Can dark energy prevent neutron stars from collapsing into black holes?

In summary, there may be a 'quark degeneracy pressure' which could prevent a neutron star from collapsing into a black hole.
  • #1
How can gravity overcome the degeneracy pressure of neutrons in a neutron star? Isn't such a thing the same as violating the uncertainty principle?
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  • #2
No violations occur. The neutrons decompose into quarks and the whole thing collapses to form a black hole... probably. It is possible, however, there is a such thing as a 'quark degeneracy pressure' [i.e., the quarks may put up some additional resistance to further collapse]. In this case, the next stop on the road to a black hole would be a quark star. This would be a pretty spooky critter and there is actually is at least one 'suspect' in the case. See
  • #3
Presumably if the quarks don't hold out then they have structure and form
smaller particles or the quarks form heavier quarks pentaquarks etc?
The photo on that link is great.
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  • #4
kurious said:
Presumably if the quarks don't hold out then they have structure and form
smaller particles or the quarks form heavier quarks pentaquarks etc?
The photo on that link is great.
I'm not sure anyone has done the calculations to see if there's another plateau of stability below 'quark degeneracy'. Even if they have, my guess would be we'd be into a region where the Standard Model isn't a reliable guide any more ... it's in an energy (etc) regime that's not well explored in Earthly accelerators (or not explored at all), and 'beyond the SM' physics has essentially no observational basis today.
  • #5
If the casimir vacuum force for plates gave the opposite result to what it normally does
then neutrons could be held apart by this force.Trouble with this idea is that
the casimir would be expected to increase above its normal level (it's been tested over a plate separation of 10^-7 m) and push neutrons even closer together for the kind of distance that neutrons in a neutron star are separated by ( 10^ -15 metres).Perhaps dark energy is more concentrated than usual in the gaps between neutrons in a neutron star and pushes outward against gravity.If dark energy consisted of particles then according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle if these were trapped between neutrons in a neutron star then the small uncertainty in their position would give them a large momentum and a large repulsive force and hence they would counter the gravitational force strongly.And perhaps dark energy behaving like this could stop singularities forming when stars become black holes.
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FAQ: Can dark energy prevent neutron stars from collapsing into black holes?

What is neutron degeneracy pressure?

Neutron degeneracy pressure is a type of pressure that exists in the core of a neutron star. It is caused by the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two neutrons can occupy the same quantum state. This creates a repulsive force that prevents the neutron star from collapsing under its own gravitational pull.

How does neutron degeneracy pressure compare to other types of pressure?

Neutron degeneracy pressure is one of the strongest types of pressure known to exist. It is much stronger than other types of pressure, such as gas pressure or radiation pressure, because it is not dependent on temperature. This allows neutron stars to resist gravitational collapse and maintain their size and density.

What are the properties of neutron degeneracy pressure?

Neutron degeneracy pressure is a type of quantum pressure, meaning it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. It is also an example of a degenerate gas, which means that the particles (neutrons) are tightly packed together and exhibit quantum effects. Additionally, neutron degeneracy pressure is a non-relativistic pressure, meaning it does not take into account the effects of special relativity.

What happens if neutron degeneracy pressure is overcome?

If the force of neutron degeneracy pressure is overcome, the neutron star will undergo a catastrophic collapse, resulting in either a supernova explosion or the formation of a black hole. This can occur if the mass of the neutron star becomes too great, or if there is a sudden loss of pressure due to a change in the star's internal structure.

How is neutron degeneracy pressure related to the Chandrasekhar limit?

The Chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass that a white dwarf star can have before it collapses into a neutron star. This is because, at a certain mass, the force of gravity overcomes the electron degeneracy pressure that supports the white dwarf. Neutron degeneracy pressure plays a similar role in supporting the neutron star, but the limit is much higher due to the stronger nature of this pressure.

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