Calculating Horse Power of Water in Hose

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of power and potential energy in a vertical hose filled with water. The potential energy is calculated by multiplying the area of the hose by its length, the weight density of water, and the average height of the water column. The result is 8 ft-lb. However, horsepower is a unit of power, not energy, so it cannot be used to measure the potential energy in the hose.
  • #1
if i have a hose that is 1" in diameter, and 7 ft long before coming to a U section 4 inches high, and I have this hose full of water standing vertically, how much horse power does this hose of water contain?
Physics news on
  • #2
Power is a rate of energy expenditure. A static vertical tube is not expending any energy, but it does have a potential energy due to the height of the water column. Potential energy is just mgh.

I don't understand what you are saying about the geometry of the hose, so I can't help you calculate the energy in it. However, if the hose were completely vertical, the average height would be 3.5 ft and the potential energy 8ft-lb.

[edit] Since 1 horsepower is 550 ft-lb/sec, if the hose emptied in one second, it would generate an average of .016 horsepower for that second.
  • #3
I don't know how you get 8 ft lbs. can you explain? and what is mgh and why is it only in that unit?
  • #4
Multiply the area of the hose by the length to get volume (be sure to convert to cu ft). The weight density of water (already has "mg" in it) is 62.4 lb/cu ft. Average height 3.5. Multiply that all out...

g=gravitational acceleration
(put them together and you get weight)

Units are whaver you want (I used what you used), just keep them consistent.

[edit] Oops, wait - this isn't homework, is it?
  • #5
no its not homework. I just need to know how much hp is potential energy in this hose.
  • #6
Horsepower is a unit of power, not a unit of energy.
  • #7
well then how much energy is it?
  • #8
8 ft-lb. As russ watters calculated above.

FAQ: Calculating Horse Power of Water in Hose

What is the formula for calculating horse power of water in a hose?

The formula for calculating horse power of water in a hose is: HP = (Q x H) / 1714, where HP is the horse power, Q is the flow rate in gallons per minute, and H is the water head in feet.

How do I measure the flow rate of water in a hose?

To measure the flow rate of water in a hose, you will need a flow meter. This device measures the volume of water flowing through the hose in a given amount of time, typically in gallons per minute (GPM). You can also calculate the flow rate by measuring the time it takes for a known volume of water to pass through the hose.

What is water head and how do I measure it?

Water head is the vertical distance between the water source (such as a pump or tank) and the outlet of the hose. It is measured in feet and is an important factor in calculating the horse power of water in a hose. You can measure water head using a measuring tape or ruler.

What are some common units of measurement for horse power?

The most commonly used units for horse power are horsepower (HP) and kilowatts (kW). In scientific calculations, it is also common to use metric horsepower (PS) or British thermal units per hour (BTU/hr).

How does the diameter of the hose affect the horse power of water?

The diameter of the hose does not directly affect the horse power of water. However, a larger diameter hose will have a greater flow rate, which can result in a higher horse power calculation. This is because a larger volume of water can pass through a larger diameter hose in a given amount of time.

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