Can we teleport a Big Mac using quantum technology?

In summary: In summary, the Australian team was able to develop a real teleportation technique. It is related to entanglement, which is when two particles become connected in a way that is not caused by either particle directly.
  • #1
This is probably not theoretical anymore, since it is possible to teleport a photon 1 m far ( since last I checked ). This could not be done however without destroying the photon at the starting end. They had to record the quantum state of the particle and send it to the receiving end. After which it was reassembled by means of this "quantum record". What I want to know is, do you think it is possible to record the quantum state of a Big Mac and have my "replicator" (Star Trek dejavu) assemble one for me?

*Edit : Found info on the physics section of Yahoo
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Physics news on
  • #2
whoa, whoa... back up.
I've heard nothing about the teleportation of a photon. give me a link.
  • #3
The Ausies did it! Just a couple months before they flew the first successfull hypersonic jet engine.

Criky, a right dinky-dee bit o' physics dem blokes is pullin', eh gov'na?!
  • #4
Whoa, a bit out of date. We've 'teleported' 1 trillion atoms.
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  • #5
Does this quantum entangling hhave anything to do with string theory?
  • #6
Originally posted by RuroumiKenshin
Does this quantum entangling hhave anything to do with string theory?

No, it is a QM effect.
  • #7
Originally posted by Brad_Ad23
Whoa, a bit out of date. We've 'teleported' 1 trillion atoms.

No teleportation took place there; just entanglement.

There have been other experiments that partially or possibly teleported individual particles, but the Australian team was the first to develope a real teleportation technique.
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  • #8
Entanglement and teleportation are very related phenomenon actually. Yes they are separate entities, but when you get to macroscopic sizes, entanglement is what you have to do to get teleportation.


If you read the link about the aussies, you will see that is what they did also, they used entanglement.
  • #9
Could some one explain what entanglement is? Thanks.
  • #10

it's a little to sketchy for me... i think i don't understand QM well enough to make a sound judgement on this on.
  • #11

FAQ: Can we teleport a Big Mac using quantum technology?

1. What is quantum teleportation?

Quantum teleportation is a process in which the exact state of a quantum system, such as the location, energy, spin, etc., is transmitted (teleported) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location.

2. How does quantum teleportation work?

Quantum teleportation works by exploiting the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where two particles become inextricably linked and share a state. The sender and receiver each have one of these particles, and through a series of measurements and classical communication, the state of the sender's particle is transferred to the receiver's particle, effectively teleporting the quantum state.

3. What is the potential impact of quantum teleportation?

The potential impact of quantum teleportation could be significant in fields such as quantum computing, cryptography, and communication. It could also have practical applications in secure data transfer and teleportation of quantum information for quantum networks.

4. Is quantum teleportation the same as regular teleportation?

No, quantum teleportation and regular teleportation are two different concepts. Regular teleportation, as seen in science fiction, involves the instantaneous transfer of matter or information from one location to another. Quantum teleportation, on the other hand, only transfers the quantum state of a particle, not the actual particle itself.

5. Has quantum teleportation been achieved?

Yes, quantum teleportation has been successfully demonstrated in various experiments. In 1993, the first successful quantum teleportation experiment was conducted by a team of scientists at IBM. Since then, there have been numerous experiments and advancements in the field, with the current record for distance achieved being over 1,200 kilometers.
