Dissertation guidance -- Non-linear Diff. Eqs and Photosynthesis

In summary, the author is doing research about what happens to light energy after it has been absorbed by a leaf but before it has been used in the photosynthetic reactions. For that, they need to use a system of three nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi everyone.
I am doing research about what happens to light energy after it has been absorbed by a leaf but before it has been used in the photosysnthetic reactions. For that I need to use system of 3 nonlinear ordinary differential equations.

My dissertation title is : A hybrid numerical scheme for a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
A Model from the paper: A simple model of light use in Photosystem II
Background of model: Dynamic flow of light energy through photosystem II under light changing condtions.This is my first time writing dissertation, so i am having problem how to structure my project because some how i have to link up dissertation title and model of paper together properly. how can i use system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in simple model of light use in Photosystem II? it can be either with numerical results or analytic solutions.

Has someone done this kind of research before? any good reference/books will be useful for me.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you looked for similar papers or asked your prof for some advice?

The arxiv.org is a good place to find scientific papers. There is a section on Qualitative Biology where people talk about modeling various kinds of biological systems:

  • #3
I can not find any scientific papers from your link. A paper is from thins model: simple model of light use in Photosystem II.

Reference: A. Porcar-Castell, J. Back, E. Juurola, and P. Hari. Dynamics of the energy flow through photosystem ii under changing light conditions: a model approach. Functional Plant Biol-
ogy, 33(3) : pp229 pp239; 2006.
  • #5

Hi there,

Your research sounds very interesting and complex! Non-linear differential equations are a powerful tool in studying dynamic systems, such as the flow of light energy in photosynthesis. To answer your question, there are a few ways you can incorporate the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations into your model of light use in Photosystem II.

One approach could be to use numerical methods, such as the Runge-Kutta method, to solve the differential equations and generate numerical results. This would allow you to simulate and visualize the flow of light energy under different light conditions. Another approach could be to find an analytical solution to the differential equations, which would provide a more theoretical understanding of the system.

In terms of structuring your project, it may be helpful to first outline the main goals and objectives of your research. From there, you can break down your dissertation into different sections, such as an introduction to the topic, a literature review of previous research, a description of your model and methodology, and your results and conclusions. You can then link your dissertation title and model by explaining how your hybrid numerical scheme contributes to the understanding of light energy flow in Photosystem II.

As for references and books, some helpful resources may include "Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers" by Dominic Jordan and Peter Smith, and "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" by Steven Strogatz.

Best of luck with your research!

FAQ: Dissertation guidance -- Non-linear Diff. Eqs and Photosynthesis

1. What is a non-linear differential equation?

A non-linear differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves a dependent variable and its derivatives, where the derivatives are not proportional to the dependent variable. This means that the rate of change of the dependent variable is not constant, and the equation cannot be solved using traditional methods.

2. How do non-linear differential equations relate to photosynthesis?

Non-linear differential equations are often used to model complex systems, such as photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, non-linear differential equations can be used to describe the rate of change of reactants and products in the photosynthetic process, taking into account factors such as light intensity and temperature.

3. What is the importance of studying non-linear differential equations in relation to photosynthesis?

Studying non-linear differential equations in relation to photosynthesis allows us to better understand the complex processes involved in photosynthesis and how they are affected by various environmental factors. This knowledge can then be used to improve agricultural practices and develop more efficient methods for harnessing solar energy.

4. Are there any real-life applications of non-linear differential equations in photosynthesis?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of non-linear differential equations in photosynthesis. For example, they can be used to optimize plant growth and crop yield, predict the effect of climate change on photosynthesis, and design artificial photosynthetic systems for renewable energy production.

5. What resources are available for learning more about non-linear differential equations and photosynthesis?

There are many resources available for learning more about non-linear differential equations and photosynthesis, including textbooks, online courses, and scientific articles. Additionally, consulting with experts in the field or attending conferences and workshops can also provide valuable insights and information.

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