Dimensions that are not space dimensions nor time dimensions.

In summary, there can be dimensions that are not space dimensions or time dimensions, theoretically. These dimensions may not be perceivable by humans, but can still affect the physical universe. Some consider time to be a dimension, while others view it differently due to its unique properties. In math and programming, dimensions are abstract and can be unrelated to spatial dimensions. Some theories suggest the existence of multiple dimensions, but these are highly speculative and not backed by published evidence. It is possible that our universe is hurtling through space along an imperceptible axis, but this remains a topic of debate. According to PF Rules, personal opinions should not be stated without being backed by published papers.
  • #1
Can dimensions exist that are not space dimensions nor time dimensions? I was just curious.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, I think those are the only two that describe our physical universe, yes.

However, depending on your definition of exist, there are an infinite number of mathematical dimensions and conceptual dimensions.
  • #3
Do you not also need mass, [STRIKE]length[/STRIKE] charge and temperature to complete the currently acknowledged set?

edit to hasty in my list sorry.
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  • #4
Studiot said:
Do you not also need mass, length and temperature to complete the currently acknowledged set?
It's a terminology issue. Some don't consider time to be a dimension either, since it doesn't share the same properties as spatial dimensions. The state of an object can include many aspects which aren't related to dimensions, such as it's color.

In math or programming, dimensions are abstract and not required to be related to spatial dimensions. For example, each field in a database could be considered a dimension and as an index into some huge tensor.
  • #5
Any variable (number) can be said to be a "dimension". That's loosely the mathematical and true meaning of the word "dimension".

In physics, it's just often assumed that "dimension" is short for "spatial dimension". This is not really a correct way to use the word.
  • #6
As far as I know, spacetime is considered to consist of something like 11 or 12 dimensions. Since I am physically capable of experiencing only 4 of them, the rest just don't matter to me.
  • #7
Danger said:
As far as I know, spacetime is considered to consist of something like 11 or 12 dimensions. Since I am physically capable of experiencing only 4 of them, the rest just don't matter to me.

We all fall into this special recognition of experience...trap.

One theory is the 5th dimension is all possibilities that occur in your 4th dimension. Specially you can kind of visualize that but tbh i think its a bit far off the real fabric of existence
  • #8
Christov84 said:
One theory is the 5th dimension

I love their music, but have never considered them a source of physics training. :biggrin:
Actually, I agree with you. I am not capable of experiencing more than the basic 4 dimensions, but that doesn't mean that I don't believe in others. My contention is that since a human brain is a 4-dimensional object, it is inherently incapable of "visualizing" other dimensions. That might not be correct, but I've never seen any evidence to the contrary.
  • #9
Danger said:
I am not capable of experiencing more than the basic 4 dimensions...
You may well be experiencing them every waking moment, they may just be below the threshold of your macroscopic senses. Everytime you wave your arms, it may be passing through a half dozen of these tiny-curled up dimensions but the effect is too small for you to notice.
  • #10
That's a damned good point, Dave; one which never crossed my mind before. I might inadvertently influence something that I am unaware of.
Now I have to wonder if I'm killing someone every time that I fart.
  • #11
Danger said:
Now I have to wonder if I'm killing someone every time that I fart.

There was a doubt? :biggrin:
  • #12
DaveC426913 said:

There was a doubt? :biggrin:

  • #13
Dremmer said:
Can dimensions exist that are not space dimensions nor time dimensions? I was just curious.

Yes. Theoretically, there can be dimensions that we cannot perceive, but can still affect us. Take this for example: Suppose we existed in a 2 dimensional world, and we had no concept of up or down. In essence, our universe would be a flat disk in which everything existed on its surface. Now suppose that the disk was moving in the 3rd dimension through some medium--that is, it was moving up or down. Such an act could cause forces that we would only perceive in two dimensions and could not explain.

That in mind, it is possible there's a 4th spatial dimension. Who's to say our universe is not hurtling through space along some imperceivable axis?
  • #14
Renaatier said:
Yes. Theoretically, there can be dimensions that we cannot perceive, but can still affect us. Take this for example: Suppose we existed in a 2 dimensional world, and we had no concept of up or down. In essence, our universe would be a flat disk in which everything existed on its surface. Now suppose that the disk was moving in the 3rd dimension through some medium--that is, it was moving up or down. Such an act could cause forces that we would only perceive in two dimensions and could not explain.

That in mind, it is possible there's a 4th spatial dimension. Who's to say our universe is not hurtling through space along some imperceivable axis?

When you use the example of a 2 dimensional world floating in a 3 dimensional medium, the 3rd dimension is of space and so does not explain the question :D
  • #15
Besides the fact that this thread is several months old before it got revived, there is a potential that it is going to meander into highly-speculative areas. I will remind everyone of the PF Rules that you had agreed to, especially on speculative posts. Do NOT post your personal opinion if it isn't already published, or backed by published papers (you should know what we mean by "published" from the Rules).


FAQ: Dimensions that are not space dimensions nor time dimensions.

1. What are some examples of dimensions that are not space or time dimensions?

Some examples include dimensions related to energy, mass, charge, and spin.

2. How are these dimensions different from space and time dimensions?

Space and time dimensions are considered fundamental and are used to measure physical quantities. Dimensions that are not space or time dimensions are often associated with specific physical properties and are used to describe the behavior of particles and systems.

3. How many dimensions are there besides space and time dimensions?

The exact number of dimensions is still a topic of debate in physics. Some theories suggest there could be up to 11 dimensions, while others propose infinite dimensions. The number of dimensions also depends on the specific theory being studied.

4. Can we observe or experience these dimensions?

Some dimensions, such as energy and mass, can be observed and measured directly. However, dimensions like charge and spin are not directly observable, but their effects can be observed through experiments and calculations.

5. How do these dimensions impact our understanding of the universe?

Dimensions that are not space or time dimensions are essential in understanding the behavior of particles and systems at the subatomic level. They allow us to explain phenomena that cannot be described by traditional space and time dimensions, such as quantum mechanics and relativity.

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