Dark energy = dark matter*speed of light squared?

In summary: The problem is that if we could somehow tap into this dark energy, it would be a pretty terrible thing. The dark energy that we're talking about here is an energy that comes from the vacuum of space. It's sort of like the negative energy that's been theorized to exist. Basically, it's the energy of the dark matter that's been hypothesized to exist. The problem is that we can only access this energy if we can create a situation where the gravity of the universe is weaker than the energy of the dark energy. As it stands, we can only exploit this energy if we can find a way
  • #1
Or in other words, is dark energy the energy of dark matter? and vive versa.

Please give reasons to your answers.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I just realizez that the formula uses mass, not matter.

so, could it be, dark mass?= the mass of dark matter or the mass of anti-matter?

and could it be dark energy= dark mass*speed of light squared.

by the way,

does anti-energy exist?

ifso, could it be

anti-energy=anti-mass*speed of light squared?
  • #4
<<<GUILLE>>> said:
Or in other words, is dark energy the energy of dark matter? and vive versa.

Please give reasons to your answers.

Not at all... You are misusing E=mc². dark energy and dark matter are totally different in nature. Dark matter is responsible for holding galaxies together while dark energy is really the "negative pressure" that results in the accelerated expanding universe...

  • #5
so dark energy is really negative energy?

then, dark energy= negative mass*speed of light sqaured?
  • #7
I'm a bit uncomfortable with that marlon, though I understand - I'm worried about how the negative energy concept might be abused.
  • #8
GUILLE: Have you heard about this?:

Staff Reporter
Feb. 27, 2005

Bangalore is the city of computer scientists. In the middle of hustle
and bustle of cyber research and development, a group of engineers and
astrophysicist are close to announcing a most major breakthrough in the history of the mankind.

They are working on a concept that can provide cheap source of anti-gravity propulsion though the use ?dark energy? ? a controversial subject matter in the world of astrophysics. Sources tell us that the secret project is funded by the Indian Space research Organization (ISRO) and DRDO, the defense research establishment in India. We could not confirm the source of the funding and who are really involved in the project.

According to this group of scientists, obtaining anti-gravity propulsion through dark energy is the ultimate goal of any Space research Organization in the world.

The dark energy percolates from the vacuum of space. Laboratory experiments show that seemingly empty space is actually seething with virtual pArcticles that wink in and out of existence. This perpetually bubbling vacuum provides energy that could take the form of a repulsive ?Negative gravity,? The dark matter or energy is embedded in the Universe that is working against the gravity to pull the galaxies apart.

The concept of dark energy is nothing new. What this group of engineers and scientists are about to announce (if they are really successful) is how they really got access to the dark energy or negative gravity. Theoretically it is just not possible to create dark matter in the laboratories. The energy needed to boil the space or vacuum is just astronomical and we just do not have that mechanism in place based on technological advances.

The project leader of this group laughs at the critics and the universal skepticism. According to them, if you keep an open mind you will get an answer. All extra-terrestrial UFOs use dark energy to perform intergalactic travel at a speed faster than light. Do you believe they are sitting and boiling space in their UFOs? Dark matter is all around us and the parallel multidimensional Universes associate them. All that you need for anti-gravity propulsion is creating an environment where gravity takes a back seat and dark matter takes over the propulsion system. That is how the Universe is expanding and as a matter of fact accelerating in its expansion. Those who are not skeptics and closely observe the UFO flight patterns should get some clues in implementing such propulsion systems.

Many countries are working on dark energy propulsion systems. Most militaries in the world try to convince the public that UFOs and Extra-terrestrials are all hoax while quietly watching them to learn the next level of techno-military superiority over other countries. That is the reason why we believe that even if this group of engineers and scientist are successful they may keep quite for a long time.


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  • #9
Why are people so gullible?
  • #10
that second last paragraph is gold!
  • #11
That was revelatory, I have a design based on that concept. I only need a crane to lift the thing. I'm an engineer and know about such things. Think of it as a reverse cowpie... instead of falling to the ground, it gravitates back to the source
  • #12
Chronos said:
I'm a bit uncomfortable with that marlon, though I understand - I'm worried about how the negative energy concept might be abused.

I am not really sure i know what you mean, Chronos. Could you elaborate, please

  • #13
SpaceTiger said:
Why are people so gullible?
Even NASA has funded research into this, through the Breakthrough Propulsion program. The problem that the NASA folks ignored is that we can only exploit energy differentials. Even if the energy of the quantum vacuum is huge, it is the ground state of our universe and it cannot be exploited without access to a state of either higher or lower energy. Apparently somebody in India (like here in the US) has managed to convince the men with the money that it is possible to exploit vacuum energy (possibly by constructing a device that physically excludes some frequencies of the ZPE field, like a Casimir device does).

As a side note, Andrei Sakharov believed that it was possible to tap into the energy of the ZPE field, and he petitioned the USSR government to ban such experimentation, for fear of starting a chain-reaction that could destabilize space time and destroy the universe. It sounds silly, but he was dead serious.
  • #14
turbo-1 said:
As a side note, Andrei Sakharov believed that it was possible to tap into the energy of the ZPE field, and he petitioned the USSR government to ban such experimentation, for fear of starting a chain-reaction that could destabilize space time and destroy the universe. It sounds silly, but he was dead serious.

LOL, I just had to reply to this. A Doom's Day device This world seriously lacks evil scientists bent on world domination .. and stuff.

Yeah I read a lot of comic books as a kid :-p
  • #15
marlon said:
I am not really sure i know what you mean, Chronos. Could you elaborate, please

Dark energy can be regarded as negative energy in the sense it behaves like repulsive gravity. I just squirm a little at the term because it is bait for things like 'If there is negative energy there must also be negative mass, hence FTL drives are possible'.

FAQ: Dark energy = dark matter*speed of light squared?

1. What is dark energy and dark matter?

Dark energy and dark matter are two mysterious components that make up the majority of the universe. Dark energy is a type of energy that is believed to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, while dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light and is only detectable through its gravitational effects.

2. How are dark energy and dark matter related to the speed of light squared?

The equation "dark energy = dark matter * speed of light squared" is not a scientifically accepted equation. It is likely a misinterpretation of Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc², which relates energy (E) and mass (m) to the speed of light (c). This equation has nothing to do with dark energy and dark matter.

3. Can dark energy and dark matter be observed or measured?

Dark energy and dark matter cannot be directly observed or measured using traditional telescopes or instruments. However, scientists can infer their existence through their effects on the movement of galaxies and the expansion of the universe.

4. Is dark energy the same as dark matter?

No, dark energy and dark matter are two distinct concepts. Dark energy is a type of energy, while dark matter is a type of matter. They have different properties and play different roles in the universe.

5. What is the current understanding of dark energy and dark matter?

While scientists have made significant progress in understanding dark energy and dark matter, there is still much that remains unknown about these mysterious components. Some theories suggest that dark energy and dark matter may be related, while others propose completely different explanations for their existence. Further research and observations are needed to fully understand these phenomena.

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