Proving the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation | Homework Equations Included

I hope this helps you in solving your problem. Best of luck! In summary, the forum user is trying to use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to prove the Heisenberg uncertainty relation from a given inequation. However, there are a few issues with their attempt, including not properly squaring the inequality and not considering the expectation values of the operators. They are advised to use the definition of operator norm and consider the spread of a state in position and momentum space.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Could someone please have a look at this?
I am to show that from the inequation
[tex]\langle\left \psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\right\rangle + mk\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle\geq\hbar\sqrt{mk}[/tex]
you can get the Heisenberg uncertainty relation
\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle\geq\frac{1}{4}\hbar^2[/tex]
for all normalized functions [tex]\psi \in S(\mathbb{R})[/tex]

Homework Equations

I know that
and that
[tex]H\psi=\hbar\omega\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(n+1/2)\langle\Omega_n | \psi\rangle\Omega_n[/tex]
and that [tex]H_0\psi=H\psi[/tex] for [tex]\omega=\sqrt{k/m}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to square on both sides:
[tex]\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle^2+m^2k^2\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle^2+2mk\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle \geq\hbar^2 mk[/tex]

But that doesn't seem to work right
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for sharing your problem with us. It seems like you are trying to use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to prove the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. However, there are a few issues with your attempt.

Firstly, when you square both sides of the inequality, you also need to square the inequality sign. This means that your inequality should become:

\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle^2+m^2k^2\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle^2+2mk\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \psi\right\rangle\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle \geq\hbar^4 mk

Secondly, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality states that for any two vectors \textbf{a} and \textbf{b} in a vector space, the following inequality holds:

|\langle\textbf{a}|\textbf{b}\rangle|^2 \leq \langle\textbf{a}|\textbf{a}\rangle \langle\textbf{b}|\textbf{b}\rangle

In your case, \textbf{a} and \textbf{b} are not just any vectors, but operators. Therefore, you cannot simply square both sides of the inequality. Instead, you need to use the fact that the operator norm is defined as the square root of the inner product of an operator with itself:

||\textbf{A}|| = \sqrt{\langle \textbf{A}|\textbf{A}\rangle}

Using this, you can rewrite your inequality as:

||\hbar D||^2||\textbf{x}||^2 \geq \frac{1}{4}\hbar^2

Finally, you need to remember that in quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is not a statement about a single state, but about the spread of a state in position and momentum space. Therefore, you need to consider the expectation values of the operators in the inequality, rather than just their norm. This means that your final inequality should look like:

\langle\psi | \hbar^2D^2 | \psi\rangle\langle \left\psi | x^2 | \

FAQ: Proving the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation | Homework Equations Included

What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, cannot be precisely measured at the same time. This is due to the inherent uncertainty in the behavior of subatomic particles.

What is the significance of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation has significant implications for our understanding of the subatomic world. It shows that there are fundamental limits to our ability to measure and predict the behavior of particles, and challenges our traditional understanding of cause and effect.

How do you prove the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation can be mathematically proven using the commutation relations of quantum mechanics. These relationships describe how the operators for position and momentum behave when they act on a wave function. By applying these commutation relations and using mathematical techniques, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation can be derived.

What are the limitations of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics, but it has its limitations. For example, it only applies to certain pairs of properties and cannot be generalized to all physical quantities. Additionally, it is a purely mathematical concept and does not provide a complete explanation for the behavior of subatomic particles.

How has the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation been experimentally tested?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation has been tested through various experiments, such as the double-slit experiment and the Stern-Gerlach experiment. These experiments have shown that the uncertainty principle is a fundamental aspect of the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.
