Electric-field strength inside a solenoid

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about a long solenoid with circular cross section and increasing current, resulting in an increasing magnetic field with a constant strength given by B = bt. The question asks for an expression for the electric-field strength inside the solenoid at a distance r from the axis, in terms of the variables B, r, R, and t. The conversation also includes a related question about the trajectory of a positively charged particle initially at rest a distance r from the axis, when the current in the solenoid is flipped. The solution involves considering the influence of the magnetic field and a possible induced electric field inside the solenoid.
  • #1
HeLLz aNgeL
guys, here's my question:

A long solenoid has circular cross section of radius R. The solenoid current is increasing, and as a result so is the magnetic field in the solenoid. The field strength is given by B = bt, where b is a constant.


Find an expression for the electric-field strength inside the solenoid a distance r from the axis.

Express your answer in terms of the variables B, r, R and t.

could anyone help me get started... i really have no clue on this one..

thanks !
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  • #2
I actually have a question related to this.

In my case, the magnetic field is coming out of the page and there is a positively charged particle initially at rest a distance "r" from the axis of the solenoid. Then, the current in the solenoid is flipped the other way instantaneously (all of the conditions are ideal here). The problem wants me to describe the trajectory of the particle. We know the mass, m, and the charge, q, of the particle as well as the current, I, and the magnetic field, B.

As for my attempt at the solution:
I think the particle doesn't initially move because of the magnetic field because the initial velocity is zero. Perhaps the instantaneous flip of current induces some sort of electric field INSIDE the solenoid. I'm not sure about the direction (into the page, out of the page, tangential to a loop of radius r) or nature of the field, but I'm fairly certain that once it starts moving, the positive particle will be redirected by the uniform magnetic field "B" to move in a left-handed helix (of radius r?) about the solenoid axis.

Am I somewhat on the right track? There is very little info about the electric field in a solenoid so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • #3

I would first acknowledge that this is a complex question and may require some mathematical calculations to solve. Additionally, I would suggest consulting with a physics textbook or seeking guidance from a physics professor or colleague for a more detailed explanation.

However, to get started, we can use the equation for electric field strength, E, which is given by E = -dΦ/dt, where Φ is the magnetic flux. In this case, the magnetic flux is given by Φ = BA, where A is the cross-sectional area of the solenoid.

Substituting the given equation for B into the equation for Φ, we get Φ = bAt. Taking the derivative with respect to time, we get dΦ/dt = bA. Since A = πr^2, we can rewrite this as dΦ/dt = bπr^2.

Now, we can plug this into the equation for electric field strength to get E = -dΦ/dt = -bπr^2.

However, this only gives us the electric field strength at a specific time, t. To get the expression for the electric field strength at any time, we can also include the time variable, t, in the equation. This gives us the final expression for electric field strength inside the solenoid at a distance r from the axis as:

E = -bπr^2t

I hope this helps to get you started on solving this problem. Remember to always consult reliable sources and seek guidance when dealing with complex scientific concepts.

FAQ: Electric-field strength inside a solenoid

1. What is an electric-field strength inside a solenoid?

The electric-field strength inside a solenoid refers to the magnitude and direction of the electric field at any point inside the solenoid. It is a measure of the force that a charge experiences at that particular point.

2. How is the electric-field strength inside a solenoid calculated?

The electric-field strength inside a solenoid can be calculated by dividing the voltage difference between the ends of the solenoid by the distance between two points on the solenoid. It can also be calculated by dividing the force on a charge inside the solenoid by the charge itself.

3. Does the electric-field strength inside a solenoid vary at different points inside the solenoid?

Yes, the electric-field strength inside a solenoid can vary at different points inside the solenoid. This is because the electric field is dependent on the distance from the center of the solenoid and the number of turns of wire in the solenoid.

4. How does the electric-field strength inside a solenoid compare to the electric field outside the solenoid?

The electric-field strength inside a solenoid is generally stronger than the electric field outside the solenoid. This is because the magnetic field created by the current in the solenoid strengthens the electric field inside, while the magnetic field outside the solenoid weakens the electric field.

5. What factors affect the electric-field strength inside a solenoid?

The electric-field strength inside a solenoid is affected by the number of turns of wire, the current flowing through the wire, and the distance from the center of the solenoid. It is also affected by the material and shape of the solenoid, as well as the surrounding environment.

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