How to Prepare Notes on Corrosion, EMF Series, and Fossil Fuels?

In summary, a student of electronics engineering (1st year) is seeking recommendations for websites to prepare notes on the following topics: corrosion (theories, inhibition, and prevention), EMF series (or Galvanic series), and types of fuels and their classification. The student expresses gratitude for any assistance and suggests consulting an engineering subforum for further guidance. Some suggested websites for information on corrosion include "" and "". For the EMF series, Google can be used to search for more information, but some examples can be found on "" and "". The student also mentions that fuel classification may be related to different types of
  • #1
Hi Guys!

im a student of electronics engineering (1st year). I have to prepare notes for my exams about the following topics. Please recommend me some websites from where i can prepare these notes.

1) Corrosion (Theories, Inhibition and Prevention)
2) EMF Series
3) Types of Fuels, Classification of Fossil Fuels

I would be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.

Thanks a lot and Good Bye
Chemistry news on
  • #2
you would probably be better off, referring to the engineering subforum
  • #3
For information on Corrosion try these sites -

I think by EMF series, you are referring to Galvanic Series, for which you can search with Google, but here are some examples -

Note: The order may change in different environments.

As for fuel classification - I imagine that it would have to do with solid (coal), low pressure liquids (petroleum distillates, e.g. gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, . . .), pressurized liquids/gases (e.g. propane, butane, LNG), and gases (Natural gas - mostly methane, and some ethane), and oxygenated fuels (e.g. ethanol).

Try this -

or search Google for "fossil fuel"
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  • #4
thanks a lot u all!

FAQ: How to Prepare Notes on Corrosion, EMF Series, and Fossil Fuels?

1. What is corrosion?

Corrosion is a natural process where metals are gradually damaged and weakened due to chemical reactions with their surrounding environment. This can result in the formation of rust or other types of corrosion, leading to structural damage and potential failure of the metal.

2. What are the main causes of corrosion?

The main causes of corrosion include exposure to oxygen, moisture, and certain chemicals. Other factors such as temperature, pH levels, and mechanical stress can also contribute to corrosion. Additionally, the presence of microorganisms can accelerate the corrosion process.

3. How does EMF series affect corrosion?

The EMF series, also known as the electromotive force series, is a list of metals and their corresponding tendency to undergo oxidation or reduction reactions. This series can be used to predict which metals are more likely to corrode when in contact with one another, with the more reactive metals being more prone to corrosion.

4. What methods are used to prevent corrosion?

There are several methods used to prevent corrosion, including coating the metal surface with a protective layer, such as paint or a polymer, to create a barrier between the metal and its environment. Other methods include using sacrificial anodes, cathodic protection, and controlling environmental factors such as temperature and moisture levels.

5. How can corrosion be detected and monitored?

Corrosion can be detected and monitored through visual inspections, non-destructive testing techniques such as ultrasonic testing and corrosion mapping, and the use of corrosion sensors. These sensors can measure the corrosion rate and provide real-time data to help identify potential issues and inform maintenance and prevention strategies.
