Finding the Formula: Investigating Rise and Run

In summary, the trolley takes different amounts of time to slide down different slopes and inclinations. Additionally, the speed of the trolley is also a factor. The researcher is looking for a formula that can be used to calculate all of the variables involved in the experiment.
  • #1
I am in the process of planning my Coursework, I’m investigating rise and run; the time taken for a trolley to slide down a slope with varying distances from the end and with various inclinations, and I’ve hit a wall, a problem...

I'm looking for a formula that takes into account all of my variables:
The inclination i.e. the angle,
I have been given the mass of the trolley too, but it's not really a variable. When plotting the graph of the data, I’d like to have a constant that can be got from the gradient or the y- intercept, most likely the gradient thought.
Physics news on
  • #2
Perhaps the reason you are not getting any responses, is because it if very difficult to understand what you are doing and what your question is. If you refomulate with a good description of your experiment and a specific question you will get better help.

I am moving this to the homework help fourm.
  • #3
You’re right, hope this explanation is better…
My experiment is simple in essence:
Its title is, “times for a trolley to roll down slopes of differing lengths and inclinations.” So basically I have a slope and I let a trolley slide down it from differing lengths and inclinations timing how long it takes to get to the bottom of the slope – I have done this with 6 different lengths and of 3 different inclinations, all quite small scale, e.g. having the rise at 0.154m and the run at 1.46m.

I have got my results, the experiments outline, the method etc, but alas, as yet I have no aim! Could you help me come up with an aim? I have thought about looking at the speed of the trolley sliding down the slope, but the maths is too simple; I have thought about acceleration, possibly analysing the initial velocity and final velocity, but I think they are all mathematically unchallenging. Does anyone know of a formula linking all my variables together? Or could point me in the right directon?

Thanks in advance

FAQ: Finding the Formula: Investigating Rise and Run

1. What is the formula for calculating the rise and run of a slope?

The formula for calculating the rise and run of a slope is rise/run, where rise is the vertical change and run is the horizontal change. This can also be expressed as the ratio of the change in vertical distance to the change in horizontal distance.

2. How do I measure the rise and run of a slope?

To measure the rise and run of a slope, you will need to use a measuring tool such as a ruler or measuring tape. First, determine the starting point and ending point of the slope. Then, measure the vertical distance (rise) between these two points and the horizontal distance (run). You can then use these measurements to calculate the slope's rise and run.

3. Why is it important to find the formula for rise and run?

Finding the formula for rise and run allows us to accurately calculate the slope of a surface, which is important in fields such as construction, engineering, and geography. It also helps us understand and analyze the relationship between two variables in a given scenario.

4. What are some real-life applications of rise and run?

Rise and run are commonly used in construction projects, such as building ramps or stairs. They are also used in road design and grading, as well as in determining the angle and steepness of a hill in hiking or skiing.

5. Can the rise and run of a slope be negative?

Yes, the rise and run of a slope can be negative. This would indicate that the slope is decreasing or going downhill, with the rise being a negative value and the run being a positive value. It is important to pay attention to the signs of the rise and run when using the formula to accurately represent the slope.
