Power Series For Function of Operators

In summary, the conversation is about finding a general power series for a function of non-commuting operators. The first guess for the power series is not correct and a second attempt is made. The purpose of finding the power series is to derive a formula for the commutator of a function and an operator. The person is asking for help and someone suggests using the Poisson bracket and Dirac's rule for canonical quantization. However, it is mentioned that there may not be a neat way to write the power series due to the non-commutativity of the operators.
  • #1
Hi, I'm looking for a general power series for a function of F of n operators. As normal, the operators do not necessarily commute.

My first guess was:
F(x,p) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \sum_{j=0}^\infty a_{ij} x^i p^j + b_{ij}p^i x^j

However, I don't think this is correct as it is possible to have operators between x and p.
So then I thought that this might be the correct expansion:
F(x,p) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \sum_{j=0}^\infty a_{ij} x^i b_{ij} p^j + c_{ij} p^i d_{ij} x^j

Obviously, I'm just guessing here and could use some help. Why do I care about this? I am trying to derive a formula for

[F(x_1,...,x_n), G]

Suppose I know how G commutes with each of the operators x_i. I want to get an expansion for G commuting with some function F of the x_i operators. I'll work on the details of that, but first I need some help with the power series of F.
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  • #2
There exists a simple rule, if you'd be applying your discussion to quantum mechanics.

  • #3
So here is what I am actually trying to do. I have:

[P^j,\phi_r(x)] = -i \hbar \frac{\partial\phi_r(x)}{\partial x_j}


[P^j,\pi_r(x)] = -i \hbar \frac{\partial\pi_r(x)}{\partial x_j}

For a function [itex]F\left(\phi_r(x),\pi_r(x)\right)[/itex], I need to show the following:

[P^j,F\left(\phi_r(x),\pi_r(x)\right)] = -i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}F\left(\phi_r(x),\pi_r(x)\right)

I was thinking of considering the various commutator relations:


but since the operators don't commute, there are (too) many possible combinations to consider. I would be interested in knowing this trick you speak of.

  • #4
Use the Poisson bracket and Dirac's rule giving the canonical quantization.

  • #5
Could someone spell this out for me? I have convinced myself that there is no pretty way to write a power series for a function of operators (that do not necessarily commute). It seems like you'd have a sum of an infinite product...each term in the product with their own index...so you are summing over an infinite number of indices.

FAQ: Power Series For Function of Operators

1. What is a power series for a function of operators?

A power series for a function of operators is an infinite sum of terms involving the operators raised to different powers, with coefficients determined by the function's derivatives. It is a useful mathematical tool for approximating and manipulating certain types of functions.

2. How is a power series for a function of operators different from a regular power series?

A regular power series involves scalar coefficients and powers of a single variable, while a power series for a function of operators involves coefficients that are functions of the operators and powers of the operators themselves.

3. What types of problems can be solved using power series for functions of operators?

Power series for functions of operators are commonly used in physics and engineering to solve differential equations and other mathematical problems involving operators. They can also be used in quantum mechanics to represent and manipulate certain types of operators.

4. How is a power series for a function of operators calculated?

A power series for a function of operators is calculated using the Taylor series expansion, which involves finding the function's derivatives and substituting them into the power series formula. This process can be repeated to find higher order terms and improve the accuracy of the approximation.

5. What are the limitations of using power series for functions of operators?

Power series for functions of operators are only accurate for functions that can be represented as a power series, and may not be suitable for all types of functions. Additionally, the convergence of the series may be limited by the operators involved, and the calculations can become complex when dealing with higher order terms.

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