Is computer compulsory for first year engineering student?

In summary: UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enIN392IN304&aq=tIn summary, it is possible to get by without a computer while studying engineering in India, but it may be difficult and limit access to valuable resources. It is recommended to have a personal computer for convenience and access to specialized programs. Some universities may have deals with computer companies for discounted laptops for enrolled students. There are also forums and societies where you can ask current students for advice on computer usage in your specific program.
  • #1
I have a desktop with P4 and a gig ram(using right now). I didn't want to take it to my college since it is 1600 KMs from home and carrying a desktop there is follishness(laptop seems to be a better option). So is it mandatory to take computer to college or i can manage even without a computer, I am from India and going to do electrical engineering.
I shall buy a PC next year, But if it is hardly advised to buy new laptop/desktop then i can request a PC(most probably laptop) to my father else it will be in budget of march/april 2013..

dear mentors if it is in wrong location then displace it..
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  • #2
You can probable get by without a computer for quite some time, but you're doing yourself a disservice by not having the vast amount of information and assistance that a good computer and internet connection in your own home/dorm/apartment can provide.
If your college/univeristy doesn't have a computer lab open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week then I highly suggest bringing that Desktop to your school and not trying to "get by" without a computer of your own for an entire year.

That is my opinion any way, I'm sure it's *possible* to actually complete an entire program without owning your own computer, but it would be adding more difficulty to an already difficult program!
  • #3
I don't know as much about Indian universities, but I bet they have computer labs you can use. I had a computer when I did my degree in the states, but it was a desktop. I never had a laptop until after I graduated.
  • #4
Some courses may not need them, but certain math, engineering, and science courses use specialized programs, such as Mathematica or AutoCAD/Autodesk, which may not be available in campus computer labs.
  • #5
There may be a society of Indian engineering students, or something like that, where there'd be a forum where you can ask people who are currently studying at the university where you will enroll. You could ask on their forum. Try a google search.

But I would be very surprised if there could be an engineering school where a personal computer wasn't almost mandatory. Some schools might have arranged a deal with a computer company to sell a particular model laptop to enrolled students at a good discount.
  • #6
I do agree with NascentOxygen. Engineering students further influence by scientific innovation, so a lot of students must have laptop for convenience and further study without any hassle.

FAQ: Is computer compulsory for first year engineering student?

1. Is it necessary to have prior computer knowledge before starting first year engineering?

No, it is not necessary to have prior computer knowledge before starting first year engineering. However, it is helpful to have basic computer skills such as using a keyboard and mouse, and knowledge of common software programs like Microsoft Word and Excel.

2. Do I need to bring my own computer to college?

It depends on the specific requirements of your engineering program and your personal preference. Some universities may provide computer labs for students to use, while others may recommend or require students to have their own laptops. It is best to check with your university or program for their specific guidelines.

3. What programs and software will I need for my engineering courses?

This will vary depending on your specific engineering program and courses. Some common software used in engineering include CAD programs, coding languages, and simulation software. Your university or program will likely provide a list of required or recommended software for your courses.

4. Can I use a Mac or do I need a PC for my engineering courses?

Again, this will depend on your specific program and courses. Some engineering software may only be compatible with PC, while others may work on both Mac and PC. It is best to check with your university or program for their guidelines on computer compatibility.

5. Will I be taught how to use computers and software during my engineering courses?

Most engineering courses assume that students have basic computer skills and knowledge. However, some courses may provide tutorials or workshops on specific software or programs used. It is important to actively seek out resources and ask questions if you are unfamiliar with certain software or programs used in your courses.
