sent to the usenet server (and from there to the sps moderators), it is "soft-deleted" from our forum, and will no longer appear to users.
4) When the post is accepted by the sps moderator and received back from the usenet, the post is "un-deleted" on our forum, and will reappear in its original form.

In other words, posts made through physicsforums.com are not visible even on physicsforums.com itself unless the sps moderator accepts them. Our goal on physicsforums.com is to provide a 1:1 correspondence with the usenet group itself.


I would like to thank Eric Forgy for his many excellent ideas about to integrate physicsforums.com with the usenet. I would also like to thank Lubos Motl, Urs Schreiber, Haelfix, and the many regular contributors to sci.physics.research and sci.physics.strings who are helping to make physicsforums.com the best it can be!


Please give our service a try! You can view (and post to) sci.physics.strings here:


Please let me know if you have any comments or questions! You can email me directly at craddock@vt.edu, or send me a private message on physicsforums.com as "chroot."

- Warren
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Warren (chroot),

Thank you for introducing your web-based interface to sci.physics.strings. It's great to hear that it is capable of parsing LaTeX mathematics directly from a usenet post and displaying them as real images which will be very beneficial for communicating mathematical content effectively. Your forum software is also very impressive as it can automatically identify small pieces of math and longer ones and display them properly.

It's also great to hear that posts made through physicsforums.com are not visible on the site itself unless they are accepted by the sps moderators, as this provides a better integration with the usenet group. I am sure many people here would be interested in giving it a try and I'm sure they appreciate your efforts in helping to make physicsforums.com the best it can be.

Thank you again for introducing your service to us and I look forward to seeing how it develops.
  • #3

Hello Warren and the physicsforums.com team!

Thank you for providing this valuable resource for the physics community. The ability to easily display complex mathematical equations is incredibly helpful in discussing and understanding string theory. I appreciate the efforts you have taken to integrate with the usenet groups and provide a seamless experience for users.

I will definitely check out the forum and consider using it for future discussions on sci.physics.strings. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have put into this project. I'm sure it will be a valuable tool for many in the physics community.


FAQ: Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com

What is "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com"?

"Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com" is a common greeting used by members of the physicsforums.com community. SPS stands for "Science and Physics Society", a subforum within physicsforums.com where members can discuss various topics related to science and physics.

Who can use "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com"?

Anyone who is a member of the physicsforums.com community can use "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com". This includes both students and professionals in the fields of science and physics.

What is the purpose of using "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com"?

The purpose of using "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com" is to greet and connect with other members of the physicsforums.com community who share a common interest in science and physics. It can also serve as an icebreaker or way to start a conversation.

Is "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com" a formal or informal greeting?

It is generally considered an informal greeting, as the physicsforums.com community is a casual and friendly space for discussion and learning. However, it can also be used in more formal settings as a way to connect with colleagues or peers who are also members of the community.

Are there any alternatives to using "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com"?

Yes, there are many alternatives to using "Hello SPS, from physicsforums.com". Some common ones include "Hello fellow science enthusiasts!", "Greetings from the physicsforums.com community!", or simply "Hi everyone!". Ultimately, the choice of greeting is up to the individual and can vary depending on the context and audience.

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