Can workplace anger lead to quitting a job?

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In summary: The mosquitos have heard my prayers...In summary, because of my anger management issues, I get angry about once a year and it happens mostly when I'm frustrated. I usually just say a string of curse words and continue what I'm doing.

How often do you get angry?

  • 1-5 per years

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • 1-5 per month

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 1-5 per week

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • 1-5 per day

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I couldn't remember when the last time I was angry at someone/something.
So, I guess at most once per year.
Physics news on
  • #2
For me it would be better to ask when am i not angry.
  • #3
Damn, i thought 1-5 per week but then really its 1-5 times per day, mainly cause of my mom bagging on me...B&&&&
  • #4
I get angry/lose my temper quite a bit, esp. if I think someone is saying something stupid. I tend to try and "call them out" rather than yell, though.

I believe being "angry" about the state of the world, about certain things in your life, etc. is normal. That said, I think it's clear that screaming, yelling, hollering etc. are characteristics of a character flaw, usually by people who want others to get as upset as them. They are signs of weakness I think and a lot of people ignore those who are angry or mad all the time.

I guess I would think it would be better to be concered about issues, rather than angry about them.
  • #5
limit of 5 times a day?

hmmm---maybe its frustration instead of anger though
  • #6
I'm angry 45% of the day
  • #7
46% for me.
  • #8
What is your definition of angry?
  • #9
Actually, it depends. If I'm using Linux, I get angry a few times per session. Windows, I get angry a lot. Mac? I want to slowly torture Steve Jobs to death.
  • #10
Evo said:
What is your definition of angry?

losing temper.

e.g. exaggerated example:

O-eMQNTxBIo[/youtube] [url]
  • #11
Evo said:
What is your definition of angry?
For me, I can differentiate it from just being annoyed by the fact that it manifests physically. When I'm angry, my hands start shaking, I get hot, my heart rate goes up, and my brain disengages.

It only happens to me about once a year.
  • #12
russ_watters said:
For me, I can differentiate it from just being annoyed by the fact that it manifests physically. When I'm angry, my hands start shaking, I get hot, my heart rate goes up, and my brain disengages.

It only happens to me about once a year.

Using Russ's definition, I get angry maybe once a year, if that. Annoyed, frustrated, aggrevated - a lot more often!
  • #13
I get annoyed at things/people very quickly.

But ANGRY, can't recall ever getting ANGRY at someone or something before.

Had you said annoyed: probably every few hours (or every #of posts I read). But I stop being annoyed about as fast as I am annoyed. Most of the time I just say a string of curse words in my head (or out loud) and then continue what I'm doing. Usually I say 'god dammit' or 'what the f****??...'
  • #14
No one onboard knows that until you say that.
  • #15
iBop said:
No one onboard knows that until you say that.

  • #16
Usually I say 'god dammit' or 'what the f****??...'
shows your anger.
  • #17
iBop said:
shows your anger.
That would be frustration if we use the OP's definition of anger.
  • #18
Sometimes I also get really angry, and sad, then I write manythings into a text file about those who angered me. Sometimes I make up a paper toy imagining it is the guy to then hit it satisfactorily with a pencil.
  • #19
iBop said:
shows your anger.

Depends on how you define anger.
  • #20
Anger to me equals one step away from GBH.
  • #21
In terms of getting angry to the point when I'm shaking (I suppose this is my adrenaline rushing), that happens probably 1-5 times a year.
  • #22
iBop said:
Sometimes I also get really angry, and sad, then I write manythings into a text file about those who angered me. Sometimes I make up a paper toy imagining it is the guy to then hit it satisfactorily with a pencil.

I'm sorry, but that made me laugh...
  • #23
binzing said:
I'm sorry, but that made me laugh...

I almost chuckled as well.
  • #24
BryanP said:
I almost chuckled as well.

It also made me laugh :).
  • #25
If you laughed, I am happy too, true!

Because, if you become sad, I will get all worst results. :biggrin:

See you, I have got to go. :wink:
  • #26
If I ever took anything seriously I'd probably get angry more often, so I'm 1-5 times per year. If you would have asked how often I MAKE someone angry it's probably 1-5 times per day. It's only 2 am and I've already pissed off wolram.
  • #27
tribdog said:
If I ever took anything seriously I'd probably get angry more often, so I'm 1-5 times per year. If you would have asked how often I MAKE someone angry it's probably 1-5 times per day. It's only 2 am and I've already pissed off wolram.

well, that's another way to look at it---
  • #28
I'm am fighting the urge to flip out in anger right now. There is a conspiracy going on against me. It is a joint effort of the Olympics and the local mosquitos to prevent me from getting any sleep.

Every time I turn the light off, I soon hear the buzzing of a mosquito in my ear. I turn the light on, and they stop and hide. This has been gong on now for hours. If I don't find and kill the mosquitos responsible for this soon, I might check myself into a mental institution. Then again, it would be much worse to be stalked by mosquitos while in a strait jacket. I better control myself. I think I'll go sleep in the bathtub with the fan on and a bunch of towels blocking the cracks around the door. One thing is for sure, no more screenless open windows or doors.

The funny thing is, the more these mosquitos keep messing with me, the more angry I am at Tribdog for being so laid back that he only gets mad 1-5 times a year. If I can't have peace no one should. I think I'll start a secret society, angry people against peace and quiet, an effort to make the world feel my fustrations. I wish annoying mosquito buzzing on all. Muah ha ha ha ha ha Mha ha ha ha ha.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I was so caught up in a wirlwind of furious anger that I lost it and said things I didn't mean. I don't wish mosquito buzzing on anybody, that is just cruel, and what about the people who live in fear of getting malaria. I feel like a jerk. Death to mosquitos around the world.
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  • #29
WarPhalange said:
46% for me.

That one-ups-manship drove me into a fit of rage
  • #30
iBop said:
shows your anger.

Also, there is nothing wrong with showing anger as long as it's bounded and within your control. Anger is an expression of an emotion like any other emtion. Sometimes it is necessary to display anger towards other people to get a point across.

Its the people that don't get angry that worry me. They're the ones that bottle it up and then go postal.
  • #31
I ralrey get angry, just not my nature.
  • #32
I teach, so...I guess I get angry whenever someone gets angry at me (which is more frequent than I wish).

I had to leave a job though, recently, on account of severe anger caused by my abusive and extra stingy boss. It was so bad, if I saw him, I wanted to just punch him out; though I swear I never did.

FAQ: Can workplace anger lead to quitting a job?

1. Can workplace anger be a valid reason for quitting a job?

Yes, workplace anger can be a valid reason for quitting a job. If an individual experiences consistent and severe anger in their workplace, it can negatively impact their mental and emotional well-being, leading to burnout and a decline in job satisfaction. In such cases, quitting may be the best option for the individual's overall well-being.

2. How does workplace anger affect job performance?

Workplace anger can significantly affect job performance. When an individual is angry, they may have difficulty concentrating, problem-solving, and communicating effectively. This can lead to a decline in productivity, quality of work, and overall job performance.

3. Is it common for employees to quit their job due to workplace anger?

Yes, it is relatively common for employees to quit their job due to workplace anger. A survey by the American Psychological Association found that 25% of employees have left a job because of a stressful work environment, with anger being a significant contributor to workplace stress.

4. How can employers address and prevent workplace anger?

Employers can address and prevent workplace anger by creating a positive and inclusive work culture, providing effective communication and conflict resolution training, and addressing any underlying issues that may be causing anger in the workplace. It is crucial for employers to listen to their employees' concerns and take appropriate actions to improve the work environment.

5. Are there any long-term effects of workplace anger on an individual?

Yes, there can be long-term effects of workplace anger on an individual. Chronic anger in the workplace can lead to physical and mental health issues, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. It can also impact an individual's future job prospects and career growth if they have a history of quitting jobs due to anger.

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