Is MATLAB's ode45 Suitable for Solving 2D Coupled Nonlinear ODEs?

In summary: I am still trying to understand the physical meaning of the µ(vr) term. (I don't understand what you mean by "VB is a variable".)In summary, the author is trying to model the vibration of a mass on moving belt along with the effects of forces and wear. The friction is modeled using the following equation: µ(vr) Fcontact-y sgn (vr) = 0 if vr = 0 and µ(vr) = Fcontact-y sgn (vr) if vr > 0. Force only appears during the contact period.
  • #1
Can anyone please suggest whether I can use MATLAB ode45 for the numerical solution of the following equations?

mx ̈+ c_x x ̇ + k_x x= F_x0+ μ(v_r ) (K 〖VB〗^2 y ̇/v) sgn(v_r )
my ̈+ c_y y ̇+ k_y y= F_y0+ (K 〖VB〗^2 (y/v) ̇ )
m, c_x, k_x, c_y, k_y, F_x0, F_y0, K, v are known constants.
v_r = x ̇- v
x ̈= (d^2 x)/(dt^2 ), x ̇= dx/dt and so on.

If not, is there any other solver in MATLAB which I can use?

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  • #2
What is the meaning of μ(v_r ) ? and of (K 〖VB〗^2 y ̇/v) ?
  • #3
JJacquelin said:
What is the meaning of μ(v_r ) ? and of (K 〖VB〗^2 y ̇/v) ?

μ(v_r ) is co-efficient of friction as a function of relative velocity.
K is a constant. 〖VB〗^2 is VB*VB and is a variable.
The whole thing can be expressed as: [K *VB*VB* (dy/dt)]/ v
  • #4
μ(v_r ) is co-efficient of friction as a function of relative velocity.
K is a constant. 〖VB〗^2 is VB*VB and is a variable.
The whole thing can be expressed as: [K *VB*VB* (dy/dt)]/ v
So, both μ(v_r ) and 〖VB〗^2 are functions of t. Altogether, these two functions and the two others x(t) and y(t), we have four fonctions of t. Since there are two equations only, the system in not solvable (as far as two relationships are missing).
  • #5
Ohhhhh... I have to solve them anyway...what if I provide x(0), y(0), dx(0)/dt & dy(0)/dt?
Any other way I can make the system bit simple?
  • #6
what if I provide x(0), y(0), dx(0)/dt & dy(0)/dt?
What you propose in addition are boundary or initial conditions. They are not the missing relationships.
If the unknown functions are x(t) and y(t) and if there are only two equations, no other symbol, as μ and VB, must appear in the equations. Only known and explicite functions of x, y, and derivatives of x and y.
If μ appears in the two equations, a third equation or relationship has to be added. Not a symbolic as μ(v_r ), but an explicit formula.
If VB appears in the two equations, a fourth equation or relationship has to be added, which relates VB to x, y or known functions of x, y or derivatives.
If the added formulas or relationships are complicated, it would probably be impossible to anyliticaly solve the system of equations. Then, the only way would be numerical computation.
  • #7
You need to convert each 2nd order equations into two first order equations.
That will give four first-order equations in four variables.

Call the variables as x, v_x, y, v_y. (v_x and v_y are the velocity components in the x and y directions).

Your second order equations then become first order equations;
m v_x' + c_x v_x + k_x x = whatever
m v_y' + c_y v_y + k_y y = whatever
And you have two more equations
x' = v_x
v' = v_y

If everything on the right hand side is a known function of x, v_x, y, v_y and t, that is all you need. If there is another indepedent variable you will need another equation. (I don't understand what you mean by "VB is a variable".)
  • #8
I agree with AlephZero's comments. That's clear.
On my opinion, the difficulty encountered at the present state by Ams31 isn't mathematical but rather physical. May be the modeling isn't fully carried out and a clear and unambiguous mathematical wording isn't derived yet.
  • #9
Thanks a lot JJacquelin and AlephZero.
You are right, apart from lack of clear cut modeling, I am still new to nonlinear stuff.
Let me elaborate the problem & I hope that may help you in helping me.
In simplified form, I am trying to model the vibration of a mass on moving belt along with the effects of forces and wear. VB is wear due to friction. I am using the following model for the friction.

µ if vr > 0
µ(vr) Fcontact-y sgn (vr) = 0 if vr = 0
- µ if vr < 0

Also, force appears only during the contact period. So,

[K*VB^2 *(dy/dt)]/ v for t1 + nTp ≤ t ≤ t2 +nTp n=0,1,2,3...
[K *VB^2* (dy/dt)]/ v =
0 otherwise

Tp = 2π/ω (ω is frequency of mass vibration)
t1 = Tp/4
t2 = 3t1
  • #10
I am attaching the figure of the simplified model here. Hope this will help.


  • Full page fax print.pdf
    4.1 KB · Views: 293
  • #11
Here is the better view of equations.


  • Summary of model.pdf
    26.5 KB · Views: 299
  • #12
I think that you would receive more help on the Physics Forums than on the Mathematics Forums.
Analytical solving appears too harduous. Numerical methods are probably preferable. So, I think that the Physics Forums are more approriate.
  • #13
You shouldn't have any problems solving this with ODE45 in Matlab. Matlab calls your function and gives you some values of t, x, y, x' and y'. You just evaluate your formulas to calculate the corresponding values of dx/dy, dy/dt, dx'/dt and dy'/dt.

However in your PDF attachments, you say you have to "obtain the relationship between VB and time" but you don't have any equations to do that.

You need another equation that tells you how VB changes with respect to something (other than time) in the model. We can't help you include that in your Matlab model if we don't know what that equation is.

FAQ: Is MATLAB's ode45 Suitable for Solving 2D Coupled Nonlinear ODEs?

1. What are 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs?

2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs, or two degrees of freedom coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations, are a type of mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a system with two variables that are dependent on each other and are subject to nonlinear relationships. These equations are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other fields to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems.

2. How do 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs differ from linear equations?

Unlike linear equations, which have a constant relationship between variables, 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs have a nonlinear relationship between variables. This means that the rate of change of one variable is not directly proportional to the other, and the equations cannot be solved using simple algebraic methods. Instead, numerical methods or analytical approximations must be used to solve these equations.

3. What are some real-world applications of 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs?

2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs have many applications in various fields, including mechanics, biology, economics, and population dynamics. For example, they can be used to model the motion of a pendulum, the growth of a population, the interactions between predator and prey species, and the behavior of financial systems.

4. What are some techniques for solving 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs?

There are several techniques for solving 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs, including numerical methods such as Runge-Kutta and finite difference methods, as well as analytical approximations such as perturbation methods and the method of multiple scales. The choice of method depends on the specific equations and the desired level of accuracy.

5. What are the challenges in solving 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs?

Solving 2 Dof coupled nonlinear ODEs can be challenging because of the complexity of the equations and the lack of simple analytical solutions. The nonlinear relationships between variables can lead to chaotic behavior, making it difficult to predict the long-term behavior of the system. Additionally, the choice of numerical method can greatly affect the accuracy and stability of the solution, requiring careful consideration and testing.

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