Thermodynamic Cycle: Calculating Heat Transfer and Work

In summary: JIn summary, the conversation discusses a gas undergoing a thermodynamic cycle with 3 processes. The first process involves compression at constant pressure, while the second and third processes involve constant pressure and volume, respectively. The conversation also mentions finding the work and heat transfer for the second and third processes.
  • #1
Sorry about the double post, I had technical difficulties that I was working on and the title of my orginal post got screwed up.

I'm having problems getting started on this one.

A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of 3 processes

process 1-2 compression with pressure(p)*volume(V) = constant, from
[tex]p_{1} = 1 bar[/tex]
[tex]V_{1} = 1.6m^3[/tex]
[tex]p_{2} = ?[/tex]
[tex]V_{1} = .2m^3[/tex]


process 2-3
Constant pressure to [tex]V_{3}=V_{1}[/tex]

process 3-1
Constant Volume, [tex]U_{1}-U_{3} = -3549kJ[/tex]

There are no significant changes in kinetic or potential energy.
Determine the heat transfer and work for process 2-3 in kJ.

I don't have any problems finding[tex]p_{2}[/tex] or the work needed to compress the gas, but I'm not really sure where to go from there.


[tex]W=\int p dV[/tex]

When I work these out, I end up with 333kJ for W and 8 bar for p2.

If someone could give me a quick push in the right direction, that would be great.
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  • #2
kdinser said:
A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of 3 processes

process 1-2 compression with pressure(p)*volume(V) = constant, from
[tex]p_{1} = 1 bar[/tex]
[tex]V_{1} = 1.6m^3[/tex]
[tex]p_{2} = ?[/tex]
[tex]V_{1} = .2m^3[/tex]


process 2-3
Constant pressure to [tex]V_{3}=V_{1}[/tex]

process 3-1
Constant Volume, [tex]U_{1}-U_{3} = -3549kJ[/tex]

There are no significant changes in kinetic or potential energy.
Determine the heat transfer and work for process 2-3 in kJ.
The work done between 2-3 is just [itex]P_2\Delta V = P_2(V_3-V_2) = P_2(7*V_2)[/itex]

The change in internal energy is [itex]U_3-U_2 = U_3-U_1[/itex], since [itex]U_2=U_1[/itex]

Use [itex]\Delta Q = \Delta U + W[/itex] to find the energy (heat) flow into the system.

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  • #3

As a scientist, your first step in solving this problem would be to identify the type of thermodynamic cycle that is occurring. In this case, it appears to be a closed system cycle, where the gas is compressed and then expanded back to its original volume. This is known as a Brayton cycle.

Next, you would use the known values for pressure and volume in process 1-2 to calculate the specific gas constant, R, using the ideal gas law (pV=nRT). Then, using the given information for process 3-1, you can calculate the change in internal energy (ΔU) for the entire cycle.

Once you have the change in internal energy, you can use the First Law of Thermodynamics (ΔU = Q - W) to calculate the heat transfer (Q) for process 2-3. Since there are no significant changes in kinetic or potential energy, the change in internal energy is equal to the heat transfer for this process.

Finally, you can use the work equation you have already calculated (W = ∫p dV) to solve for the work done in process 2-3. This will give you the final answer for the heat transfer and work in process 2-3 in kJ.

FAQ: Thermodynamic Cycle: Calculating Heat Transfer and Work

1. What is a thermodynamic cycle?

A thermodynamic cycle is a series of processes that a system undergoes and returns to its initial state. It involves the transfer of heat and work between the system and its surroundings.

2. How do you calculate heat transfer in a thermodynamic cycle?

Heat transfer in a thermodynamic cycle can be calculated using the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the sum of the heat added to the system and the work done on the system.

3. What is the significance of work in a thermodynamic cycle?

Work is a crucial aspect of a thermodynamic cycle as it represents the energy transfer between the system and its surroundings. It can be positive (work done on the system) or negative (work done by the system).

4. How do you determine the efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle?

The efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle can be calculated by dividing the desired output (such as work) by the required input (such as heat). This ratio is known as the Carnot efficiency and is always less than 1.

5. What are some real-world applications of thermodynamic cycles?

Thermodynamic cycles are used in various industries, such as power generation, refrigeration, and air conditioning. They are also important in the design and operation of engines, such as car engines and jet engines.

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