Heat change between system and surrounding

In summary,Heat transfer between a pure substance and its surrounding is reversible as long as the temperature difference between the system and the surrounding is infinitesimal. This can be achieved by drawing the system boundary between the liquid and solid phases of the pure substance.
  • #1
weng cheong
how can heat change between system and surrounding be reversible?


in this case, heat change, i reckon
a)since u is state function, there is no change in U, thus change in u is 0
b) 0=q-w' hence q=w' , all the heat transferred is spent on doing work
c) in order to make this reversible, w' must be maximum, so does the q1)does it mean that if i would like to get a reversible change, the amount of heat change between system and surrounding must be huge enough?
a small amount of heat change will be irreversible?

2) i found that in order to have a infinitesimal steps in the exchange of heat, temperature difference of the system and the corresponding surrounding has to be infinitesimal.
what if the amount of q is huge enough to make a difference in the temperature of system?
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Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Good morning weng cheong.

Probably the simplest example of a reversible heat change is melting / freezing with the exchange of latent heat of fusion.

There is also a substantial entropy change associated with this phase transition.

go well
  • #3
i'm sorry, i don't get it. how does your explanation answer my question? can you explain in more detail?

actually I'm studying entropy. i came across the equation: dSsurr = -Qsys/Tsys.
Thus, i need to understand how can the heat transfer between system and surrounding be reversible that we can equate the Qsurr to Qsys.
  • #4
Andrew Mason,
thanks for clearing my doubt, i wish to continue the discussion here.

1) dQ = dU - dW'
i agree that to enable the reversibility, W' has to be maximum.
is there any restriction to the values of dQ and dU?
what if the dQ is too small to cause a difference in T, then dU=0, dQ=dW'? when dW' is max,
dQ is maximum too?2) for a reversible transfer of heat, we need infinitesimal temperature difference between the system and surrounding to facilitate the infinitesimal transfer of heat.

However, how do we achieve this? does it has something to do with the fact that the surrounding is very large compared to the system?
  • #5
i'm sorry, i don't get it. how does your explanation answer my question? can you explain in more detail?

What don't you get?
  • #6
or would you please answer my another question?

for reversible heat transfer heat transfer, infinitesimal temperature difference is required.
when the system and surrounding are at the same temperature, there will be no problem. what if at the beginning of process the system and the surrounding are at different temperature(finite temperature difference)? how can infinitesimal temperature difference be achieved?
  • #7
Sometimes being highly theoretical about a subject simplifies things and helps towards understanding, sometimes working through real world examples helps.

I suggest a few examples here.

Your question has appeared many times on PF here was a previous answer. I am sorry that the forum Tex change has messed up the formatting.


Latent heat is a good example and fusion is better than vapourisation since the volume/pressure change is so small we can neglect any work done.

Heat is exchanged between a pure substance and its surroundings on melting or solidifying.
However to strictly conform to the infinitesimal temperature difference/equilibrium requirement we should draw our system boundary between the liquid and solid phases of the pure substance. tthe solid is the system and the liquid the environment.
We know that for a pure substance the cooling curve halts at the melting/freezing point until all the solid is transformed to liquid.
So both solid and liquid are at the same temperature and heat transfers between them conform to the strict requirements for reversibility.

No work is done
All this heat equals the change in internal energy
Since the melting occurs at constant temperature the entropy change equals the heat exchanged divided by the melting temperature
The process is reversible

Yes the liquid receives its heat from the rest of the universe under slightly different conditions, but it is often convenient to ignore this.

does this help?

FAQ: Heat change between system and surrounding

What is heat transfer and how does it relate to the change in temperature between a system and its surroundings?

Heat transfer is the movement of thermal energy from one object or system to another due to a difference in temperature. When heat is transferred between a system and its surroundings, it causes a change in temperature in either the system or the surroundings, or both.

What factors affect the amount of heat transferred between a system and its surroundings?

The amount of heat transferred between a system and its surroundings depends on the temperature difference between the two, the thermal conductivity of the materials involved, and the surface area of contact between the system and its surroundings.

Can heat be transferred in both directions between a system and its surroundings?

Yes, heat can be transferred in both directions between a system and its surroundings. Heat will flow from a hotter object to a cooler object until thermal equilibrium is reached.

How is heat transfer quantified and measured?

Heat transfer is measured in units of energy, such as joules or calories. The rate of heat transfer is also measured and expressed in units of power, such as watts. Heat transfer can be quantified using equations such as the first law of thermodynamics, which relates heat transfer to the change in internal energy of a system.

What are some real-world examples of heat transfer between a system and its surroundings?

Some common examples of heat transfer between a system and its surroundings include a hot cup of coffee cooling down as it sits on a counter, the warmth felt from a campfire, or the cooling of a room as the air conditioner runs. In all of these cases, heat is being transferred from the system (the coffee, fire, or room) to its cooler surroundings.
