How to perceive probability value in QM?

In summary: Hi leoneri,thanks for your question. For the spread mentioned in QM books, it is usually interpreted as the standard deviation of the time required for the state of the body to change by delta E.
  • #1
Hi all,

I have a confusion right now. To the truth is, I have been studying QM for some years, but somehow, some of its concepts are still not really clear for me.

I understand that one of components of QM interpretation that generally accepted now is the Born postulate that [tex]\left|\Psi(x,t)\right|^2dx[/tex] is the probability to find the particle between x and dx.

Then the uncertainty principle [tex]\Delta x \Delta p_x \geq \frac{1}{2} \hbar[/tex] and [tex]\Delta t \Delta E \geq \frac{1}{2} \hbar[/tex], tells the inability to precisely measure two non-commuting observables simultaneously.

My confusion is here. For sure that we are able to calculate analytically the energy quantization of system such as H atom, with exact value.

So my question is like this.

If during the energy measurement of H atom, we get different spread results over time and also over position. Is this spread values are due to the uncertainty principle, or because the limitation of our tools in measurements (related to equipment accuracy, etc.), or because we are actually approaching the measurement that we treat the H atoms system as ensembles (so instead of pure QM, we actually doing measurement as explained by statistical mechanics)?? Where is the significance of the exact calculated H atom energy?

Sometimes, I still thinking that if we can calculate exactly the energy of the system, then, in every measurements, we should get the very same identical result.. is this way of thinking is wrong?
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  • #2
Hi leoneri,

What really matters is what you mean by [tex]\Delta E and [tex]\Delta t. The best place I've read this was Griffith's book.

It states that [tex]\Delta t[/tex] and [tex]\Delta E[/tex] are the standard deviations of the time required for the state of the body to change by [tex]\Delta E[/tex].

In your case, if we know that the body has a given energy, for example the hydrogen atom, then [tex]\Delta E = 0[/tex] and as it is a stable state then it would take an infinite time to change, i.e. [tex]\Delta t = \infty[/tex].

Take care that this has nothing to do with the measurement apparatus used or with the measurement causing any perturbation to the measurement results.

This meaning is different than the meaning of [tex] \Delta x \cdot \Delta p \geq \hbar [/tex] which talks about the standard deviation measured for an ensemble of identical experiments.
  • #3
Hi Omar, thanks for your reply. Your information from the Griffith's book is really helpful, and your explanation at least confirmed what I have in my mind, that [tex]\Delta x \Delta p_x \geq \frac{1}{2} \hbar[/tex] is somehow related to ensemble concept.

But I am still questioning about spread results. I will refine my question. I still do not really understand with this spread results that usually mentioned in QM books. Is every time we do measurement, we will always get spread results after doing the experiments several time, or not? Assuming the apparatus do not causing perturbation.
  • #4
Hi leoneri,

Thanks to you :).

For the spread mentioned in books; I get is as the following: If we have an ensemble of experiments and we measure the same parameter in all experiments and form a statistical average we will get a spread, i.e. each experiment will give a different result.

For your own argument, if we neglect or consider there is no effect of time evolution or repeated measurement process on the result, then the results will not be identical and we will have a spread in them.

FAQ: How to perceive probability value in QM?

1. What is probability value in quantum mechanics?

Probability value in quantum mechanics refers to the likelihood of a particular outcome or state occurring in a quantum system. It is represented by a numerical value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty.

2. How is probability value calculated in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the probability value is calculated using the wave function of a system. The square of the magnitude of the wave function at a particular point gives the probability of finding the system in that state.

3. How does the uncertainty principle affect probability values in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, cannot be precisely measured at the same time. This means that the probability value for a particular state is not a definite value, but rather a range of values with a certain level of uncertainty.

4. Can probability values in quantum mechanics be interpreted as classical probabilities?

No, probability values in quantum mechanics cannot be interpreted as classical probabilities. In classical mechanics, the outcome of a measurement is determined by the initial conditions and the laws of motion. In quantum mechanics, the outcome of a measurement is probabilistic and influenced by the act of measurement itself.

5. How do probability values in quantum mechanics relate to the concept of superposition?

In quantum mechanics, a system can exist in a superposition of multiple states simultaneously. The probability values for each of these states represent the likelihood of the system collapsing into that state upon measurement. The overall probability of the system being in any one of these states is 1.

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