Sharing IQ Scores: The Ethics and Implications

  • Thread starter JackRohr
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of IQ and whether people would be willing to share their scores, along with their job and ethnic background. The average IQ is mentioned to be 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Some individuals share their IQ scores, ranging from 77 to over 9000, while others mention not having been tested or questioning the accuracy of their scores. The idea of studying the correlation between IQ and ethnic background is brought up, with suggestions to consult organizations like Mensa for data. The conversation also touches on the controversial nature of IQ and its limited ability to accurately measure intelligence.
  • #1
I am doing a project for my school and was curious if people would be willing to share their IQ's if they have been officially tested, their job, and ethnic background.
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Physics news on
  • #2

Any additional information would be helpful but not necessary.
  • #3

The mean (average) IQ is 100. The standard deviation is 15. What's more to know?
  • #4

Mine is about the internet average, which is 130.
  • #5

leroyjenkens said:
Mine is about the internet average, which is 130.

I think somebody's fooling you. (The "Internet average", that is.)
  • #6
I've never been tested, but I estimate it at approximately 6000.
  • #7
I am studding
  • #8
Sorry presses send on accident. I am studying IQ clumping and weather ethnic background matters. The "average" doesn't apply everywhere.
  • #9
I got a 77 on my IQ test. C+, so not too bad.
  • #10
xxChrisxx said:
I've never been tested, but I estimate it at approximately 6000.

Weak... Mine is over 9000!
  • #11
85 jerry! An 85 iq!
  • #12
Can you please take this seriously?
  • #13
IQ: 185
Occupation: IQ test scorer.
Ethnic Background: Cretan.
  • #14
When I was first tested, I had an IQ of 250. But then I (accidently) heard a Nicki Minaj song, and now I'm down to 60 :frown:
  • #15

Mine is currently being contested in court.
  • #16
JackRohr said:
Sorry presses send on accident. I am studying IQ clumping and weather ethnic background matters. The "average" doesn't apply everywhere.
Have you contacted groups like mensa to see if they offer the demographics?
  • #17
JackRohr said:
Sorry presses send on accident. I am studying IQ clumping and weather ethnic background matters. The "average" doesn't apply everywhere.

Me thinks you might not know what an average is.
  • #18
JackRohr said:
I am doing a project for my school and was curious if people would be willing to share their IQ's if they have been officially tested, their job, and ethnic background.

I would suggest you look into Evo's suggestion of seeing whether or not an organization like Mensa has data on this. There are a number of problems with asking a bunch of strangers on the internet - reliability (you're hoping the people who respond seriously at all are telling the truth), sample size (you're not likely to get enough replies to make a solid conclusion), skew (people on a physics forum probably don't represent the general population), etc.

An organization like Mensa will have gathered much more data and will probably have taken care to examine and eliminate at least some of these issues plaguing the statistics.

You could still add your own small survey, but be aware that it likely won't reflect larger and more careful studies.

I've never had my IQ tested, so I can't help you with that question.

micromass said:
When I was first tested, I had an IQ of 250. But then I (accidently) heard a Nicki Minaj song, and now I'm down to 60 :frown:

If that's how much damage a Nicki Minaj song does to IQ, then I should have flunked out of grad school several times over by now! =P Either that, or I started with a much higher IQ than I thought I had...
  • #19
Sayajin said:
Weak... Mine is over 9000!

Ha! I beat you two single-handed. Mine is 20,000. JackRohr, don't forget to mention me.
  • #20
No formal testing on my IQ is done.

For the first 27 years, my mom told I've an IQ of 200. The next 12 years, my wife suggested my IQ is around 70. So my average IQ is (200*27 + 70*12)/39 = 160.

I've a feeling my average IQ will be coming down in the coming years.
  • #21
JackRohr said:
Can you please take this seriously?

I know people, I mean OMG! This question is like the intellectual's equivalent of taking your clothes off. "You can't see that!" So here you go, I'm going to bare it all...133.

I know, pretty weak, but it was taken when I was in 5th grade. That's the only one I took. This was in Ventura, Ca. in the late 70's. What was cool about it, though, was that it was high enough to put me in a couple programs where they took me out of school a couple times a week. One was called MGM, mentally gifted minors, and the other was ELO, educational learning opportunity. I got bussed to another school with all the brains which was cool because all we did was sit around and play games all day. Living on "the avenue" in Ventura I spent most of my time trying not to get my butt kicked during the normal school days, so that was a welcomed retreat. I think I'm higher than 133, though, fer sure, I'm just too chicken to get retested.
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  • #22
JackRohr said:
Sorry presses send on accident. I am studying IQ clumping and weather ethnic background matters. The "average" doesn't apply everywhere.

You'd need a rather large sample size to get any useful data for that kind of study. As said above, look to see if an organization like Mensa has the data you need. On a side note, what are you expecting to get from this study? It seems like it could upset some people if the data you collect/use has some skew.
  • #23
DiracPool said:
I know people, I mean OMG! This question is like the intellectual's equivalent of taking your clothes off. "You can't see that!" So here you go, I'm going to bare it all...133.

I know, pretty weak

It's better than Feynman :smile:
  • #24
If you searched PF for "Mensa" and "IQ" you will get a good idea of our collective opinion on the whole "IQ" thing. In short, the consensus is that an IQ score measures a person's ability to take a standardized IQ test.

Here's what you are asking for: I was tested in 6th grade by a guy who came to my school and we did this whole string of tests (that I retroactively realized was in one of those 2-way mirror rooms). I was pegged at 155. Less than 10 years later I was failing Quantum 2. I teach High School Physics. I never went into space. Are you happy now? *cry*

However, I AM a master of Tiny Wings, and it took less than 1 week to beat the game at Train Yard (including all bonus puzzles). Dig me!
  • #25
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.

Albert Einstein
  • #26
Jim Kata said:
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.

Albert Einstein

  • #27
Jim Kata said:
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.

Albert Einstein

Is it me, or does this make any sense?
  • #28
mines tis many!
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  • #29
JackRohr said:
I am studding

Always good to get those high IQ genes out there into the gene pool, eh? :smile:
  • #30
Pengwuino said:
Me thinks you might not know what an average is.

"Average" is defined as that thing that at least 99% of people believe they're above.
  • #31
micromass said:

Touché, you just pwn3d Einie. :biggrin:
  • #32
Curious3141 said:
"Average" is defined as that thing that at least 99% of people believe they're above.

  • #33
Curious3141 said:
"Average" is defined as that thing that at least 99% of people believe they're above.

You went there.

To the OP: it's becoming harder and harder to find people who take IQ scores seriously (but I don't get out much so keep that in mind). Moreover, my best guess is that most people, even on these boards, have never been tested. That being said, you're unlikely to get a satisfactory response. I know I've never been tested, but I would say mine is roughly (100100)100.
  • #34
OK, it's time to get serious now.

I have seen a psychologist to get my IQ tested. She said that it was at least [itex]\aleph_2[/itex]. I will have to return to her one day to get a more precise score.
  • #35
I don't think I've ever seen someone on the internet claim to have < 130.

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