Explore the Complexities of Positive and Negative Numbers

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of infinity and how it relates to the number system. It is argued that the number system is a circle, with zero at the center and positive and negative infinity at opposite ends, and that there are smaller circles within the larger one. These smaller circles follow the definition of positive and negative numbers, with lines representing numbers that do not change and curves representing numbers that count upward or downward. The conversation also delves into the idea that the number system is a giant sphere, with curvature both above and below the centerline of the circle. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and intricacy of the number system and its relationship to infinity.
  • #1
You probably think that adding one to zero gives you one. But, let us examine this process a little closer.

Imagine being at absolute negative infinity. I know, you are probably thinking that infinity goes on forever, which indeed it does, and therefore we cannot comprehend the point at absolute negative infinity. But, look at zero. It is the dividing point between positive and negative infinity. Maybe it sounds like a rather simple question, but why is this. Well, first of all, from this we can comprehend a point that is infinite points away from infinity--the point being zero. And this is how we can comprehend infinity, just by knowing that there are infinite points between zero and infinity.

Now notice that if we are at negative infinity the positive values required to be added in order to create zero cannot be described as zero minus an equivalent negative value. In other words, say we have negative five. Just because it takes five positive values, being added to it to create zero again you really cannot describe those positive values being added to it as zero minus an equivalent negative amount, which in this case would be five.

Therefore, something is clearly changing when we pass zero to the positive values. Notice that the positive values now can be described as zero minus an equivalent negative amount. This seems to be functioning something like how an atom works. Meaning, the positive values are the protons and the negative values are the electrons. Thus, zero is when the atom has an equal amount of protons and electrons and one is zero minus negative one.

Definition of positive and negative numbers. The definition of a positive number is zero minus an equivalent negative value. Likewise, the definition of a negative number is zero minus an equivalent positive value.

With that in mind, let us look at infinity again. According to the definition of positive numbers, positive infinity would be defined as zero minus-infinity. Notice that all possible negative values have been subtracted. Therefore, since we cannot subtract any more negative values to create a higher positive value, the result of adding anything to infinity would be infinity minus that value. The same thing would also be true if we tried to take anything more away from negative infinity, except it would be vice-versa. Since the definition of numbers states that negative values are zero minus an equivalent value, negative infinity therefore is defined as zero minus positive infinity. With no more positive values to be subtracted to create any lower number, the result of taking any value away from negative infinity would be the addition of that value.

Thus, we can draw a circle on a piece of paper with 0 at 0 degrees, positive infinity at 90 degrees, 0 at 180 degrees, and negative infinity at 270 degrees. Note: The 0 is at 180 degrees because after you reach the numbers just count back down. Adding infinity to infinity by the definition of positive numbers will give us 0.
So now that we see that the number system is a circle we now have to ask the question what is inside the circle? Well, the obvious answer is smaller circles. Let us see what this will look like with numbers.

Since we have 0 at 0 degrees and 0 at 180 degrees, there must be a line of zeros going from one side to the other. Likewise for the one that is just above zero on the outside of the circle, there must also be a line on ones going across the circle, and so on all the way to infinity.

Definition of lines and curves. The definition of a line is numbers that do not change. 1111 for example is a line. The definition of a curve is numbers that count upward or downward. 1234 would be a curve, for example. We know this by looking at what we know already. As we trace a path around the outside of the circle the numbers get higher. If we go across the circle the numbers do not change.

However, you might be thinking, the numbers do count upward from the middle. In other words if we were to go across the lines inside the circle the value would increase. This is true, and this is where we find that the number system is a giant sphere. So it is curving upward making a 90-degree curve yet again. This circle basically functions the same way as the one we just got done describing. Likewise there is also curvature being produced below what I like to call the 0 line, which is just the centerline that goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, because the numbers are counting down as you go across the lines below this one. Notice also that there are paths closer to the edges of the circle that go outward only to about 5 or 6. This is just because they are smaller circles and 5 or 6 is the highest point on those.

All of these circles obey the definition of numbers that we established earlier. So if we were to take the highest point on any of them and add an equivalent amount it would result in another 90 degrees of curvature, thus bringing it back down to 0. But notice that we started at 90 degrees of curvature already. 90 degrees plus 90 degrees equals 180 degrees. So we cannot be exactly were the circle started--zero. But remember, there is nothing different about these circles. Let us repeat this experiment on the negative side--just below the 0 line. Taking away an equivalent value--equivalent to the highest value on the circle--will result in 90 degrees of curvature or bringing the value right back down to zero.

I hope to post another paper on this soon, as there is more to this, but for simplicity’s sake we will leave off here.
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  • #2
  • #3
Wait. You define positive numbers as zero minus a negative number. But you haven't defined negative numbers, so you define them as zero minus a positive number. Isn't that a little circular?
Also you say "this is how we can comprehend infinity, just by knowing that there are infinite points between zero and infinity", but isn't that true of any number other than zero? between zero and 1 you have 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and so on.
  • #4
how many beers did you take? This is quite ridiculous.
  • #5
I think the author of the post is having trouble comming full circle on his work. :smile:
  • #6
This has more logical holes than swiss cheese!
  • #7
Infinity is undefined.
There is no infinite number.
You cannot assume it has a value.
  • #8
I wonder if the Op is suggesting that there are no legitimate negative values with respect to reality.

FAQ: Explore the Complexities of Positive and Negative Numbers

1. What are positive and negative numbers?

Positive and negative numbers are represented on a number line and are used to indicate quantities greater than or less than zero. Positive numbers are greater than zero and are represented to the right of zero on the number line. Negative numbers are less than zero and are represented to the left of zero on the number line.

2. How are positive and negative numbers used in everyday life?

Positive and negative numbers are used in everyday life for things like measuring temperature, tracking bank account balances, and indicating direction (such as in GPS coordinates). They are also used in math to solve equations and perform operations.

3. What is the relationship between positive and negative numbers?

The relationship between positive and negative numbers is that they are opposites of each other. For example, the opposite of +5 is -5 and the opposite of -10 is +10. When added together, a positive number and its opposite (negative number) will always equal zero.

4. How do you perform operations with positive and negative numbers?

To add or subtract positive and negative numbers, you need to keep track of the signs and add or subtract the absolute values. For multiplication and division, the rule is that a positive number multiplied or divided by a negative number will result in a negative number, and vice versa. When multiplying or dividing two numbers with the same sign, the result will be positive.

5. What are some real-life examples of situations involving positive and negative numbers?

Real-life examples of situations involving positive and negative numbers include calculating profit and loss in business, tracking changes in stock market prices, calculating elevations and depths in geography, and measuring changes in altitude during a flight.
