Why are latitudes not parallel to each other but longitudes are?

  • Thread starter lwymarie
  • Start date
In summary, parallel longitude lines were designed to slice the Earth through the poles, but latitude lines are parallel to each other.
  • #1
why latitudes are not parallel to each other but longitudes are?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Actually, latitudes are parallel to each other - the longitudinal lines are the ones that meet at the poles. It's an arbitrary coordinate convention, there is no deep significance to it; you could, for example, use two sets of "longitudinal" coordinates to describe points on a sphere - you'd need four different poles for that.
  • #3
but I've heard a definition of 'parallel': if line A is perpendicular to both line B and line C, then line B and line C are parallel.
since the equator is parallel to every longitude, so longitudes are parallel?
  • #4
I'd imagine that definition was only intended to apply to straight lines.
  • #5
lwymarie said:
why latitudes are not parallel to each other but longitudes are?
look at a globe, think about it.
  • #6
lwymarie said:
but I've heard a definition of 'parallel': if line A is perpendicular to both line B and line C, then line B and line C are parallel.
since the equator is parallel to every longitude, so longitudes are parallel?
That is a definition from PLANE geometry. The surface of the Earth is not a plane it is a sphere.
  • #7
Both Riemann & Bolyay-Lobacevski-Gauss geometries ivalidate the parallels' axiom of Euclid...

An overall view one can get here

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  • #8
lwymarie said:
but I've heard a definition of 'parallel': if line A is perpendicular to both line B and line C, then line B and line C are parallel.
since the equator is parallel to every longitude, so longitudes are parallel?
For your question though, longitude lines were designed to slice the Earth through the poles. It just makes sense to do it that way.
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  • #9
lwymarie said:
why latitudes are not parallel to each other but longitudes are?
Both sets of lines are referenced to the same source: the Earth's rotational axis. But one is parallel, while the other is perpendicular. Latitude lines slice the Earth along planes perpendicular to the axis while longitude slice the Earth along planes that pass through the axis. Latitudes form parallel concentric rings. Longitudes form slices, like an orange.

BTW, longitudes are always "great circles", i.e. they pass through the centre of the Earth and are at Earth's maximum radius. Latitudes are not great circles, with one exception: the equator.
  • #10
DaveC426913 said:
(...)Latitudes form parallel concentric rings. (...)

Not really,u see the certers of the circles lie (actually form) the polar axis...

  • #11
lwymarie said:
but I've heard a definition of 'parallel': if line A is perpendicular to both line B and line C, then line B and line C are parallel.
since the equator is perpendicular to every longitude, so longitudes are parallel?

sorry I've typed something wrong...

that means, longitudes are Not parallel but latitudes are?
and my definition of parallel (if line A is perp. to both line B and line C, then B and C are ll) is not correct?
  • #12
It is correct only in an Euclidean geometry...

  • #13
so why don't the geographers design parallel longitudes but non-parallel longitudes?

also, no matter the longitudes are parallel to each other or meet at the poles, they are parallel to the equator. Doesn't it sound odd?
  • #14
lwymarie said:
so why don't the geographers design parallel longitudes but non-parallel longitudes?

also, no matter the longitudes are parallel to each other or meet at the poles, they are parallel to the equator. Doesn't it sound odd?
This is starting to hurt my head - latitude lines are parallel, longitude lines are not. Longitude lines are perpendicular to the equator.

It was done that way simply because it makes sense to do it that way. Try figuring out time zones (for example) with parallel longitude lines...
and my definition of parallel (if line A is perp. to both line B and line C, then B and C are ll) is not correct?
Its fine, but what the others are saying (I'll say it another way) is that lines traced on the surface of the Earth are no longer lines, they are curves. When drawing maps, we pretend the Earth is flat (generally - most maps are Mercator projections), but it isn't.
  • #15
The really troubling thing when looking at a planiglobe is that Greenleand seems larger in surface than Australia...:bugeye: Australia is bigger in a ratio of ~11/3...

  • #16
dextercioby said:
Not really,u see the certers of the circles lie (actually form) the polar axis...Daniel.
Right. Which is what makes them concentric - they all have the same centre (well, in two dimensions anyway.) They are concentrioc circles that have been translated along the axis.
  • #17
lwymarie said:
so why don't the geographers design parallel longitudes but non-parallel longitudes?

Are you imagining a globe while you are asking your questions? I think that will clear up your confusion very quickly. (see attached)

If you try to draw a globe with parallel longitudes, you will end up creating two extra poles - and they'll be on the equator.
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  • #18
Something else you should note:
"2 lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel"
"2 parallel lines do not meet"
these two statements are only true in flat (Euclidian) geometry

On curved surfaces, 2 perpendicular lines are not parallel, and parallel lines can meet.

Though the longitudes are perpendicular to the equator, they still cross - at the poles.

See attachment.
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  • #19
Curves of constant lattitude are not really lines in spherical geometry, because they are not the shortest distance between two points. On a sphere, great circles are the shortest distance between two points.

Therfore lines of longitude are true lines in spherical geometry - they are great circles, and represent the shortest distance between two points. Lines of lattitude are not true lines.

As nearly as I can tell, the definition of parallel lines in 2d is that they are infinite lines that do not intersect.


This corresponds with the Mathworld definition, except that Mathworld only gives a definition for Euclidean geometry.

Neither lines of lattitude or longitude are parallel lines - one fails the intersection test, the other fails the line test. Since any two great circles on a sphere will intersect, there are no true parallel lines on a sphere.

wikipedia also mentions that there are no parallel lines in elliptic geomtery


In elliptic geometry, the lines "curve toward" each other, and eventually intersect; therefore no parallel lines exist in elliptic geometry.
  • #20
This is addressing the question of "why", that Dave and Russ have responded to :

Parallel latitudes, and great circle longitudes designate respectively, the polar and azimuthal angles. These are none other than the [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] of a spherical co-ordinate system. What's special about these co-ordinates is that they form what is known as an "orthonormal basis". This is a fancy math way of saying that the co-ordinates of any point are always perpendicular to each other. You can see this readily from Dave's attached picture. Any latitude intersects any longitude at right angles (it's not JUST the equator that's perpendicular to the longitudes). This system of using an orthonormal basis is very useful for doing mathematical calculations relating to the earth.

Notice that this orthonormality condition is not met by the second system described in Dave's picture; you will even find points where the vertical and horizontal "latitudes" and are parallel. Such things make for a giant mathematical mess, giving everyone involved a terrible headache. The same kind of problem arises when you try to use two sets of "longitudes".

What's additionally nice about the system used (and this has been covered by Dave and Russ), is that it designates a single axis to the earth. This is a good thing, because the Earth naturally has one axis - the axis of rotation. The reason this is a good thing is that it becomes easy to describe azimuthally varying quantities, such as local time.
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  • #21
Gokul said:
(...)Parallel latitudes, and great circle longitudes designate respectively, the polar and azimuthal angles. These are none other than the and of a spherical co-ordinate system.(...)

Gokul,u induced the confusion that the azimuth [itex] \vartheta [/itex] and the lattitude [itex] \lambda [/itex] are one & the same angle,hence measured the same way,which is not true.So let's not mix the mathematicians and the geographers's conventions,okay?

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  • #22
dextercioby said:
Gokul,u induced the confusion that the azimuth [itex] \vartheta [/itex] and the lattitude [itex] \lambda [/itex] are one & the same angle,hence measured the same way,which is not true.So let's mix the mathematicians and the geographers's conventions,okay?

They are not numerically identical, but that's just a change in the numbering convention (choosing the equator instead of the NP as the zero). The concept is the same though.
  • #23
lwymarie said:
so why don't the geographers design parallel longitudes but non-parallel longitudes?

also, no matter the longitudes are parallel to each other or meet at the poles, they are parallel to the equator. Doesn't it sound odd?
Latitude and longitude create a natural frame of reference in which the axes (the Earth axis and a line perpendicular to it from the centre of the Earth to the Greenwich meridian) change in a very understandable and predictable way relative to the sun or the stars. Knowing how they change, allows one to determine position accurately.

Latitude and longitude are designed to identify points on the Earth in relation to celestial bodies (which were used by navigators to plot position on the Earth's surface). In order to determine location, one had to figure out where one was on the surface of the Earth with reference to the sun or a star. To do that, one had to subtract the effects of the Earth rotation. If the Earth is divided into longitudinal great circles, all points on each great circle are at the same solar time, so it is just a matter of measuring the angle of the sun at noon and the time at which noon occurs on the ship's chronometer (relative to Greenwich mean time) to figure out ones' position (and knowing the angle of inclination to the sun, which is a function of date). Try doing that with the latitude and longitude interchanged!

  • #24
The definition of 'straight line' is 'the shortest distance between two points. So there are also straight likes on a sphere. Hence the longitudes and latitudes pass the line test, right?
  • #25
No. It's not true of latitudes. When one flies from America to Europe, one does not follow a latitude even if start and end are on the same latitude. This is because the shortest distance is a great circle, and latitudes are not great circles.

FAQ: Why are latitudes not parallel to each other but longitudes are?

1. Why do latitudes appear curved on a map?

Latitudes are not parallel to each other because they represent the distance from the equator, which is a curved line on a spherical Earth. On a flat map, this curvature is distorted, making the latitudes appear curved.

2. How are latitudes and longitudes different?

Latitudes and longitudes are both imaginary lines that help us locate places on Earth. The main difference is that latitudes run parallel to the equator, while longitudes run perpendicular to the equator and converge at the poles.

3. Why are longitudes always parallel to each other?

Longitudes are parallel to each other because they are based on a fixed reference point, the Prime Meridian, which runs through the North and South poles. Unlike latitudes, which are based on the curvature of the Earth, longitudes are straight lines that do not change in relation to each other.

4. How are latitudes and longitudes measured?

Latitudes and longitudes are measured using degrees, minutes, and seconds. Latitudes range from 0° at the equator to 90° at the North and South poles. Longitudes range from 0° at the Prime Meridian to 180° at the International Date Line.

5. Why are latitudes and longitudes important for navigation?

Latitudes and longitudes are essential for navigation because they provide a precise system for locating any place on Earth. They are used in GPS systems, maps, and navigation tools to determine one's location and to plan routes for travel.

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