Star whose pressure support is degenerate electrons.

In summary, the conversation is about a question asked by the professor regarding the variation of radius in a star composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons with mass. The speaker is unsure where to start and asks for guidance in estimating the radius. The suggestion is to consider electron degeneracy pressure and two links are provided for further information.
  • #1
the ads 13
My professor gave us a question to think about for discussion next week. He asked how the radius of a star, who is composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons, varies with mass. I am not quite sure where to start. How could I estimate the radius?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Your professor is asking a question that requires you to consider hydrostatic equilibrium.
  • #3
the ads 13 said:
My professor gave us a question to think about for discussion next week. He asked how the radius of a star, who is composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons, varies with mass. I am not quite sure where to start. How could I estimate the radius?

If the pressure support is degenerate electrons then you are talking about "electron degeneracy pressure"
That might be a place to start.
  • #4
the ads 13 said:
My professor gave us a question to think about for discussion next week. He asked how the radius of a star, who is composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons, varies with mass. I am not quite sure where to start. How could I estimate the radius?

You might find these two links helpful as well.

White dwarf star matter/pressure radius correlation.

Lecture 19: Extreme Stars
White Dwarfs & Neutron Stars
  • #5

The radius of a star is primarily determined by its mass, as well as its composition and internal structure. In the case of a star composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons, the radius will be affected by the pressure support provided by the degenerate electrons.

Degenerate electrons are a result of the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state. This leads to a highly dense and compact state of matter, with the electrons being tightly packed together and unable to collapse further.

The pressure support provided by degenerate electrons is significant, as it can counteract the gravitational force trying to compress the star. As a result, the radius of the star will be smaller compared to a star of the same mass but without degenerate electrons.

To estimate the radius of such a star, we would need to consider the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium, which relates the pressure and density within the star to its mass and radius. However, the exact calculation would depend on the specific equations of state for the degenerate electrons and ionized hydrogen.

In general, as the mass of the star increases, the pressure from degenerate electrons also increases, leading to a smaller radius. However, the exact relationship between mass and radius would also depend on other factors such as the composition and temperature of the star.

In conclusion, the radius of a star composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons would be smaller than a star of the same mass without degenerate electrons. To estimate the radius, we would need to consider the equations of hydrostatic equilibrium and the specific properties of the degenerate electrons and ionized hydrogen within the star.

FAQ: Star whose pressure support is degenerate electrons.

1. What is a star whose pressure support is degenerate electrons?

A star whose pressure support is degenerate electrons is a type of star that is held up by the degeneracy pressure of its electrons. This means that the electrons in the star are packed so tightly together that they cannot be compressed any further, creating a force that supports the star against its own gravity.

2. How does a star's pressure support from degenerate electrons differ from other types of stars?

In other types of stars, the pressure support comes from thermal energy generated by fusion reactions in the core. However, in a star with degenerate electrons, the pressure support comes solely from the electron degeneracy pressure, as fusion reactions have ceased.

3. What causes a star's electrons to become degenerate?

When a star runs out of hydrogen to fuse in its core, it starts to fuse heavier elements. As the star's core contracts and heats up, the electrons become more energetic and are forced into higher energy states, creating a degeneracy pressure that supports the star.

4. Can a star with degenerate electrons continue to shine?

Yes, a star with degenerate electrons can continue to shine through a process called helium burning. This occurs when the star's core reaches a high enough temperature and pressure to fuse helium nuclei into carbon and oxygen. However, once the star runs out of helium, it will no longer be able to shine.

5. How do scientists study stars with degenerate electrons?

Scientists study these types of stars through observations with telescopes and through theoretical models. They can also study the properties of white dwarfs, which are stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel and are supported by degenerate electron pressure, to gain insight into the behavior of stars with degenerate electron pressure.

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