Rolling Ball on a Horizontal Bar with Angular Velocity ω

In summary, at length L, there is a ball with mass m rolling on a horizontal bar with angular velocity ω. The ball starts with an initial velocity u0 and according to the no Inertial Reference Frame, there are two forces - Coriolis and Centrifugal. By solving the differential equation, d^2x/dt^2=2*w*v, we can find the connection between velocity v and position x. The direction of the two forces are tangential, so they do not affect the radial motion of the ball. Therefore, they can be ignored in the solution.
  • #1
bar (length L) is turned with angular velocity ω, on a horizontal level. Αt length of the bar, there is a ball (mass m) which rolls (We suppose that there is no friction force). The ball begins from constant utmost the bar with initial velocity u0. When the ball reaches in the L?

Can you help me!?
Thank you!
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  • #2
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  • #3
First of all, according to the no Inertial Reference Frame there will be 2 Forces (the once is Coriolis and the other once is Centrifugal).
We can write:
or d^2x/dt^2=2*w*v
where v is the velocity of the ball.
I think that I have to write v connection x, and then I can solve this differential equation…
Then I will solve the equation x=L to find t.

My problem is how can I connect v and x.

I think that my problem is the direction of these 2 Forces
In fact, I think that I haven’t understand how the ball will move.
  • #4
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  • #5

I would be happy to help you understand the situation of the rolling ball on a horizontal bar with angular velocity ω. First, we need to understand the concept of angular velocity, which is the rate at which an object rotates around a fixed point. In this case, the bar is the fixed point and it is being turned with a constant angular velocity ω.

Next, we have a ball located at the end of the bar, and it has a mass of m. Since there is no friction force, we can assume that the ball will roll without any resistance. The initial velocity of the ball, u0, is also given.

Now, as the bar continues to turn with angular velocity ω, the ball will also rotate with the same angular velocity. This means that the ball will have a tangential velocity at any point along the bar, which is equal to the product of its angular velocity ω and the distance from the fixed point (L in this case). This tangential velocity will cause the ball to move along the bar.

As for the question of when the ball reaches L, we can use the equation of motion for rotational motion to determine the time it takes for the ball to reach L. This equation is:

θ = ωt + 1/2αt^2

Where θ is the angular displacement, ω is the angular velocity, α is the angular acceleration (which is zero in this case), and t is the time.

Since we know that the initial angular displacement is zero (the ball starts at the end of the bar), and the final angular displacement is L (the end of the bar), we can rearrange the equation to solve for t:

t = √(2L/ω)

Therefore, it will take the ball √(2L/ω) seconds to reach L. I hope this explanation helps you understand the situation better. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

FAQ: Rolling Ball on a Horizontal Bar with Angular Velocity ω

What is the concept of "Rolling Ball on a Horizontal Bar with Angular Velocity ω"?

The concept refers to a physical system where a ball is placed on a horizontal bar and is given an angular velocity, causing it to roll along the bar.

What factors affect the motion of the ball on the horizontal bar?

The motion of the ball is primarily affected by its initial angular velocity, the length of the bar, the mass and size of the ball, and the surface properties of the bar and ball.

How does the angular velocity of the ball on the bar change over time?

The angular velocity of the ball decreases over time due to friction between the ball and the bar, causing the ball to eventually come to a stop.

What is the difference between rolling without slipping and rolling with slipping?

Rolling without slipping refers to a situation where the ball maintains both translational and rotational motion without any slipping or sliding. Rolling with slipping occurs when there is not enough friction to prevent the ball from slipping or sliding along the bar.

How does the motion of the ball on the bar change if the bar is inclined?

If the bar is inclined, the motion of the ball will be affected by the angle of the incline, the force of gravity, and the friction between the ball and the bar. The ball will accelerate down the incline if there is a net force acting on it, and the angular velocity will decrease as it rolls down.

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