Red Shift & Time: Can Time Be Expanding Too?

In summary, the author agrees that time does not change as dimensions expand, and that this is an intuitively clear explanation.
  • #1
Hello! I'm brand new to the forum and have a question that has been nagging at me for some time. I've read a great number of articles regarding the red shift, as well as time being a dimension. I was wondering if anyone has addressed the possibility that time might also be subject to the red shift. That is, the dimension is expanding at the same rate as the 3 spatial dimensions. Any literature anyone has on this would be most appreciated.
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  • #2
Exmech said:
Hello! I'm brand new to the forum and have a question that has been nagging at me for some time. I've read a great number of articles regarding the red shift, as well as time being a dimension. I was wondering if anyone has addressed the possibility that time might also be subject to the red shift. That is, the dimension is expanding at the same rate as the 3 spatial dimensions. Any literature anyone has on this would be most appreciated.
If you make it so that all dimensions expand equally, it turns out that nothing physical changes: all you've done is made a change in your equations that rescales the coordinate system. Instead, an expansion is only physical if some dimensions expand relative to other dimensions. In our case, it is usually written as the three dimensions of space expanding relative to the time dimension. Of course, if you wanted to, you could massage the equations so that the time dimension would instead change while the spatial dimensions remain the same, but that would be a much less intuitive way of understanding the physical behavior.
  • #3
I agree with Chalnoth's answer.

A simpler answer is just no. This avoids getting into co-ordinate transformations or definitions. The universe expands, which means things are moving apart from each other. There's nothing funny going on with time or clocks.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
If you make it so that all dimensions expand equally, it turns out that nothing physical changes: all you've done is made a change in your equations that rescales the coordinate system.

That, my friend, is what I surmised when I began thinking about this. However I recognize I'm not the cleverest person in the world. Thank you.
  • #5

Hello and welcome to the forum! Your question is an interesting one and has been a topic of discussion among scientists for some time now. The concept of time being subject to the red shift, or the expansion of the universe, is a valid one and has been explored in various studies and theories.

One theory that addresses this possibility is the theory of cosmic inflation, which suggests that the universe underwent a period of rapid expansion in its early stages. This expansion not only affected the spatial dimensions but also the dimension of time. This theory is supported by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which shows a uniform distribution of temperature across the universe, indicating a period of rapid expansion.

Additionally, some studies have also shown that the rate of time may vary in different regions of the universe. This phenomenon, known as gravitational time dilation, occurs due to the gravitational pull of massive objects, causing time to pass at different rates in different locations.

While the concept of time being subject to the red shift is still a topic of ongoing research and debate, there is evidence to suggest that it is a possibility. Further studies and observations will help us better understand the nature of time and its relationship to the expanding universe.

I hope this provides some insight into your question. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and curiosity with us. Happy exploring!

FAQ: Red Shift & Time: Can Time Be Expanding Too?

1. What is red shift and how does it relate to time?

Red shift is a phenomenon in which light from distant objects appears to have a longer wavelength, indicating that the object is moving away from us. This is due to the expansion of the universe, which causes a stretching of light waves as they travel through space. Red shift is directly related to time because it provides evidence for the expansion of the universe, which is a key factor in the concept of time expanding as well.

2. Can time really be expanding?

The concept of time expanding is a theory that is currently being studied and debated by scientists. While there is evidence to suggest that the universe is expanding, there is no conclusive evidence that time is expanding along with it. However, this theory is still being explored and studied in the scientific community.

3. How could time expanding affect our understanding of the universe?

If time is indeed expanding, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could change our understanding of how the universe began, how it is evolving, and how it will end. It could also potentially affect our understanding of concepts such as gravity and the nature of space-time.

4. Is there any evidence to support the idea of time expanding?

While there is no direct evidence for time expanding, there are some theories and observations that support the idea. For example, the red shift of light from distant galaxies suggests that the universe is expanding, which could also imply that time is expanding. Additionally, some theories suggest that time may have expanded during the early stages of the universe's formation.

5. How are scientists studying the concept of time expanding?

Scientists are studying the concept of time expanding through various methods, including theoretical models and observations of the universe. They are also conducting experiments and observations using advanced technologies, such as telescopes and particle accelerators, to gather more data and evidence. The concept of time expanding is a complex and ongoing area of study in the scientific community.

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