Is Civil engineering a stable career path ?

In summary,Civil engineering is a stable profession that is expected to experience 18 percent employment growth during the projections decade.
  • #1
I have read it is highly cyclical I have also heard that it is very stable.

Is Civil Engineering a stable career ?
Physics news on
  • #2
RufusDawes said:
I have read it is highly cyclical I have also heard that it is very stable.

Is Civil Engineering a stable career ?

From occupational handbook (

Civil engineers are expected to experience 18 percent employment growth during the projections decade, faster than the average for all occupations. Spurred by general population growth and the related need to improve the Nation’s infrastructure, more civil engineers will be needed to design and construct or expand transportation, water supply, and pollution control systems and buildings and building complexes. They also will be needed to repair or replace existing roads, bridges, and other public structures. Because construction industries and architectural, engineering and related services employ many civil engineers, employment opportunities will vary by geographic area and may decrease during economic slowdowns, when construction is often curtailed.

Civil engineering is similar to a doctor. No matter what happens, society will always need doctors, civil engineers, governmental officials?, and something else :rolleyes:. The basic professions to run a town/city/civilization.
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  • #3
It depends what area you are in.
Natural resources mining/quarrying/oil are very cyclical, at the moment there is a huge boom and you can't find a mining engineer anywhere!
Public works type jobs, checking bridges and highway projects are a little more stable unless you are a high flyer chasing the next mega-project.
And you can always work for yourself, at least in countries where the proffesion is highly regulated, there is always a demand for engineers to sign off on foundations for new buildings, flood channels, new phone masts etc.
  • #4
I worked as a civil engineering (transportation) intern for 3 summers, and from my experience civil engineering looks to be a stable profession. Just about every form of transportation requires an element of civil engineering (roads, railways, bridges, runways, marine port structures).

Where the jobs are available might change drastically, however. I know a few people I worked with became PE's in additional states so that they could move to where their expertise was needed. At any given time, some parts of the country have a higher demand for civil engineers.

I also know that there are a lot of available positions for entry level civil engineers right now, as I keep seeing postings for them on careerbuilder, in fact I see more postings for civil than just about any other engineering position.
  • #5
I am going to be starting an associates degree in civil engineer that is very CAD intensive. Most of the subjects seem to be based on CAD there are still mathematics and physics subjects. The course is 2 years long and can grant 2 years credit on a Bachelors of engineering.

I was wondering if there is much of scope for me to look for a job as a CAD technician for civil engineers part time or fulltime (some classes can be taken at night) once I get stuck into the course. I am 24 so I am hoping there is someway I can get experience as a tech before finishing the entire degree.

FAQ: Is Civil engineering a stable career path ?

1. Is civil engineering a stable career path?

Yes, civil engineering is considered a stable career path. Civil engineers are in high demand in various industries such as construction, transportation, and infrastructure development.

2. What job opportunities are available for civil engineers?

Civil engineers can work in a variety of fields, including structural engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, and environmental engineering. They can also work in government agencies, private consulting firms, and construction companies.

3. What skills are required to be a successful civil engineer?

A successful civil engineer should have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, good communication skills, and the ability to work well in a team. They should also have a strong understanding of math and science, as well as knowledge of design and construction principles.

4. How long does it take to become a civil engineer?

It typically takes four years to earn a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. However, some positions may require a master's degree, which can take an additional one to two years. Additionally, civil engineers must also obtain a license, which typically requires four years of work experience.

5. Is civil engineering a financially rewarding career?

Yes, civil engineering is considered a financially rewarding career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for civil engineers in 2020 was $93,720. The salary can vary depending on location, experience, and industry, but civil engineers generally have a high earning potential.

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