Bad Mood Blues: Experiences & Solutions

  • Thread starter Lisa!
  • Start date
In summary, the person seems to be experiencing a negative mood, dislike for others, and a general feeling of hopelessness. They also mention that it's not fair, everything is fine but they don't understand why they feel so down. They suggest that the person watch to identify what might be causing their negative mood.
  • #1
Gold Member
I don't know what's wrong with me today.I'm so irritable.I dislike everyone today and see everything and everyone so ugly and stupid.I'm extremely moody today and because I'm in a bad mood today and even when I'm talking nicely with others they think that I'm arguing with them.
Ah I think no one could understand me.I just want to be alone for some hours and I'm sure I'll feel better but it seems that I can't.
It's not fair.Everything is fine but I don't know why I feel quite hopeless and I'm bored to death.God bless people around me coz even if they say hello to me I want to shut at them.What's happening to me?
have you ever had the same experience?How can I feel better since I can't be alone and meditate?(I even didn't want to check my mail!) :mad: :mad:
(be sure that it's not coz of thread killer...,I'd decided not to post there today and spend my time through other forums)
Physics news on
  • #2
congradulations, you have now evolved to the point where you are mature enough to realize that the world sucks and everyone in it deserves to die.
  • #3
Have you ever considered being slightly less self-centered?
  • #4
Sugar,it's Sunday,sun's shining,the Spurs may win again,what can be so bad about this day...?

  • #5
Smurf said:
congradulations, you have now evolved to the point where you are mature enough to realize that the world sucks and everyone in it deserves to die.

love the optimism...
  • #6
Do you use latex a lot too?
  • #7
Math Is hard,what do u mean?I always try not to be self-centerd and I think I'm not.what drives me crazy is that why others aren't the same?

Smurf said:
congradulations, you have now evolved to the point where you are mature enough to realize that the world sucks and everyone in it deserves to die.
Oh man,what are you talking about?It's a long time that I get it but I tried not to think about's so bad that you'd know where are you living.when I was younger I always think about why there are so many stupid people in the world and I was about to get mad .so I tried to see the world fact I tried to live in a imaginary world.I never let people around me to talk about how terrible the world is.but well I sometimes couldn't continue foling myself and... :devil:

dextercioby said:
what can be so bad about this day...?
My problem is that I don't know why I can't feel good today! :confused:
  • #8
You have to find a way to snap out of it.The internet is the last place to turn to,though.

  • #9
I don't think she's being self-centered... just angry :D

I say play game where u can beat a lot of things up or punch pillows until your so tired you have to go to sleep :D
  • #10
listen to some pathetic music , that sucks...and then keep saying 'everything sucks' and then look in the mirror such that at an angle of 45 degrees there is a thing that sucks , keep saying everything sucks... after 4-5 years you will realize you have matured a lot.All said and done, internet is the best thing to do after a boring sundAY morning.
  • #11
dextercioby said:
Sugar,it's Sunday,sun's shining,the Spurs may win again,what can be so bad about this day...?

not here, it's 1:00 in the morning here
  • #12
Lisa! said:
I don't know what's wrong with me today.I'm so irritable.I dislike everyone today and see everything and everyone so ugly and stupid.I'm extremely moody today and because I'm in a bad mood today and even when I'm talking nicely with others they think that I'm arguing with them.
Ah I think no one could understand me.I just want to be alone for some hours and I'm sure I'll feel better but it seems that I can't.
It's not fair.Everything is fine but I don't know why I feel quite hopeless and I'm bored to death.God bless people around me coz even if they say hello to me I want to shut at them.What's happening to me?
have you ever had the same experience?How can I feel better since I can't be alone and meditate?(I even didn't want to check my mail!) :mad: :mad:
(be sure that it's not coz of thread killer...,I'd decided not to post there today and spend my time through other forums)

Sounds like PMT to me...
  • #14
Maybe she was recently possesed by the demon of futility and loathing.
  • #15
hmm Lisa it looks like you need to go on a shooting spree :biggrin:

[SIZE=-1]You won't happen to live anywhere on North-East coast, right?[/SIZE]

I think what you need is to watch and identify yourself from there :-p
  • #16
Lisa! said:
I don't know what's wrong with me today.I'm so irritable.

Lisa, one word: exercise. It's very cathartic. And not mushy exercise. One hour. Sweat. Weights, stretching, cardio. Embrace the agony. You'll feel better after. I'm sure. Eating good too helps. Know what collard greens are? :smile:
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  • #17
After meditating,I'm fine.In fact,I had a wonderful time in the last few days and I usually get involved in these kind of feelings after having nice time!

Good suggestions saltydog,thanx.I'll give them a try next time.

Adrian Baker,you reminds me of my grand mother.No matter what kind of problems you're involved in ,she always says "That's because you don't eat alot!"

Dr.Brain said:
listen to some pathetic music , that sucks...and then keep saying 'everything sucks' and then look in the mirror such that at an angle of 45 degrees there is a thing that sucks , keep saying everything sucks... after 4-5 years you will realize you have matured a lot.All said and done, internet is the best thing to do after a boring sundAY morning.

"If the world didn't suck,we would all fall off."(quoted from a spam)
  • #18
Adrian Baker said:
Sounds like PMT to me...
Someone still has to tell me what the T stands for when you Brits call it PMT. ? But, yeah, I was going to suggest PMS too. That's how I feel when I get it bad; I know things aren't bad, but I still feel like they are and take everything the wrong way.
  • #19
haha.. i SO wanted to pointed it out - who uses PMT ?!

Maybe its one of those new designer drugs.. Promethiltryptamine ?? :smile:

Pre Menstrual Tendencies?
  • #20
cronxeh said:
haha.. i SO wanted to pointed it out - who uses PMT ?!

Maybe its one of those new designer drugs.. Promethiltryptamine ?? :smile:

Pre Menstrual Tendencies?

The Brits seem to all call it PMT. I was trying to think of a list of T words that would fit. Aside from "Tendencies," this is what I can come up with:

Pre-Menstrual Temper
Pre-Menstrual Thrashing
Pre-Menstrual Terror
Pre-Menstrual Trouble

Well, considering the British tendency to classify bad things as just minor little inconveniences (always such a positive group of people), it seems "tendencies" or "trouble" would be the most likely candidates.
  • #21
perhaps those brits are just horny? in that case it could be pre-menstrual-tenderness :biggrin:
  • #22
I believe in PMT, T = Tension, as opposed to S=Stress.
  • #23
Astronuc said:
I believe in PMT, T = Tension, as opposed to S=Stress.

Spot on!
  • #24
Moonbear said:
Someone still has to tell me what the T stands for when you Brits call it PMT.
I know at least one woman in whom 'PMS' stands for 'Perpetual Mean Streak'. I never understood how she could expect to get away with claiming it as an excuse 27 days in a row.
  • #25
I'm one of those lucky women that has never experienced PMS or whatever you want to call it. When it first came out I thought that it was somewhat rare, but now it seems to be a universal excuse for just about anything. Ah yes, only about 5% of all women have any severe symptoms (real symptoms in my book) and apparently it has not yet been proven to be real? They're just guessing? Interesting , I thought PMS was something medically detectable, I guess not.
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  • #26
My wife suffers from PMT real bad (Actually, that isn't true - she has PMT and I suffer real bad!)
It really is awful and it nearly ruined our marriage. She turned into a complete mentalist for 4/5 days a month and was either crying, shouting abuse, or was locked in severe depression (actually, it was usually all three at the same time!)

It took years to recognise it (I did, but she couldn't) but eventually, with a marriage in trouble she agreed to seek help. It took a while but eventually she was prescribed Prozac and it really did the job. Both her life and mine improved bigtime. She still gets tetchy now and again at this time, but wow this is a big improvement.

This reminds me of my favourite joke:

What's the difference between a woman with PMT and a terrorist?

You can negotiate with a terrorist... :smile: :smile:
  • #27
Women that have these symptoms and respond to drugs such as Prozac (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) do actually have chemical imbalances in the brain.
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  • #28
Evo said:
I'm one of those lucky women that has never experienced PMS or whatever you want to call it. When it first came out I thought that it was somewhat rare, but now it seems to be a universal excuse for just about anything. Ah yes, only about 5% of all women have any severe symptoms (real symptoms in my book) and apparently it has not yet been proven to be real? They're just guessing? Interesting , I thought PMS was something medically detectable, I guess not.
I know a lot of people just get moody. Both myself and one of my friends have very similar symptoms, that we just don't take criticism well during that time, and take everything as criticism. Yeah, people claim PMS for everything, but it's not PMS if you're just *****y all the time. Plus it refers to everything, not just the mood swings, which is why the S refers to Syndrome...just a collection of symptoms. So it includes the water retention some have, and the headaches (the headaches alone make me a grouch), and cramping, along with the moodiness. A low percentage of women have really severe symptoms that actually need medicating (and they've now started calling that pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder...a name change no doubt inspired by the drug companies, but useful because it distinguishes when it's severe enough to warrant prescribing antidepressants), but the rest of us generally just need understanding partners who don't take it too personally if we take things they say the wrong way. It's easy to think you're just having a bad day every once in a while and never put two and two together. For me, it's just a day or two...maybe three in a bad month...that I get so moody, so it was a long time before I even noticed there was a pattern to it.
  • #29
I suffer from really REALLY bad cramps, so bad that I have to take Percodan (now Vicodin, hydrocodone) to relieve them, I actually turn white and my body temperature drops when the cramps start, people will get scared by my lack of color, it's that obvious. And headaches and bloating. Who wouldn't get irritable? But for some women it's an actual chemical imbalance in the brain which seems to be exacerbated by hormonal changes, the PMDD you referred to.
  • #30
walking dynamite! I think guys should have special calendars that mark the ovulation and menstruation periods of their females so they can plan their daily activities involving females accordingly
  • #31
cronxeh said:
walking dynamite! I think guys should have special calendars that mark the ovulation and menstruation periods of their females so they can plan their daily activities involving females accordingly
You mean you don't? I had one boyfriend who really did keep track...he knew better than I did when my period would start, which was good, because when I got moody, he was already expecting it and wasn't bothered.
  • #32
We Brits had to call it PMT because the name we wanted to use, Mad Cow Disease, was already taken.

Cronxeh, I used to have a little application (PMS Alert, I think it was called) which sat on my taskbar. You program in your girlfriend's, urm, cycle, and it gives you colour-coded warnings when attacks of unprovoked *****iness are imminent. It worked, too.

Edit: I can say wanker, bollocks and twat, but I can't say b**ch? What's that all about?
  • #33
Moonbear said:
You mean you don't? I had one boyfriend who really did keep track...he knew better than I did when my period would start, which was good, because when I got moody, he was already expecting it and wasn't bothered.

I used to back when I was 16-17.. haven't dated much from then.. :rolleyes:

Right but yea any guy who wants to wow his gf should try it at least for a month and see if the differential treatment and peak cuddling works wonders or not.. it did for me :rolleyes:

brewnog said:
We Brits had to call it PMT because the name we wanted to use, Mad Cow Disease, was already taken.

:smile: you are so dead dude
  • #34
brewnog said:
We Brits had to call it PMT because the name we wanted to use, Mad Cow Disease, was already taken.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #35
Now I have to admit what a terrible thread!
Oh my God!How can you ?how dare you?what are you doing?What are you doing with my deep philosophy thoughts ?
ah,I always think that people who're involved in math most of time are intolerable.they can never be good psychologists!I'm really pleased that people around me aren't like you.You know what drives me crazy about some people?
You're feeling terrible but they're finding a silly reason for that and... :biggrin:
anyway,I want to tell you if you feel the same 1 time,don't talk to anybody.I mean totally forget it coz your day turns to be a nasty day!
After quitting here,first I received some bad news.then I had a terrible headache and now I think I catch a cold. :cry:

Evo said:
I'm one of those lucky women that has never experienced PMS or whatever you want to call it.
Me , fact,I always think that some people are overating their situations.
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