Shoreline on Saturn's Moon Titan - Yahoo News

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In summary, Cassini has flown by Titan multiple times and has released a probe that is currently active on the surface. The probe has taken new photos that show color for the first time.
  • #1
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Wow, crazy stuff...
  • #3
Absolutely awesome. I remember when the first images from Huygens came back earlier this year. I was happier than a kid on christmas morning(says a lot about my life)
  • #4
Wow, I didn't realize they're getting new images. This is the first good image. I was so disapointed when it first landed, we got like three images and all of them sucked.
  • #5
Entropy said:
Wow, I didn't realize they're getting new images. This is the first good image. I was so disapointed when it first landed, we got like three images and all of them sucked.

Cassini has many more scheduled fly-bys of Titan (many more photos to come). The Huygens probe released from Cassini was just meant to be active for a few hours. Personally, I'm thrilled to have the Huygens photos even though I was hoping for some different scenery (for the landing site, that is...the photos it took during its descent were really cool).
  • #6
Cassini has many more scheduled fly-bys of Titan (many more photos to come). The Huygens probe released from Cassini was just meant to be active for a few hours. Personally, I'm thrilled to have the Huygens photos even though I was hoping for some different scenery (for the landing site, that is...the photos it took during its descent were really cool).

Oh, I was under the impression that these where new pictures from Huygens. I was like: "how the hell do they have new pictures?" Huygens was a few inches from being a failure. Basicly three bad pictures that showed next to nothing.
  • #7
Latest Titan flyby hours away! This one is close -

1,951 km (1,219 miles)

6.0 km/sec (13,400 mph)
Includes color image from surface of Titan!
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FAQ: Shoreline on Saturn's Moon Titan - Yahoo News

1. What is the significance of finding a shoreline on Titan's moon?

The discovery of a shoreline on Titan's moon is significant because it suggests the presence of liquid bodies on the moon's surface. This is important because it adds to the growing evidence that Titan may be able to support life.

2. How was the shoreline on Titan's moon discovered?

The shoreline on Titan's moon was discovered using data collected by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The spacecraft used radar imaging to map the surface of Titan and revealed the presence of liquid bodies, including a shoreline.

3. What are the implications of a shoreline on Titan's moon for the search for extraterrestrial life?

The presence of a shoreline on Titan's moon suggests that there may be liquid bodies, which are essential for the development and sustenance of life. This discovery adds to the growing evidence that Titan may be able to support microbial life.

4. What are some potential explanations for the formation of the shoreline on Titan's moon?

One potential explanation for the shoreline on Titan's moon is that it was formed by liquid hydrocarbons, such as methane and ethane, which are present on the moon's surface. Another possible explanation is that it was formed by a combination of wind and precipitation, similar to how shorelines are formed on Earth.

5. What future research is planned to study the shoreline on Titan's moon?

Future research on Titan's moon will involve sending a new spacecraft, called Dragonfly, to explore the moon's surface in more detail. This spacecraft will be able to land and take off multiple times, allowing for a thorough investigation of the shoreline and other potential areas for the presence of liquid bodies on Titan.
