Energy levels in a potential well

In summary, the ground state energy is not zero because the principle quantum number (n) starts at 1, not 0, in the energy equation. If n were 0, the energy would be infinite and the electron would be separated from the atom. Additionally, there is always energy in an atom due to the Coloumb potential, and only changes in energy are considered physical. The ground state energy can be defined as zero for a specific system.
  • #1
I know this question seems very simple which is why its bugging me so much:
Why is the ground state energy not zero?
A simple answer would be greatly appreciated
Physics news on
  • #2
physmile said:
I know this question seems very simple which is why its bugging me so much:
Why is the ground state energy not zero?
A simple answer would be greatly appreciated

Energy states are defined with principle quantum number (n). n= 1,2,3...

[tex]E_{n}= \frac{-me^{4}}{2h^{2}n^{2}}[/tex]

"Ground state" means 1st term in serie of "n" and it's 1.

You may ask, why doesn't "n" start from zero? When you put 0 for n, energy goes to infinite and that mean electron separated from atom. That's why n doesn't start from zero.

And finally your question, there is allways a energy in an atom because of the Coloumb potential. The energy never been zero.
  • #3
Only changes in energy are physical. You can define the ground state of any particular system to have zero energy.
  • #4
Thank you very much for your help torehan!

FAQ: Energy levels in a potential well

1. What is a potential well?

A potential well is a region in space where a particle or system of particles experiences a force that tends to keep it confined within the well. This force is known as a potential energy and can be represented graphically as a dip or "well".

2. How do energy levels in a potential well work?

The energy levels in a potential well are determined by the shape and depth of the well. The deeper the well, the more confined and lower the energy levels will be. The energy levels are quantized, meaning they can only take on discrete values, and are governed by the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of energy levels in a potential well?

The energy levels in a potential well are significant because they determine the behavior and properties of particles within the well. For example, in an atom, the energy levels of electrons in the potential well of the nucleus determine the stability and reactivity of the atom.

4. How are energy levels in a potential well measured?

Energy levels in a potential well can be measured using various methods, depending on the system being studied. In quantum mechanics, the energy levels can be calculated using the Schrödinger equation. In experimental physics, techniques such as spectroscopy can be used to measure the energy levels of particles in a potential well.

5. Can energy levels in a potential well change?

Yes, energy levels in a potential well can change. This can occur when the shape or depth of the potential well is altered, or when external forces are applied to the system. In quantum mechanics, energy levels can also change through interactions with other particles or fields.

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