How can I refresh my memory of physics before starting my master's program?

  • Thread starter Grieverheart
  • Start date
In summary, the author is applying to a theoretical physics master program and is having difficulty remembering things he learned in his bachelor degree. He suggests that people learn concepts by heart and that it is normal to forget most of what they learn. He also says that it is easier to learn something the second time around.
  • #1
The past June I got my physics degree and because I was working on an important research project on graphenes and had some unexpected results, I wasn't sure If I would finish it on time. Thus, I made my applications for master in the summer and got accepted in Utrecht university for the theoretical physics master (my intention is to follow the path of theoretical condensed matter with computer simulations). The master is starting next in September next year and I will be working till that time (non-physics related job).

My problem is I keep forgetting things I learned in my bachelor and it's so frustrating.Is this normal? My plan is to read classical mechanics/electrodynamics and quantum theory till next September and maybe also prepare myself for quantum field theory and quantum statistical theory. Any suggestions are welcome :) .
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  • #2
I think it's perfectly normal.
If i learn something by heart i forgot nearly everything in 2-14 days.

If I'm trying to understand something and achieve my goal i forgot it sooner or later anyway. But after i forget it, it easier to understand it again.

Using something i understood in problems greatly extends period in which i remember what i had understood.

there is a simple rule - if i don't find something useful, i forget it really fast. But there's nothing wrong in that - why should i remember things, that aren't useful :>
  • #3
Grieverheart said:
My problem is I keep forgetting things I learned in my bachelor and it's so frustrating.Is this normal?

It certainly is. Last week a colleague asked me a few questions about some results in a paper. I realized that I didn't understand quite the results because I had forgotten some of the theory behind it.
It was one of my own papers, I wrote it about three years ago:rolleyes:

The point is that you are not expected to remember everything you learn, especially if you are not reading about or working in that field for a while. But hopefully you'll remember the fundamentals as well as WHERE (not only in which book but more importantly in which context) you can find the information you'll need. It is also much easier to learn something the second time around.

The story above is true, but the part I left out was that it only took me about 30 minutes to re-read (my own) paper and check a couple of details in one of my books before I was able to answer the questions my colleague had asked me.
  • #4
I forget almost nothing of what I learn, I find it really strange how people can forget as much as they do. How is it even possible to function properly when you forget that much?
  • #5
f95toli said:
But hopefully you'll remember the fundamentals as well as WHERE (not only in which book but more importantly in which context) you can find the information you'll need. It is also much easier to learn something the second time around.

that's a pretty good point. I often end up forgetting formulas, as basic as trig inverse integration. But i know how it looks like so when i see a problem which has one or which requires it's usage, all i have to do is lookup for the formula.

forgetting formulas is even worse in Physics, i can't keep track of all of them, quite frankly i never did. But often I'm able to regenerate them or at least (like you said) know where to find it and in what context to use one.
  • #6
If you don't use it, you lose it. But relearning is easier if you learned it once already.
  • #7
Forgetting is a big problem for me too. I figure out something and after a couple of days/weeks I have to figure out the same thing again. Lots of time wasted. I started sending myself emails so I didn't have figure out twice.
I found out that I remember things better when I write them down in my own words. So make notes of fundamental things in your field.
Better yet, try to explain it to yourself or a friend or a class. You'll surely remember.
When you are explaining it to yourself, ask yourself why is it this way, why that way. It'll help.
I used to be surprised at how my boss could remember so many different concepts and specifications. Things are connected in a way or he finds a way to connect them.
  • #8
Personally, if I've used something multiple times in the past, and if i have gotten to fully understand what is going on, then even if, at the present time, i cannot remember the formulas/stuff, directly and how it's done, i have no difficulty at all to derive everything from scratch. For example, if some time passes, i cannot remember how to take the derivatives of some functions or integrate a couple others, or trig identities, or many other stuff of this kind. But, i never find any difficulties deriving these things from scratch. In other words, as long as you have a pretty good understanding of the general idea behind something, i don't think you should have difficulties in filling in the details.
  • #9
Thanks for the replies. It is true that when I check the books, I begin remembering stuff quite quickly. It's sad it works like this for other things too, like sports, playing a music instrument or drawing. I guess my frustration mostly comes from the fact that concentrating on something makes you forget something else. Hm, this may have sounded a bit childish. Anyways, thanks for your help again.
  • #10
Grieverheart said:
Hm, this may have sounded a bit childish.
Nah. The childish thing would be to just assume that you're stupid and give up in frustration.
  • #11
Look at the bright side - once you forget something, you can re-enjoy learning it again!
  • #12
My professor told me (while working on my mathematics degree) Mathematics is like playing the violin. Practice make's perfect, stop practicing and you have some catch up to do to find the skills hidden in your brain. You don't lose it permanently you just need to find it.

FAQ: How can I refresh my memory of physics before starting my master's program?

1. Why do we forget what we learn?

There are many factors that contribute to why we forget what we have learned. Some common reasons include lack of practice or reinforcement, interference from other memories, and traumatic events that can disrupt the formation and retrieval of memories.

2. Can forgetting what we learned be prevented?

While it is natural to forget some information over time, there are strategies that can help prevent or minimize forgetting. These include practicing and reviewing the information regularly, using mnemonic devices or memory techniques, and creating meaningful connections between new information and existing knowledge.

3. Is it normal to forget what we learned?

Yes, forgetting what we have learned is a normal and common occurrence. Our brains are constantly processing and storing new information, and not all of it can be retained for long periods of time. It is important to regularly review and reinforce important information to help with retention.

4. Does age impact our ability to remember what we have learned?

Yes, as we age, our memory and ability to retain information can decline. This is due to changes in the brain and a decrease in certain cognitive abilities. However, with regular practice and use of memory aids, we can still learn and retain new information at any age.

5. Are there any health conditions that can affect our ability to remember what we have learned?

Yes, there are various health conditions that can impact our memory and ability to learn and retain new information. These include Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and brain injuries. It is important to seek medical treatment if you are experiencing significant difficulties with memory and learning.
