What is the magnitude of the net force required for these two physical tasks?

In summary, the first problem involves finding the magnitude of the average net force applied to a fist with a mass of 0.43 kg, which attains a velocity of 5.9 m/s in 0.25 s. Using the impulse-momentum theorem, the answer is calculated to be 10.15 N. The second problem involves finding the magnitude of the net force acting on a 58 g tennis ball, which accelerates from rest to a constant speed of 43 m/s over a distance of 39 cm. Using the same theorem, the answer is calculated to be 1.37 N.
  • #1
I have these two problems and I can't seem to find the right answer...

1)A person with a blackbelt in karate has a fist that has a mass of 0.43 kg. Starting from rest, this fist attains a velocity of 5.9 m/s in 0.25 s. What is the magnitude of the average net force applied to the fist to achieve this level of performance?

2)When a 58 g tennis ball is served, it accelerates from rest to a constant speed of 43 m/s. The impact with the racket gives the ball a constant acceleration over a distance of 39 cm. What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the ball?

I know the answers are in N, but I've tried using F=ma which hasn't worked...maybe i am confused about what the magnitude of a net force is...please help!
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  • #2
Show us what you've done and we would able to help you from there.
  • #3
You need to use a very important theorems here: the impulse-momentm theorem

Impulse = average net force * time of application = net change in momentum
  • #4
well...i dre the fre body diagram for the first one...and labeled what i know. because i have the initial velocity and elocity and time i solved for the acceleration using: V=Vo+at and I found the acceleration to be 23.6 m/s^2.
For the mass i know it is .43 kg
I used F=ma and i got 10.15 N...
  • #5
That seems to be correct, although, technically, you shouldn't be using v = u + at, since it hasn't be explicitly mentioned that the accelaration is constant (in the first problem).

[tex]<a> = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}[/tex], where <a> is the average accelaration.
  • #6
so on the second one, i did the same thing only i solved for acceleration by using v^2=Vo^2+2ax and found the acceleration to be 23.7. I used f=ma again and got it to be 1.37...does that sound right?
  • #7
Yes, it does.
  • #8
It is not correct to use kinematical equation for constant acceleration here. Impulse-momentum gives the answer in a more technially correct form, and you have to less calculation.

FAQ: What is the magnitude of the net force required for these two physical tasks?

What is the meaning of "Magnitude of a net force"?

The magnitude of a net force refers to the size or strength of the total force acting on an object. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it only has a numerical value and no direction.

How is the magnitude of a net force calculated?

The magnitude of a net force is calculated by adding together the magnitudes of all individual forces acting on an object. This can be represented mathematically as Fnet = ΣF, where Fnet is the net force and ΣF is the sum of all forces.

What is the unit of measurement for magnitude of a net force?

The unit of measurement for magnitude of a net force is the Newton (N). This is derived from the equation F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. One Newton is equal to 1 kg*m/s^2.

How does the magnitude of a net force affect an object's motion?

The magnitude of a net force determines the acceleration of an object according to Newton's second law of motion, F=ma. If the net force is zero, the object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity. If the net force is non-zero, the object will experience a change in velocity.

Can the magnitude of a net force ever be negative?

Yes, the magnitude of a net force can be negative. This occurs when opposing forces are acting on an object in different directions. The negative sign indicates that the forces are acting in opposite directions, but the magnitude is still important for determining the net force.
