Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? Seeking Information and Opinions

  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
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In summary, the pesticides used in GM food can cause damage to cells, and this can lead to health problems.
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
Does anyone know where I can find information on Genetically Modified Food? Preferably information that presents biological explanations such as - the pesticides react with certain cells causing damage because of...

Also, I'm interested in opinions on this issue. Should we use any Genetically Modified Food?
Biology news on
  • #2
Should we use it? we are allready eating gm food.
In N.America unlike in Europe people will buy into gm food because it is cheap,who cares about some genes to average uneducated Joe.
  • #3
Dooga Blackrazor said:
Preferably information that presents biological explanations such as - the pesticides react with certain cells causing damage because of...
Explanations of what? That sentence doesn't make any sense.
Also, I'm interested in opinions on this issue. Should we use any Genetically Modified Food?
It is the overwealming opinion of the scientific community that GM food is a good thing. It must be pointed out that virtually all of the food you eat has been genetically modified in some way, even if only through hybridization - and a significant percentage (upwards of half, depending on what you eat), contains directly genetically altered ingredients.

For info, you can Google, but I strongly caution you to consider the source of what you read. There is an extrordinary amount of false information being spread on the subject by devious "environmentalists."

THIS link contains a lot of facts, but no opinions on safety and is good for just getting some history on the subject.
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  • #4
Hope this is what you want.

The pesticide introduce into GMO is called Bt and it is protein produced by a soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis. The gene encoding the toxin is called cry and this gene was inserted into plant genome.

Fact sheet about Bt

Facts about Bacillus thuringiensis

Mode of Action

The toxic crystal Bt protein in commercial formulations is only effective when eaten by insects with a specific (usually alkaline) gut pH and the specific gut membrane structures required to bind the toxin. Not only must the insect have the correct physiology and be at a susceptible stage of development, but the bacterium must be eaten in sufficient quantity. When ingested by a susceptible insect, the protein toxin damages the gut lining, leading to gut paralysis. Affected insects stop feeding and die from the combined effects of starvation and tissue damage. Bt spores do not usually spread to other insects or cause disease outbreaks on their own as occurs with many pathogens.
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  • #5
Thanks to everyone. Basically anything on the topic is helpful.

To Russ: Sorry about the poor explanation. I was saying I was looking for what causes GMF to be bad or good in certain instances. For a hypothetical example: Chemical B is bad and should be banned because in humans with O blood type it causes the dominant Rh+ to become - resulting in death because of reasons...
- An unlogical situation, but an example.

Basically I'm looking for biological logic to back up arguements. Most sites just say something is wrong because of health affects, not why those health affects are caused.

FAQ: Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? Seeking Information and Opinions

What is genetically modified food?

Genetically modified food, also known as genetically engineered food, is food that has been altered at the genetic level in order to achieve a desired trait or characteristic. This is done through the insertion of genes from other organisms, such as bacteria or plants, into the DNA of the food.

Why is genetically modified food produced?

Genetically modified food is produced in order to increase crop yield, improve resistance to pests and diseases, and enhance nutritional value. It can also help to reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides, making it more environmentally friendly.

Is genetically modified food safe to consume?

The safety of genetically modified food is a highly debated topic. While some studies have shown no negative effects on human health, others have raised concerns about potential allergenicity and long-term health effects. More research is needed to fully understand the safety of genetically modified food.

Are genetically modified foods labeled?

In many countries, including the United States, genetically modified foods are not required to be labeled. However, some companies choose to voluntarily label their products as genetically modified or non-genetically modified.

What are the potential risks of genetically modified food?

The potential risks of genetically modified food include unintended harm to human health, harm to non-target organisms, and negative environmental impacts. Additionally, there is concern about the impact of genetically modified crops on traditional farming practices and the potential for increased corporate control of the food supply.

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