Autonomous Differential Equations: Equilibrium Solution and Deviation Equation

  • Thread starter Townsend
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the differential equation dy/dt=ay-b and how to find the equilibrium solution y_e and the deviation from it. The solution is found to be y=Ce^{at}+\frac{b}{a} and the equilibrium depends on the value of a. The conversation also discusses the differential equation satisfied by Y(t) and how to find the equilibrium solution and deviation from it. The conversation ends with a clarification that the equilibrium solution depends on the value of a and the differential equation can be simplified using a substitution.
  • #1
The problem is

Consider the differential equation [tex] dy/dt=ay-b [/tex].
a) Find the equilibrium solution [tex]y_e[/tex].
b)Let [tex]Y(t)=y-y_e [/tex]; thus [tex]Y(t)[/tex] is the deviation from the equilbrium solution. Find the differential equation satisfied by [tex]Y(t)[/tex].

For part a I am confused as to what is meant by [tex]y_e[/tex].
The general solution is
I thought that the equilibrium is just the value that will be approached as t increases without bound. So in this case it depends on the values of a. If a>0 then there is no equilibruim solution. How can I answer part a then?

So without anywhere to go I made the assumption that [tex]y_e[/tex] is meant to mean the [tex]y(e)=y_e[/tex] in which case I come up with.

So if this in fact the equilibrium solution [tex]y_e[/tex] then for part b I have

[tex]Y(t)=Ce^{at}+\frac{b}{a}-\left( Ce^{ae}+\frac{b}{a} \right)[/tex]


Which is really like any our first diff eq but in this case the [tex]\frac{b}{a}=-ce^{ae}[/tex] But the constant C makes our value for b/a unknown. Obviously I have something wrong here and I think its because I do not understand what the question is really asking.

Thanks for any help
Physics news on
  • #2
This part

Townsend said:
So without anywhere to go I made the assumption that [tex]y_e[/tex] is meant to mean the [tex]y(e)=y_e[/tex] in which case I come up with.

So if this in fact the equilibrium solution [tex]y_e[/tex] then for part b I have

[tex]Y(t)=Ce^{at}+\frac{b}{a}-\left( Ce^{ae}+\frac{b}{a} \right)[/tex]


Which is really like any our first diff eq but in this case the [tex]\frac{b}{a}=-ce^{ae}[/tex] But the constant C makes our value for b/a unknown. Obviously I have something wrong here and I think its because I do not understand what the question is really asking.

is definitely wrong.You made a point.The general solution to the equation
[tex] y(x)=Ce^{at}-\frac{b}{a} [/tex]

must not diverge for asymptotic behavior...Which means that "a" must be negative...Find the equilibrium solution and then the function expressing the "deviation" from equilibrium...


PS.The diff.eq. will b very simple...
  • #3
Ok, well if know that a<0 then the equilibruim is going to be [tex]\frac{b}{a}[/tex]
So then [tex]Y(t)=Ce^{at}[/tex]

You said the diff.eq. will be b,I am not sure how you got that.

sorry, I am trying to understand.

  • #4
That "b" was "be"... :-p You got the picture. :smile: The diff.eq.may be put under the form which would definitely show the asymptotic behavior,namely make the substitution
[tex] a\rightarrow -|a| [/tex]


FAQ: Autonomous Differential Equations: Equilibrium Solution and Deviation Equation

1. What are autonomous differential equations?

Autonomous differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the behavior of a system over time, based on the rate of change of its variables. They are called "autonomous" because they do not depend on time explicitly, meaning the equations remain unchanged regardless of when they are solved.

2. What is an equilibrium solution in autonomous differential equations?

An equilibrium solution in autonomous differential equations is a constant solution where the rate of change of all variables is equal to zero. In other words, the system has reached a state of balance where there is no change over time. These solutions are important in understanding the long-term behavior of a system.

3. How do you find equilibrium solutions in autonomous differential equations?

To find equilibrium solutions, set all derivatives to zero and solve for the variables. This will give you the values of the variables at which the system is in equilibrium. However, it is important to note that not all systems will have equilibrium solutions.

4. What is the deviation equation in autonomous differential equations?

The deviation equation in autonomous differential equations is an equation that describes the behavior of small deviations from the equilibrium solution. It allows us to understand how the system will respond to small perturbations from its balanced state. This is useful in predicting the stability of the system.

5. Can autonomous differential equations be solved analytically?

It depends on the specific equation and initial conditions. Some autonomous differential equations can be solved analytically using mathematical methods such as separation of variables or substitution. However, in many cases, numerical methods are used to approximate the solutions. Additionally, some systems may not have closed-form solutions and can only be analyzed through computer simulations.
