What is Spatial and Temporal Coherence.

  • Thread starter onelastdance
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In summary, spatial coherence refers to the coherence of a wave across different points in space, while temporal coherence refers to the coherence of a wave at different instants in time. This can be understood by considering two points A and B, where the value of the amplitude of the wave at point A determines the value at point B. If the value at A tells you nothing about the value at B, the coherence is 0, and if it tells you exactly the value at B, the coherence is 1. For spatial coherence, the points are in space, while for temporal coherence, the points are at different instants in time. This can be illustrated by shining a laser on a screen, where the phase of the wave can be measured
  • #1
Can anyone provide a simple explanation of spatial and temporal. I can't seem to understand the Wikipedia page on Coherence.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The simplest way to understand the coherence of a wave is by considering two points in space or in time, dependng on if you are considering spatial or temporal coherence.

If you know the value of the amplitude of a wave at point A, what do you know about the amplitude at point B? If knowing the value at A tells you exactly the value at B, then it is coherent (coherence = 1). If knowing the value at A tells you nothing about the value at B, then it is incoherent (coherence = 0). If knowing the value at A tells you the value at B with a certain uncertainty, then you are somewhere inbetween (0 < coherence < 1), with the smaller uncertainty corresponding to a greater degree of coherence.

Hope this helps.
  • #3
Yes, but what is the difference between spatial and temporal coherence?
  • #4
For spatial coherence, you consider two points in space, for temporal coherence, two distinct instants.
  • #5
Spatial coherence is coherence across the beam; temporal coherence is coherence along the beam.

The nomenclature comes from thinking about shining a laser onto a screen. Measure the phase of the wave at one point on the screen. If you've got a spatially coherent source, you can deduce the phase elsewhere in the patch (approximately, within a circle whose radius is the coherence length). On the other hand, if you've got a temporally coherent source, you can calculate the phase at the same point some time in the future (approximately, the time limit for this is the coherence time).

Does that clear up your confusion?

FAQ: What is Spatial and Temporal Coherence.

What is Spatial and Temporal Coherence?

Spatial and temporal coherence refers to the degree to which a wave, such as light or sound, maintains a consistent phase relationship between different points in space and time.

Why is Spatial and Temporal Coherence important in science?

Spatial and temporal coherence is important in science because it allows us to understand and manipulate the behavior of waves. It is especially useful in fields such as optics, acoustics, and quantum mechanics.

What is the difference between Spatial and Temporal Coherence?

Spatial coherence refers to the consistency of a wave's phase at different points in space, while temporal coherence refers to the consistency of a wave's phase at different points in time.

How is Spatial and Temporal Coherence measured?

Spatial coherence is typically measured using interference patterns, while temporal coherence is measured using coherence length or coherence time measurements.

Can Spatial and Temporal Coherence be controlled?

Yes, Spatial and temporal coherence can be controlled through various methods such as using lasers, mirrors, and filters to manipulate the phase of waves. This allows for precise control and manipulation of waves for various scientific and technological applications.
