Does the Dot Product of Force and Position Hold Physical Significance?

In summary, the conversation discusses an equation that randomly appeared in a homework assignment on differential geometry. The equation involves a one-form ω=dβ and a random vector v, and states that if ω(v) = 0, then the equation \frac{d}{dt} \left( \gamma^{i}\frac{\partial\beta}{\partial x^{i}} \right) = 0 holds true. The equation is related to the dot product of position and force as a constant of motion, but has no practical significance.
  • #1
sam guns
Reason I posted this in the maths help forum is that an equation of this form randomly popped up in a homework I was doing on differential geometry. I started with a one-form ω=dβ (β is a scalar function) and found that if for a random vector v, ω(v) = 0, then

[itex]\frac{d}{dt} \left( \gamma^{i}\frac{\partial\beta}{\partial x^{i}} \right) = 0[/itex]

where γ is the integral curve of v (aka the position if you interpret v as a velocity)

If you interpret the scalar field β as a potential field, then this says that the dot product of position and force is a constant of motion. Understanding it is not really significant to what I am expected to turn in, but regardless, does it have any physical significance?

Homework Statement

Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi sam! welcome to pf! :smile:

it looks like the formula for a bead sliding along a frictionless rod forced to rotate (irregularly) about a pivot

but, so far as i know, it has no practical significance​
  • #3

Thanks for your reply! It's kind of what I suspected, for a second I thought it could be some important constant of motion related to the virial theorem or something like that, but I couldn't find anything in my old mechanics textbooks. I guess it's just a curiosity then :)
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FAQ: Does the Dot Product of Force and Position Hold Physical Significance?

What is the dot product of force and position?

The dot product of force and position is a mathematical operation that involves multiplying the magnitude of a force vector by the magnitude of a position vector and then taking the cosine of the angle between them. It results in a scalar value that represents the component of the force that is in the direction of the position vector.

What is the physical significance of the dot product of force and position?

The dot product of force and position has a physical significance in mechanics as it represents the work done by a force on an object. It is a constant of motion, meaning that it remains the same throughout the motion of an object, and can be used to determine the energy transfer and change in kinetic energy of the object.

How is the dot product of force and position calculated?

The dot product of force and position is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force vector by the magnitude of the position vector and then taking the cosine of the angle between them. This can also be represented algebraically as F · r = |F||r|cosθ, where F and r are the force and position vectors, and θ is the angle between them.

What are some real-life examples of the dot product of force and position?

The dot product of force and position can be seen in various real-life examples, such as pushing a box across the floor, lifting a weight, or swinging a pendulum. In each of these cases, the force applied is in the same direction as the displacement of the object, resulting in a non-zero dot product and work being done.

How does the dot product of force and position relate to conservation of energy?

The dot product of force and position is related to the law of conservation of energy as it represents the work done by a force on an object, which is a form of energy transfer. The dot product remains constant throughout the motion of an object, demonstrating the conservation of energy, where energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted into different forms.
