Spinning Objects in a Rotation: Causes and Effects

In summary, the conversation discusses the phenomenon of objects rotating in a perpendicular plane to the direction of their initial rotation. This is explained through Euler's equations and is demonstrated with the "Tennis Racket Theorem". The conversation also touches on the concept of angular momentum and its conservation in the absence of external torque.
  • #1
I was recently casually tosing a fork in my hand so it completed a 360 degree rotation with the handle landing back in my hand. I noticed that everytime I did this, the fork returned to my hand upside down (ie facing downwards). So it took a 720 degree rotation for it to come back in my hand the right way up. I tried this with spoons and my handphone and got a similar result. At first I thought the way in which I was tossing the fork might be causing it to rotate on a plane perpendcular to the plane of which I tossed the object. This may be the case; if not, I was hoping to understand the physical explanation of why an object spins in a perpendiclar plane to the direction of rotation, when it is tossed up. Thanks.
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  • #2
The initial cause-ual conditions of motion account for the eventual effectual conditions of motion.

I do not quite understand what you are asking, a sketch or a re-explanation could help, but keep in mind the above statement. Also think about what determines the direction of spin in a sink of emptying water...
  • #3
It's just a matter of the way you are throwing it. Your hand is angled and you are twisting as you throw it. Put some effort into it and I'm sure you can flip it without twisting it.
  • #4
Thanks Russ, I thought that might be the reason. Just a follow up question... If I spun a wheel in space, say a bicycle wheel, would it keep spining in the initial plane that I set it in motion. I noticed, when fixing my bicycle, that when I spun the wheel and held it at the axel, I could feel it trying to twist in my hand. Why is that?
  • #5
damo_clark said:
Thanks Russ, I thought that might be the reason. Just a follow up question... If I spun a wheel in space, say a bicycle wheel, would it keep spining in the initial plane that I set it in motion.
Yes. Provided there is no net external torque the initial angulur momentum will be conserved - in both magnitude and direction.
  • #6
damo_clark said:
I was recently casually tosing a fork in my hand so it completed a 360 degree rotation with the handle landing back in my hand. I noticed that everytime I did this, the fork returned to my hand upside down (ie facing downwards). So it took a 720 degree rotation for it to come back in my hand the right way up. I tried this with spoons and my handphone and got a similar result. At first I thought the way in which I was tossing the fork might be causing it to rotate on a plane perpendcular to the plane of which I tossed the object. This may be the case; if not, I was hoping to understand the physical explanation of why an object spins in a perpendiclar plane to the direction of rotation, when it is tossed up. Thanks.
This effect is explained in most intermediate level Mechanics books.
Using Euler's equations for rotation about principle axes, you can show that the axis of rotation is stable for rotation about the longest and shortest dimension, but unstable for rotation about the intermediate axis. It is demonstrated most clearly with a book. Use a string to keep it from opening. When tossed rotating about its long or shortest axis it
spins without flipping, but acts like your fork if it is spun about the intermediate axis.
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  • #7
Tennis Racket Theorem

This effect is often called the "Tennis Racket Theorem", derived as clem says from Euler's equations.
  • #8
Thanks Doc Al, I often thought it was just my bad luck that when I dropped a piece of buttered bread it more often that not, landed face down. Now I can blame the laws of physics. I feel much better :)

FAQ: Spinning Objects in a Rotation: Causes and Effects

1. What is the definition of rotation in regards to spinning objects?

Rotation is the circular movement of an object around a fixed point or axis. It involves a continuous change in the orientation of the object's position.

2. What causes an object to start rotating?

An object starts rotating when a force is applied to it, either by an external force or an internal force. This force creates a torque, which is the force that causes the object to spin around its axis.

3. How does the shape and size of an object affect its rotation?

The shape and size of an object can greatly affect its rotation. Objects with a larger mass or a greater distance from the axis of rotation will require more force to rotate. The shape of an object can also create different types of rotation, such as linear or circular.

4. What are the effects of friction on rotating objects?

Friction can have both positive and negative effects on rotating objects. In some cases, friction can provide the necessary force for an object to rotate. However, too much friction can slow down or stop the rotation of an object.

5. How does the conservation of angular momentum apply to rotation of objects?

The conservation of angular momentum states that the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant. This means that as an object rotates, its angular momentum will remain the same unless an external torque is applied. This principle also explains why spinning objects continue to spin even after the initial force has been removed.
