What was your most embarrassing moment?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, In middle school, I made my mom laugh so hard she peed her pants and then I spoke at her retirement dinner.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
One good one:

The time I was far out in the backwoods skinny dipping with my girlfriend when while standing on a large rock, I heard giggles and looked up, and about thirty Girl Scouts were walking by at close range! :surprise:
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  • #2
wow, that is beyond embarassing!
  • #3
My enlish/history teacher had been a bit crabby, very thirsty and emotional/sensitive for about a week when a friend of mine came up with the conclusion that she was with child. Well, a few others and I believed her (with hints of doubt) when our teacher was absent for a few days.
On the first of those days when we had a substitute, class started out normally. I was taking out my homework, my mind on a lot of things. I was partially conscious of what was going on in class. I was aware that the substitute was answering a question about our teacher's absence. I began thinking about my friend's explanation for it...so uh, I actually said my thoughts out loud! I said "Is she gone because she's preganant?!"
This theory was supposed to be a secret, and I just blurted it out without thinking! I covered my mouth, turning reder by the minute. The whole class laughed at it; surely surprised to hear such an outrageously open comment by one of the shyest kids in class: ME!
Well, it turned out that my teacher was indeed preganant. I don't know if she knows about my comment or not...I hope not.
  • #4
Oh I've had too many.

1. When I was on music high-school I played the piano for a mid-school audience, the school I had went on a couple of years before, so I knew some guys there. I was playing with the tuba which was standing on the stage. I was sitting by the side, right beside the audience. When we were almost midways I forgot the rest and the tuba played through the rest of the song alone which only consisted of a couple of boop baap here and there since the piano had to fill in a lot.
I remember things on hand so if I get out of the song I easily have to start from the beginning. Even tho we had practiced a lot I forgot. The whole audience of aged 13-16 was laughing and I was turning bloddy red obviously. omgawd it was so embarresing..
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  • #5
:biggrin: That was embarrassing! Poor Pace.

I remember when I was 10 my mother made me wear a pair of black panty hose underneath the skirt for school on a very cold day. They were weird anyway but I was too ignorant to resist. By the time I discovered the huge holes in them I was in front of the class reciting poems, no words could describe my dread and embarrassment.
  • #6
Doing my military service, there was a person talking and I thought it was a sergeant (really it was a general). I said: Sergeant, can i ask you a question?, and he repplied: "I'm not a sergeant, I'm a general". And he buffed my face. All the rest of the soldiers were laughing, I thought that the general was going to send me to the jail, but fortunately it wasn't the case
  • #7
the summer between my 6th and 7th year of school, i went to SOU for a summer camp. my group did a skit at the end of the week and my role was a nurse. my line was, "Okay lance, drop your pants" as i held a fake needle in my hand. what made it embarassing is the cutest boy at the camp was named lance. poor guy was teased after that. coincidently, when i began middle school that year, he began attending the same school as i. however, there were no hard feelings. :smile:
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  • #8
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  • #9
Okay, most of these are respectably embarrassing but I think Polly and Kerrie can do better than that! Come on, surely you have been caught picking your nose... :rolleyes: or you have something a little juicier than panty hose and drop your pants lance. :biggrin:

Anyone ever trip and fall in front of a crowd? Anyone ever get caught by mom... :wink: Anyone ever walked into a wall. Come on, who didn't make it to the pee pee room in time?
  • #10
One time I made my mom laugh so hard that she peed her pants. I literally had her rolling on the floor! Then, THEN, I told the story at her retirement dinner! We had nearly everyone she had ever worked with for the last 20 years - about 100 people. I was the surprise guest speaker. :smile: :smile: :smile: At one point in the speach she was trying to hide under the table.
  • #11
How about driving a bicycle through the rain, walking all the way across a busy train platform to reach the other end, struggeling to be one of the first to enter the train so that you still have a chance to sit down for the 40 minute ride, the walkway in the train fills up with standing people not fortunate enough to find a seat, satisfied you look at the reflection in the window to arrange your hair when you realize a raccoon is staring back at you! That's when you find out water resistant isn't always waterproof.. :surprise:
  • #12
A few months ago a few of my friends and I went down to this kegger by the University. We’d been to a keg party there before and it was really cool. Lot’s of people. Anyway, the first time we went it was mid October but still really nice out so most people were outside. There was a garage in the backyard and that’s where they kept all the beer.

This time it was mid March and pretty cold out and we were all still wearing winter coats. The garage had about six kegs in it. My friends and I got there pretty early and decided to just hang out by the kegs and get out money’s worth. Well the students who rented the property were dispensing the beer and quickly became drunk so my friends and I took over pouring beer for everyone. As the night went on, and having only gone through two of the kegs we noticed less and less people outside. When we asked someone where everyone was they said that everyone had gone inside cause it was too cold out, and that they had a few kegs in the house. So there we were, 4 guys and 4 kegs of beer. (Of course no way did we even come close to drinking it all, but just the thought of all that beer…) We just got right into it by the end of the night we were all so drunk we were just spraying ourselves with the beer. My coat was soaked.

We decided to leave around three in the morning, took a cab home. This is when my memory of the night turns fuzzy. I guess the cab driver had to pull over so I could puke on the side of the road. My friend had to walk me to my door. I was trying to be quiet but of course I was almost falling over and woke up my parents. I had to take a leak really bad so I quickly ran to the bathroom. Next thing I remember I’m laying on the floor, my pants and shorts around my ankles and my dad banging on the door wondering what was going on. I mumbled something and then he opened the door and both my parents came in. They were just like “damn, what the hell?” Tried to help me up but I guess I puked all over the floor. Anyway, they dragged my to bed…and then decided to wake me up at 8am for church. LoL. I was so out of it during the mass. When I got home, I had to clean up after myself…not fun. My mom was busy washing my coat. I noticed for the whole day that my house smelled like beer. I found out it was because I tossed my beer soaked cloves on the heater vent.

My parents didn’t really seem mad (I was 19, legal drinking age). In fact, they keep making fun of me for it still. But yeah, that was pretty embarrassing.

BTW, I’m not a terrible drunk. That was really the only time I had drank so much that I forgot what happened. But from what I heard from other people who were at the kegger that night, they went through a lot of the same that I did. Musta been the beer…
  • #13
Okay, now that had me roaring! :smile:

Classic stuff! :biggrin:
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
Okay, most of these are respectably embarrassing but I think Polly and Kerrie can do better than that! Come on, surely you have been caught picking your nose... :rolleyes: or you have something a little juicier than panty hose and drop your pants lance. :biggrin:

Anyone ever trip and fall in front of a crowd? Anyone ever get caught by mom... :wink: Anyone ever walked into a wall. Come on, who didn't make it to the pee pee room in time?

not sure if i can repeat my most embarrassing moment here on this website... :rolleyes:
  • #15
Kerrie said:
not sure if i can repeat my most embarrassing moment here on this website... :rolleyes:

I completely understand.


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  • #16
I got caught by mom once. :redface:

The first time that I worked at USC medical center was quite an experience. You follow these colored lines on the floor all around the hospital. When you enter the ER area there is a color code on the wall. From there, just follow the color stripe to your destination. So I'm following my green line [I think it was] when it takes me to the elevator. I walked in, turned around and saw the green line marking the 10th floor button [or so]. I hit the button and waited until the elevator stopped at my floor. When it stopped it just sat there. Nothing happened. I hit the door open button but nothing happened. Then I heard the chuckling from a room full of people, behind me. I had never seen a double sided elevator. :rolleyes:
  • #17
I had a buddy in my seventh-grade class who was from New York, and who was already heavily into discussing politics. He incidentally taught me the rules to chess. Another of his passions was stamp collecting. His enthusiasm for collecting (though not for politics) rubbed off on me, and for a couple of years I spent my pocket change on buying cheap stamps, mostly through the mail, and placing them in an album I bought at a hobby shop.

I said all that to lead up to this: I was at the house of another school friend and was proudly describing my budding stamp collection to the guy. My friend, seemingly in all sincerity, told me with enthusiasm that a friend of his had a great stamp from Germany, and said I ought to rush over to that guy's house--he even gave me instructions how to find the house--and see if I could talk him into trading it for some of my stamps. I vaguely knew the guy he was talking about, enough to know that kid was the prototypical "jock" type, and I thought it was a little odd that the kid would be into as sedate a hobby as stamps. Anyway, the next day after school I walked to the house in question and rang the doorbell. I asked the woman who answered if Terry was there, and she went for him, and he came to the door. I told him why I was there, and he stared at me like I was from Mars, like he was thinking who the hell are you, and what are you doing bothering me? It finally sank in that the whole story that was told to me about Terry being a stamp collector was bogus, and it was just a practical joke. I don't think I have ever again been burned quite that badly.
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  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
I got caught by mom once. :redface:

yes, i got caught once too, but let's just say, i wasn't caught alone and the person who "caught" me was his mother. is that considered pretty embarassing? and oh yes, we were in his mother's house.
  • #19
I live in Germany and well let's say being a single 16 year old guy one of my hobbies is going around checking out hott chicks. Well I was walking on the sidewalk in France on time with my brother and there was a group of French chicks, about 6 or 7 of them, standing in a parking lot across the street and about thirty feet away. My brother took French in High School and told me to say "Hey, beautiful" to them, so as we get to be right across the street form them I do and they wave and two of them start crossing the street. My brother and I were still walking but seeing them start to cross he stops but I'm stilling walking looking backward drooling at them walking. The next thing I know I connect with a big old light pole and fall on my butt.All of the girls saw and started laughing. The two crossing ran over to see if I was ok but I think the bump growing on the side of my head told them all they needed to know as they kept laughing. Now that I think about it I never did talk to them afterward. Maybe because my brother was luaghing so hard he decided to leave and go pee. So I left with him to nurture my bump.

Now is that good enough. A display of American wit abroad. HAHA
  • #20
I was sitting at a dining table in a restaurant with government officials (ministry of works) and a local developer. The meeting was a prelude to a lawsuit I was threatening for unlawful excavation on private property. The developer was passing responsibility to government, who in turn were tap dancing around what was essentially an unlawful act expropriating mineral interests from private property holders. There was an older law that had been in place, and never removed, and government couldn’t make up its mind which law to appeal to so they tried appealing to more favorable (to them) aspects of both. I wasn’t going to have any wishy-washiness from them and slapped a cassette recorder down in the middle of the table and cautioned all parties that I had every intention to defend my rights. Well, after our conversation ended (45 minutes later) I looked down at the recorder and realized I had forgot to turn the damn thing on. The big LED that said “Power” was in plain view. There were four or five people at the table and I’m certain someone had to have noticed, haha.
  • #21
On a business trip, I got back to the hotel and went looking for the pop machine down by the swimming pool and got a little distracted. Yet, distracting me from my distraction, there was this little voice somewhere in the back of my head asking, "Why are they suddenly changing the tile pattern here, for no good reason?" Then, suddenly, the larger voice somewhere in my head started screaming "The jacuzzi! They cover it during the day so bugs won't get in it!"

I hate it when you realize these things just a split second too late. There's no way you can stop your momentum mid-step, so you have to go to plan B. If you keep on going, even speed up a little, maybe the cover will hold you up long enough you can get across. Well, maybe only your shoes and socks will get wet. Well, at least I was wearing shorts, so mid-calf, uh, knee high ... About waist high, trying to wade through a cover that, by now, had slid completely into the jacuzzi, I had to admit things just weren't going all that well at all. Fortunately, the steps out were on the other end, so I could just keep on going and exit with a little dignity?

Maybe, if not for those stupid kids from the high school across the street who always snuck in after school for a swim. That one poor kid nearly drowned from laughing so hard ... about seven times, no less. Every time he thought he was over it, he could only swim for about 30 seconds before he was nearly drowning again from laughing so hard. And then that poor dimwitted kid who actually had to ask if I did that by accident.

What the heck were they watching me for anyway? The good distractions were down at the opposite end of the pool.
  • #22
The one that got away.

Bob's story reminds me of once when I had the potential to make a fool out of myself, and barely escaped.

I was at Mesa Verde in southwestern Colorado. It features ancient Indian cliff dwellings. Tourists form up into a group, and then at the appointed time a tour guide takes you for a hike, incuding through some of the rooms built into the cliff. To get from one of the rooms to the next, we had to get down on hands and knees and crawl through a low tunnel in the rock. As I recall it was about ten feet long. Anyway, I thought it would be neat to get video from the point of view of a crawler, so I had the camera to my eye and I used two knees and one hand to go through. Getting to the other room, I stood up and took a few steps away from the tunnel's exit, still looking through the camera and keeping the other eye shut. Then, mid-stride I turned off the camera and got a good look at the room. I realized that in about another three steps I would have gone over the edge of a cylindrical pit built into the floor of that room, had I kept going the way I was going. It would not have been obvious enough in the camera viewfinder to make it likely that I would have realized there was a hole there. The pit was only six or eight feet deep, so I would probably not have broken any bones, but the other tourists would have thought What an idiot that guy is.
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  • #23
Kerrie said:
yes, i got caught once too, but let's just say, i wasn't caught alone and the person who "caught" me was his mother. is that considered pretty embarassing? and oh yes, we were in his mother's house.

Hey, I wasn't alone; I was with miss right [or was it miss left]?
  • #24
When I was about thirteen, by freind's sister [next door] was having a swimming/slumber party. Not realizing that they were all changing from their swimming suits, I walked into a room filled with about ten, naked, 15 year old girls! :smile: :smile: :smile:

Boy I was embarrassed! I was so embarrassed that I almost couldn't bring myself to close the door. :smile: :smile: :smile:...really I just couldn't think straight because of all of the high pitched screaming.
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  • #25
hahahaha, Ivan! That's like the most embarassing story ever!

Once, when I was still naive, and 9 years old, my sisters boyfriend came over for lunch. Well, they were getting serious about their relationship (and my mom was hearing wedding bells in the future) and I thought I'd give'em a little push (I thought they were going too slow after dating for about a year). So, that day, I was tried to make "Mr. Right" think all the wonderful cooking was done by my sister, that, no matter what my sister looked fabulous etc. by making comments like "wow! that is wonderful food" or "Hey, you look wonderful! a natural beauty"(to my sister). Mr.Right apparently got the message...and I was aware of his attempts to supress his laughter at my naive behavior when it was a little too late. My other sister pointed out to me that she was the one who did the cooking and the other stuff. Boy was I embarassed.

Of course, that was in my child hood...I'm an experienced teen now.
  • #26
They do tours of St. Michael's caves in Gibraltar. Basically you just walk around in this really surreal subterranean world, it's really pretty. Anyway, at some parts there are guide ropes to aid you in the wetter parts. Anyway, being young... about 13 I think, I was pretty indestructible.

So I was scrambling up this slippery slope, lost grip on the rope, landed awkwardly so that I fell on my ass, and slid down the slope... right into the underground lake. In front of about 30 people. Once they finished laughing, they helped fish me out, and then everyone paused for about a five minute break, with a fresh burst of laughter... I slunk to the back of the tour for the rest of the night.
  • #27
Ivan Seeking said:
Boy I was embarrassed! I was so embarrassed that I almost couldn't bring myself to close the door. :smile: :smile: :smile:...really I just couldn't think straight because of all of the high pitched screaming.
Congratulations that you're still alive and sound! :wink:
  • #28
Come on KL. Surely you have a story for us. :surprise:
  • #29
When I was 16 I worked as a waitress and a bunch of friends from work would rent a hotel room every Saturday night and just get smashed. One night I was especially drunk and had to walk across the street to the gas station for something (probably munchies, who knows). Anyway, someone had to go with me, and as we were crossing the street, I saw a bunch of police cars in the parking lot of the gas station. Well, it was like 3 a.m. and I was 16 and completely wasted, so I stopped in the middle of the deserted, six lane highway, crouched down (as if no one would see me?), and ran back to the hotel. I wasn't sure if the police had seen me, so I was like creeping along the walls, ducking behind bushes, peeking around the corners and such. When I got to the stairs (we were on the second floor), I crawled up the stairs on all fours and scratched at the door. When my friends asked me what I was doing I told them I was a cat in stealth mode. And that's how Stealth Kitty was born.
BTW I don't drink anymore :rolleyes:
Happy thoughts
  • #30
Now I remember one of my other horribly embaressing moments.
I was at my uncles house and my brother and my female cousin was talking boringly upstairs, so I went downstairs to explore a little. I found the TV.
There was also a TV upstairs in the livingroom where they were.
What I didn't know was that both of those tvs were connected, so when I switched the channel downstairs, so happened upstairs.
I started to switch, came to a pron channel, but suddenly couldn't change somehow. They started to yell upstairs :ultrablush:, and I was screaming "I can't manage to change, I can't manage to-- " So after some fiddling and telling I made it anyway, and went up again. Barely.
  • #31

In the last embarassing moments thread, I told a story about unfortunate happenings at a school wax museum, ending in the injury of Abraham Lincoln and me hiding in a cabinet for several hours. Anyone remember this?
  • #32
honestrosewater said:
When I was 16 I worked as a waitress and a bunch of friends from work would rent a hotel room every Saturday night and just get smashed. One night I was especially drunk and had to walk across the street to the gas station for something (probably munchies, who knows). Anyway, someone had to go with me, and as we were crossing the street, I saw a bunch of police cars in the parking lot of the gas station. Well, it was like 3 a.m. and I was 16 and completely wasted, so I stopped in the middle of the deserted, six lane highway, crouched down (as if no one would see me?), and ran back to the hotel. I wasn't sure if the police had seen me, so I was like creeping along the walls, ducking behind bushes, peeking around the corners and such. When I got to the stairs (we were on the second floor), I crawled up the stairs on all fours and scratched at the door. When my friends asked me what I was doing I told them I was a cat in stealth mode. And that's how Stealth Kitty was born.
BTW I don't drink anymore :rolleyes:
Happy thoughts

Ahh this inspires me to share one of my drunk stories.. It involved a 5th of jack, a 5th of jim, a couple of 40's and a fence.. I was blitzed out of my mind-in fact the only time I ever blacked out. But I was drinking in my friend's backyard who happened to live right behind my cousin. So anyhow, my friend passed out at the picnic table and we decided to just leave him there. I decided to crash at my cousin's house since I was too drunk to drive home. Well there was a small fence between my friend's house and my cousin's-maybe 5 feet or so. I had hopped that fence countless times before. But for some reason I couldn't make it over that night. I got stuck at the top-for about 20 minutes. finally one of my friends helped(pushed) me over, and I got down... that was just the beginning of the night, but I don't want to steal everyone else's thunder, so we'll save that for another day... hehe

and btw, I don't drink anymore either, although I managed to acquire enough stories by 22 for 5 or 6 people :biggrin:
  • #33
Embarrassing stories? Plenty of those.

Mom used to make me wear the clothing my grandmother made for me when I was a kid...'nuff said!

Or, there was the time I was on the playground after school (in 2nd or 3rd grade I think), and heard that tell-tale ripping sound. Went running to mom to have her take me home because I had ripped my pants...she was talking with the other moms and wanted to talk with them a bit longer, told me to go back to playing. I protested a bit and she assured me it wasn't so bad as I thought, just the outside seam, not the inside seam, don't worry, nobody could even tell. So, reassured, I went back to the playground, only to hear laughter from behind, followed by, "I see London, I see France..." Yes, my mom lied to me...she took me home when I returned in tears.

Oh, and then there was the time when our teacher requested the parents donate some rags to clean the chalkboard, and mom gladly complied...as the teacher pulled out an old pair of underpants from the bag mom gave me to take to school, I realized the source of the rags she sent! :cry: I think the teacher was just as embarrassed, or maybe just really felt sorry for me.

Mom was a continual source of embarrassment in my childhood. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Right?! :redface:
  • #34
Mom was a continual source of embarrassment in my childhood. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Right?!

I once had an English professor - a woman - who commented one day that no one should ever go for psychological counseling. "I can save you a lot of time and money" she said, "it's all your mother's fault!"
  • #35
I'll just summarize by saying that when you're having a torrid but secretive affair with a co-worker, take caution to note the difference between the Reply and Reply All buttons in your email application. :redface: :blushing: :biggrin:

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