How to Find a Specific Transformation for a Specific Hamiltonian?

In summary, the conversation is about finding a generating function for a specific transformation involving a Hamiltonian and the use of canonical transformations. The person is unsure of how to find this specific transformation and asks for clarification on the Hamiltonian of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator. The other person provides the classic expression for the Hamiltonian and prompts the use of canonical transformations to find the desired transformation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Question 3b from the following file:

I know I need to find a generating function for this spacific transformation. but I don't know how to find it, I mean , how I find a spacific transformation for a spacific hamiltonain?
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  • #2
Do you know what the Hamiltonian of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator looks like?
  • #3
It's the classic expression (H=p^2/2m+kx^2/2)
  • #4
Cosmossos said:
It's the classic expression (H=p^2/2m+kx^2/2)

Right, so (using [itex]P[/itex] and [itex]Q[/itex] instead of 'p' and 'x'), you are looking for a canonical transformation [itex]Q=Q(q,p)[/itex] and [itex]P=P(q,p)[/itex], for which [tex]\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{1}{q^2}+p^2q^4\right)\to \frac{P^2}{2m}+\frac{kQ^2}{2}[/itex] (give or take a constant)...what does the fact that the transformation is canonical tell you?

FAQ: How to Find a Specific Transformation for a Specific Hamiltonian?

What is a canonical transformation?

A canonical transformation is a mathematical transformation that preserves the form of Hamilton's equations, which describe the motion of a dynamical system. In other words, it maps one set of canonical variables (position and momentum) to another set of canonical variables, while still satisfying the Hamiltonian equations of motion.

Why are canonical transformations important?

Canonical transformations are important because they allow us to simplify the description of a dynamical system by choosing a set of canonical variables that are more convenient to work with. This can make the equations of motion easier to solve and can reveal underlying symmetries and conserved quantities in the system.

What are the types of canonical transformations?

There are two types of canonical transformations: point transformations and generating function transformations. Point transformations simply change the variables without introducing any new functions, while generating function transformations involve introducing a new function that transforms the original variables into the new ones.

How do you determine if a transformation is canonical?

To determine if a transformation is canonical, we can use the Poisson bracket. If the Poisson bracket of the transformed coordinates is equal to the Poisson bracket of the original coordinates, then the transformation is canonical. In other words, if the transformed Hamiltonian equations of motion have the same form as the original equations, then the transformation is canonical.

What are some examples of canonical transformations?

Some examples of canonical transformations include the transformation from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, the transformation from position and momentum to action-angle variables, and the transformation from the Hamiltonian of a free particle to that of a harmonic oscillator. These transformations help simplify the equations of motion and reveal new insights into the dynamics of the system.
