What Range of Frequencies Prevents a Mass-Spring System from Breaking?

In summary, we can find the range of \omega in which the system doesn't break by considering the maximum displacement of the mass from the equilibrium position. This gives us an approximate range of 1.82574 < \omega < 4. It's always a good idea to double check our calculations.
  • #1
(I had made a thread with a problem similar to this one, but it turned a bit messy after finding out the professor made some mistakes and the wording of his problem was awkward ... however, this is it)


Differential equation governing a forced, mass-spring system:
[tex]X\text{''}+4*X=0.04*\cos (\omega *t)[/tex]

Spring constant = 4
Mass = 1Kg
Mass starts from rest, at equilibrium

Find the range of [tex]\omega[/tex] in which the system doesn't break given that the spring breaks if stretched more than 0.06 m from the equilibrium position.Attempt:

Equilibrium position = 2.45 m

[tex]X(t) = \left(2.45-\frac{0.04}{4-\omega ^2}\right) \text{cos}(2*t)+\frac{0.04 *\text{cos}(t *\omega )}{4-\omega ^2}[/tex]

So, now, how would I find all [tex]\omega[/tex] such that [tex]X(t) > 2.51 = 2.45 + 0.06[/tex] for all [tex]t[/tex]?
Don't know of any exact way of calculating this. Used MATLAB to approximate the range of \omega's and it is ~ [tex]1.997379 < \omega < 2.303155[/tex]

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  • #2
for sharing your problem and solution attempt. It's always interesting to see how different people approach and solve problems.

To find the range of \omega in which the system doesn't break, we need to consider the maximum displacement of the mass from the equilibrium position. As you mentioned, the spring breaks if the displacement is more than 0.06 m from the equilibrium position.

From the equation for X(t), we can see that the maximum displacement occurs when the term \frac{0.04}{4-\omega ^2} is at its maximum value. This happens when \omega = 4, as the denominator becomes 0 and the term becomes undefined.

So, we can say that the system will not break if \omega < 4, as the maximum displacement will always be less than 0.06 m. However, if we consider the term \frac{0.04}{4-\omega ^2} to be approximately equal to 0.06, we can solve for \omega to get an approximate range.

0.06 = \frac{0.04}{4-\omega ^2}
0.06(4-\omega ^2) = 0.04
0.24 - 0.06\omega ^2 = 0.04
0.06\omega ^2 = 0.2
\omega ^2 = \frac{0.2}{0.06}
\omega ^2 = \frac{10}{3}
\omega = \sqrt{\frac{10}{3}}
\omega \approx 1.82574

So, we can say that the system will not break if 1.82574 < \omega < 4.

However, this is just an approximation and using MATLAB to get a more accurate range is a good idea. It's always important to double check our calculations and solutions.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if I can assist in any other way.

FAQ: What Range of Frequencies Prevents a Mass-Spring System from Breaking?

What is a DE-mass-spring system?

A DE-mass-spring system is a physical system that consists of a mass attached to a spring, which is then subjected to an external force or displacement. It follows the principles of Newton's second law of motion and can be described by a differential equation.

What is the equation that governs a DE-mass-spring system?

The equation that governs a DE-mass-spring system is known as the spring-mass equation, which is a second-order linear differential equation. It is represented as m*d^2x/dt^2 + b*dx/dt + kx = F(t), where m is the mass, b is the damping coefficient, k is the spring constant, x is the displacement of the mass, t is time, and F(t) is the external force.

What factors affect the behavior of a DE-mass-spring system?

The behavior of a DE-mass-spring system is affected by several factors, including the mass of the object, the spring constant, the damping coefficient, and the external forces acting on the system. Changes in any of these factors can alter the motion and stability of the system.

What are the different types of motion exhibited by a DE-mass-spring system?

A DE-mass-spring system can exhibit various types of motion, including oscillatory motion, simple harmonic motion, and damped harmonic motion. The type of motion depends on the initial conditions and the properties of the system, such as the damping coefficient and spring constant.

How can a DE-mass-spring system be applied in real-life situations?

DE-mass-spring systems have a wide range of applications in real-life situations. They can be found in everyday objects, such as car suspensions, door hinges, and trampolines. They are also used in engineering and physics to study and analyze the behavior of mechanical systems and structures.
