Does Higgs-particle explain origin of inertia?

In summary: Like dark matter particles or something?No, the Higgs field does not give mass to particles that don't have mass in the current standard model.
  • #1
We know that the Higgs-particle gives an explanation as to why there is mass in the universe. But mass has another property/ability. It has the ability to resist change in its state of motion. Is this ability - inertia - explained by the discovery of the Higgs-particle? Does Higgs-particle explain origin of inertia? Does the standard model explain it?

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  • #2
We know that the Higgs-particle gives an explanation as to why there is mass in the universe.
No Johann, I'm afraid that is incorrect. The Higgs particle only relates to the rest mass of certain elementary particles, not mass in general. Composite particles like the proton for example, would still have mass even if the Higgs did not exist.

Furthermore, even for those particles, the Higgs does not explain why they have mass. It only permits them to. I hope you see the difference! Electrons, muons, quarks couple to the Higgs field, and the strength of their coupling determines their mass. But no one understands why the coupling exists, or why the various masses have the particular values they do. Some future theory will have to answer these questions.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
No Johann, I'm afraid that is incorrect. The Higgs particle only relates to the rest mass of certain elementary particles, not mass in general. Composite particles like the proton for example, would still have mass even if the Higgs did not exist.

Furthermore, even for those particles, the Higgs does not explain why they have mass. It only permits them to. I hope you see the difference! Electrons, muons, quarks couple to the Higgs field, and the strength of their coupling determines their mass. But no one understands why the coupling exists, or why the various masses have the particular values they do. Some future theory will have to answer these questions.

Are you, or anyone else, able to elaborate slightly on this please? Which elementary particles does the Higgs give (or does not give) mass? I had it in my head that everything that had mass was a result of coupling with the field.

Thanks for your time.
  • #4
Ricky116 said:
Which elementary particles does the Higgs give (or does not give) mass?\

1. The fundamental fermions, that is, leptons (electron, muon, tau, and the neutrinos) and quarks.
2. The gauge bosons (exchange bosons) that have mass, that is, the W+, W- and Z0. Gluons and photons are massless.
  • #5
jtbell said:
1. The fundamental fermions, that is, leptons (electron, muon, tau, and the neutrinos) and quarks.
2. The gauge bosons (exchange bosons) that have mass, that is, the W+, W- and Z0. Gluons and photons are massless.

Thanks, that's just the answer I was looking for as there's so much information around it's hard to find it simple and condensed like that.

As a final question then, as Bill_K mentioned a proton would have mass without the Higgs mechanism. As a proton is made of 3 quarks, what is the 'Higgsless' mass attributed to?

EDIT: Hmm, after checking the standard model picture... You've just described everything except gluons and photons. I guess my second question is more pertinent, isn't everything made up of those elementary particles that the Higgs gives mass?
  • #6
jtbell said:
1. The fundamental fermions, that is, leptons (electron, muon, tau, and the neutrinos) and quarks.
2. The gauge bosons (exchange bosons) that have mass, that is, the W+, W- and Z0. Gluons and photons are massless.
3. Higgs boson
  • #7
As a proton is made of 3 quarks, what is the 'Higgsless' mass attributed to?
Kinetic and potential energy between the quarks and gluons make up most of the proton's mass. In fact the rest mass of the gluons [Sorry: quarks!] comprises only about 5 percent.

The Higgs field gives mass to particles that participate in the weak interaction. Jtbell listed the ones that occur in the standard model: all but the photon, gluon and graviton. But there are many other particles that have been hypothesized which lie outside the standard model, and if they have mass it would not be governed by the Higgs field. Dark matter particles possibly fall into this category. Also, neutrinos are suspected to have something called Majorana mass, and this would be independent of the Higgs field as well.
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  • #8
Bill_K said:
Kinetic and potential energy between the quarks and gluons make up most of the proton's mass. In fact the rest mass of the gluons comprises only about 5 percent.

The Higgs field gives mass to particles that participate in the weak interaction. Jtbell listed the ones that occur in the standard model: all but the photon, gluon and graviton. But there are many other particles that have been hypothesized which lie outside the standard model, and if they have mass it would not be governed by the Higgs field. Dark matter particles possibly fall into this category. Also, neutrinos are suspected to have something called Majorana mass, and this would be independent of the Higgs field as well.

My suspicions re the non-higgs mass were correct, fairly encouraging! The help is appreciated, thanks!

FAQ: Does Higgs-particle explain origin of inertia?

1. What is the Higgs-particle?

The Higgs-particle, also known as the Higgs boson, is a subatomic particle that is believed to give mass to other particles through the Higgs mechanism. It was first theorized in the 1960s by physicist Peter Higgs and was discovered in 2012 by scientists at the Large Hadron Collider.

2. How does the Higgs-particle give mass to other particles?

The Higgs-particle interacts with other particles through the Higgs field, which is an invisible field that permeates the entire universe. When particles interact with this field, they acquire mass. The more they interact with the field, the more massive they become.

3. Does the Higgs-particle explain the origin of all mass?

No, the Higgs-particle only explains the origin of the mass of elementary particles, such as quarks and electrons. It does not explain the mass of larger objects, such as planets or stars, which is determined by the total mass of the particles and their interactions.

4. How does the Higgs-particle relate to the origin of inertia?

The Higgs-particle does not directly explain the origin of inertia, which is the resistance of an object to change its state of motion. However, since the Higgs-particle gives mass to other particles, it indirectly affects an object's inertia, as more massive objects have more inertia.

5. Are there any other theories that explain the origin of inertia?

Yes, there are other theories, such as Newton's First Law of Motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. There are also theories that incorporate the concept of inertia into the fabric of space-time, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity.

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